Saturday, February 11, 2012

Edgewater: Alleged crime at Bryn Mawr ‘L’; shoplifters hit CVS Pharmacy, says cops

In less than fifteen minutes, two alleged crimes were reported in Chicago’s Edgewater neighborhood.

The first incident occurred at the Bryn Mawr Red Line station at 1119 West Bryn Mawr Avenue, around 1:20 p.m.

Citing preliminary reports, a male black offender assaulted a woman after she caught him trying to pick her pockets.

An investigating officer said he wasn’t sure if the incident was a battery or an attempted pickpocketing.

The suspect, who was last seen wearing a brown hat and a green or olive-green jacket, is approximately 5’7” with a stocky build.

The suspected would-be thief fled the scene eastbound on Bryn Mawr, said police.

A responding officer searched the area, but there was no indication the officer made contact with the suspect.

Approximately twelve minutes later, a theft was reported at an Edgewater neighborhood store.

At 1:32 p.m., someone, presumably an employee, reported two shoplifters at the CVS Pharmacy at 6150 North Broadway, near Broadway and Granville, said police.

Investigators said two male blacks stole ten bottles of Tide detergent from the North Side retailer.

At the time of this report, no further details were available regarding the alleged retail theft.


  1. Tide detergent? I bet it was Tide w/ BLEACH. A lot of them have a bleach fetish or something.

    Check out the show "My Strange Addiction" for the episode "Bathing in Bleach"

    Maybe this was even a copycat based on the TV show???

  2. hmmmm thought blacks used the Aldi brand....Trendil???

  3. They use the Aldi brand when they have to pay for it!

  4. Or they will try to bum off a a capfull of Tide, Wisk, etc... when they see you using a name brand at the laundrymat.

  5. Black = attacked on sight

  6. Black people really are a waste of space.
    I wish all you dirty monkeys would at least try to act like civilized human beings; not chimps.

  7. well at least they'll have clean clothes when they mug you next time

  8. " Anonymous said...

    Black people really are a waste of space.
    I wish all you dirty monkeys would at least try to act like civilized human beings; not chimps."

    classic CNR, racist cesspool

  9. I am surprised that the blog moderator has not blocked “Anonymous” comments. If you are going to make racist comments at least have the stature to leave your name! Alan


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