On Saturday, February 4, 2012, Rev. Gregory Daniels (pictured left), backed by a small group of protesters, showed up at the Enlgewood district police station to express his disapproval of the neighborhood's newly appointed police commander, Leo Schmitz.
Schmitz is white and Daniels thinks Englewood would be better served by a black police commander.
"There's African American people here. 99.9%. They do understand some of our cultural and ethnical differences," said Daniels. "Some of the way we are... the way we dress, the way we wear our hair... so they not so apt to pull us over just 'cause we're wearing dreadlocks."
There was no indication Daniels ever mentioned Schmitz's qualifications or experience.
But how well did Englewood fair when Anthony Carothers, who happens to be black, was the police commander?
According to a January 24, 2012, Chicago Sun-Times article, last year, there was a 40% increase in murders in Englewood and the crime-infested community was responsible for 25% of the murders and shootings in Chicago.
Frankly, we are not surprised by Daniels' blatant racial objections to Schmitz's appointment. After all, this is same negro reverend who once said, "If the KKK opposes gay marriage, I would ride with them".
Sounds like the Reverend Lazy-eye Pimp-threads wants a police force that understands the gang-dominated black-market culture of savage misery and modifies its enforcement of the laws accordingly. They want cops who understand that everybody breaks the law in a lawless ghetto. If I were a police commander, I'd say "The Reverend is right. Don't put me in Englewood."
ReplyDeleteThey should get services commensurate with the amount of taxes they pay, which would mean Englewood would get far less than it does now. These phony reverends are always out to hustle a buck.
ReplyDeleteInstead of worrying about white police commanders, Reverend Daniels needs to worry about the BLACK terrorists murdering the BLACK people in his shitty community.
ReplyDeleteGo fix your eye nignog! Oh yeah, f*ck Englewood bro - it's a joke of a community.
ReplyDeleteIs it time to declare martial law in Englewood ?
ReplyDeleteIt is a war zone.
I feel sorry for the decent people " trapped " in there.
Maybe THEY should for vigilante groups.
Hunt down and eliminate the animals who hurt them.
Ethnical?? The ignorance of those niggers never ends.
ReplyDeleteI like Rev. Daniels' hat.
ReplyDeleteIs it bulletproof ?
Does Rev. Daniels have a real job ?
Has he appointed himself as the community's expert ?
Does his family receive govt. benefits ?
What is the name of his " church " ?
I bet he is a blood sucking pastor who takes from
poor old ladies.
These Rev. are leeches. Do you have a can of RAID ?
Is he wearing an expensive fur collared coat ?
ReplyDeletePurchased with church funds ?
What a hypocrite.
Why does the media give air time to these egotists ?
ReplyDeleteDo they all think that they are the next Rev. Jesse J. ?
its 99.9% black and the neighborhood is going to hell.
ReplyDeleteCLEARLY you monkeys need white people to show you how to live in a civilized manner.
We should take a page out of Detroit's book, and move the borders of Chicago inward. Leave communities like englewood on their own, so the city can run more efficiently. Then it is the state's problem.
ReplyDeleteI thought noticing "ethnical" differences was racist.
ReplyDeleteOnly whites can be " racist ".
ReplyDeleteLearn the rules " they " play by.
They have every right to be worried. This could be the start of gentrification. First a white police commander, then the childless gay couples restoring three flats, then the artists and hipsters, then the awful white families driving up property values and driving down crime rates.
ReplyDeleteLike a cancer they will spread, bringing with them galleries, drycleaners, quirky boutiques, and ironic nightclubs with downmarket interiors and upmarket cocktail menus.
When you see gluten free beer being sold through bulletproof glass at the corner liquor store, you will know the Reverends have lost the war.
How come they're allowed to say I'm not welcome in their neighborhood, but if Ithey aren't allowed in mine, I'm tarred & feathered & strung up a flagpole as a racist?
ReplyDelete@ 5:06pm LMAO that soooo true!!!!
ReplyDeleteI have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
ReplyDeleteI have a feeling that if this pimp of a "reverend" prayed to God to make his eyes the same, he would wake up with TWO lazy eyes.
ReplyDeleteThey have had a black commander for a number of years and nothing in the neighborhood has obviously changed for the better (and probably never will). But anyways if this was reversed and a black commander was moved to a pre-dominately white community; there most likely would not be a protest and if there was you would see it all over the news probably not just in Chicago but national news and they would be targeted as racists. These Englewood black protesters are racists. I feel bad for the new commander because he has to deal with the community who doesn't embrace the change. Makes it tough for him. Just being in charge of the Englewood community would be hard; who would actually want that job! But guess what...their little protest isn't going to make a big difference. The mayor and superintendent appointed him for a reason. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteIt is amazing in this day and age that experts on fairytales can appoint themselves "community leaders" based on the merit that they've memorized a poorly written book from thousands of years ago.
ReplyDeletePlus, dressing like a pimp? Uh, no.
But this white commander is not diverse. Only a black police commander can be diverse.
ReplyDeleteThat's how diversity works.
Mayor Harold washington appointed these "community leaders / tribal leaders" to government position with no prior experience or education - chicago is STILL dealing with these people and their lawsuits....Obama has done the same thing to the USA - the SAME thing. It's like planet of the Apes.
ReplyDeleteThis is just so backwards. Englewood is the most disgusting, crime-ridden, gangster infested neighborhood in the Midwest, if not America.
ReplyDeleteThe former black commander has been dogged by allegations of nepotism, corruption, and accusations of being a clout puppet. While I don't know if any of that is true, I do know that his 'hood has spiraled completely out of control. Like the "good revrun" said, this neighborhood is virtually 100% black, and virtually 100% unliveable.
I honestly believe that blacks don't care how bad they act, or how out of control their "youth" are, or how poorly the rest of the country views them, as long as "they get theirs," they're happy.
But guess what, black people of Englewood & Chicago? While you may see it as a victory if you can get the white police chief expelled, all you're doing is guaranteeing further generation upon generation of lives of crime, drug addiction, gangster life, teens girls pumping out babies with no father around, and your "men" being dead or in prison by the early 20's.
Is this what you want?
Yo Yo, word yall....
ReplyDeleteThis place we live no long a white nation.
We all need mor emancipation.
Say no to segregation
Diversity perversity at the po station word yall,
Hire a black commander!
Peace out.
MC dubl dawg
In this day and age, the fact that anybody believes in a Christian God is appalling.
ReplyDeleteI didn't hear much about religion until I was in my late teens.
"So wait, you're telling me, a invisible person lives up in the sky and controls my life? He instilled into me a powerful desire to screw everything in sight, but I'm not allowed to? There is unlimitedknowledge available but I'm not allowed to access it because it's evil? Some hippie guy did some cheap magic tricks and everybody believed in his bullshit? Where did all the fucking dinosaur bones come from?? Why did God create men who wanted to fuck other men but then said it's bad?" etc. Really petty, arbitrary superbeing if you ask me. And who created him/her?
By and large Christianty was devised for white people and ex-Jews and why in the hell black people have glommed onto it is beyond me.
God and religion were invented by man to help those in power control the masses. By teaching people to believe in an invisible higher power that pre-determines everybody's destiny, ancient rulers were able to more easily keep their subjects in line without having to resort to excessive brutality that could lead to an uprising.
ReplyDelete"Why am I the king, entitled to the fruits of your labor and the virginity of your women? Why, because God said so!"
It's always been that way throughout history - from King David of the Israelites, to medieval rulers in Europe, land barons in France & England, monks in Asia, Pharoahs in Egpyt, Caliphs in the middle east since then, etc., etc., even up to today's nutjobs like Ahmenijad in Iran, Castro in Cuba, the Branch Davidians in Waco, and Warren Jeffs, just to name a few.
Flip to Chicago, and the reverends on the south side use it for the exact same reason. They can come out & claim to be a "Man of God," and justify stealing from the congregation, having a different set of laws/rules that they can live by, and keep their subjects (congregation) in line. The "leaders" never cared about the quality of life of their people, they just cared about remaining in power.
So just like when someone from another tribe would come in & claim to have a better connection to God, he was executed by the local rulers; here we see the local "reverend" get upset that he won't have his hand-picked police chief in that district anymore, and since he can’t execute Rahm or Gerry McCarthy, he pulls out that worn, used trick up his sleeve we see all to often in Chicago – the race card.
Would you like to see what happens when a black community gets a black police commander, a mostly black police force, and a black city council? Take a walk through Gary, Indiana.
ReplyDeleteA community of all ignorant blacks will always turn into a sewage tank.Bring in the Army and have them patrol the streets in A-1 Abrams tanks.I if you do this the punk crimals will leave.So you should consider running the houses over with the tanks of all the crimals first.
ReplyDeleteall blacks are recist.
ReplyDeleteNo one says a country that is 100% Black needs more diversity.
ReplyDeleteNo one says a country that is 100% Asian needs more diversity.
They are already 100% diverse.
All White countries and only White countries always need to be more diverse.
White countries only stop needing to be more diverse when there are no White people left in them.
Diversity is a codeword for White geNOcide.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
Do you support the global white genocide policy of mass immigration and "assimilation" imposed only on the white countries of the world?
ReplyDeleteAnti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
I have a question for the anti-White academics:
ReplyDelete“African-American studies” celebrates blacks
“Asian-American studies” celebrates asians
“Chicano studies” celebrates hispanics
“Whiteness studies” denies that White people even EXIST, and that these White people (who don’t exist) have unearned “White privilege”
Here is my question:
Who do you think you are kidding anti-Whites?
“Anti-racism” is just a code word for anti-WHITE.
They want a savage negro chief so they can carry on with their savage negro ways unchecked.
ReplyDeleteWhites naturally gravitate towards cleanliness, order, and civilization.
Negroes naturally gravitate towards filth, anarchy, and ruin.
A minute fractal representing a design which repeats itself throughout our country. This is systemic failure and it's going to get a lot worse before we find a new equilibrium within a new model. Those of you who don't believe the music of the spheres has a divine origin may find yourselves praying fervently anyway when the machine comes to a grinding halt.
ReplyDeleteMarcosolo: WHAT? Take your meds already for Christ's sake.
ReplyDeletethose fuckin mullys should pick up their own fucking trash and get off their lazy nigger asees and get a fuckin job. the city of chicago should boot your asses out and bring back the days of nigger beating when the italians and polish would beat the niggers with sticks back in the 60's. my grandfather lived back in the 40's in englewood before the goddamn mulians turned it into a shithole. then the fuckin spics ruined the once proud community of humbolt park, and the goddamn niggers ruined harrison street once a proud area of whites only
ReplyDeleteNiggers are worthless.
ReplyDeleteAre you all ready for the coming racial civil war when the economy totally collapses and the govt checks and food stamps stop getting to the poor downtrodden minorities ?lol
ReplyDeleteno blacks no crime...they still think they are in africa
ReplyDeletethis guy in the picture above eats on foodstamps..talks on government phone...lives on unemployment..wears clothes from church funds and talks about community....englewood filled with most of these people...who knows he might be a murderer and because of his community he is still free