A waitress is recovering after she was savagely attacked at a Fairview Heights, Illinois, restaurant, said police.
On the evening of December 30, 2011, four female black customers entered the Red Lobster at 110 Ludwig Drive, along Interstate 64.
While there, the four women got into a verbal and physical confrontation with a female "white" server, according to several sources.
FOX 2 KTVI claims the trouble started when the waitress mixed up the customers' orders.
"They were belligerent to their server. One of them ended up throwing a full glass of soda in her face and then all four of them attacked her," said Detective Tim Mueller to several St. Louis, Missouri, news stations.
The waitress reportedly sustained "cuts on her nose, a swollen eye, and missed a few days of work".
A woman claiming to be the victim's aunt, said clumps of hair were pulled from the victim's scalp.
Making matters worse, the manager at the Red Lobster let the female attackers go without calling 911, or getting their license plate information, said the victim's so-called relative.
Investigators are still searching for the suspects.
Photo: Kmov.com
Video: fox2now.com
Time for the big "WHITES ONLY" like "Down South".
ReplyDeletebtw: Niggers don't tip anyway.
Fuk u Tim, you are racist, and it shows. its funny how these people dont like blacks yet they spens alot of time and energy watching what blacks do. I dont like metsl music and i have the slightest idea of whats going on in that genre. My point is why are you so active in following blacks? Im sure tou have arthritic fingers but nevertheless why not report the honley who went on the stabbing spree at that bar? Look up his facebook, email his mom, call his church.......
ReplyDeleteThe defender of black degenerates strikes, again! Bitch, go sit your looney, cartoon-looking ass down somewhere.
ReplyDeleteKeeping ourselves safe from the black beast is a 24/7 job, Anon, we must be ever vigilant.
ReplyDeleteTimothy Fitz is BLACK himself. He hates n i g g e r s now because they use to beat him up in high school. Hey Tim, don't try to suck up to us bro. You can be racist to your own species but us whites don't care about you or your police scanner. haha
ReplyDeleteThe honkey that stabbed the people in the bar was assaulted - so it was more or less self-defense.
ReplyDelete4 on 1 attack is self defense? I would call you a stupid nigger, but I'm sure you already know you are well below human intelligence. So I will just tell you to go back to WorldStarHipHop and stop browsing websites meant for humans.
ReplyDeleteblack people are just such a waste of space
ReplyDeleteI always give lousy service to spooks so they won't come back.
ReplyDeleteWhat's up with the *** on a free speech blog?
ReplyDeleteThe real story is why Red Lobster is hiring Whites and not Reds.
ReplyDeleteMcDonalds and Chuck-E-Cheese should also be on the "do not visit" list. They are equally as unsafe.
ReplyDeleteThe pulling out of the hair is a VERY CLASSIC move. Cant tell you how many white women I personally know have had this happen to them. Hmmmmmmmmm wonder why. Jealous of the "good hair" maybe????? This is why I now carry protection. None of these beasts are coming anywhere near me or my straight hair
ReplyDeleteAfrica has no written language or recorded history.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said... February 6, 2012 7:01 AM “its funny how these people dont like blacks yet they spens [sic] alot [sic] of time and energy watching what blacks do.”
ReplyDeleteAre you saying that black criminals should be ignored? You must be a mainstream media journalist. LOL
And it is not as if one needs to expend tremendous amounts of energy following black crime, it is rampant.
Anonymous said... February 6, 2012 7:01 AM “I dont like metsl [sic] music and i have [sic] the slightest idea of whats going on in that genre.”
This is a total non sequitur. Personal taste in music is not an analogy for crime.
Anonymous said... February 6, 2012 7:01 AM “My point is why are you so active in following blacks?”
Perhaps it is because blacks are responsible for a disproportionate amount of violent crime, much of which is unreported or under-reported.
Your position on these matters could be summarized thusly: reporting black crime is “racist”, and the proper course of action is ignoring the problem.
Unless, of course, blacks decide that they want to have their crime issues addressed, and demand greater police presence, etc. Then, in that case, the situation is reversed: ignoring black crime suddenly becomes “racist”. Basically, anything can be “racist” at any time, for any reason.
It is not hard to see why a lot of non-blacks are very irritated by this kind of disingenuous nonsense.
Anonymous said... February 6, 2012 7:01 AM “Im sure tou [sic] have arthritic fingers but nevertheless why not report the honley [sic] who went on the stabbing spree at that bar? Look up his facebook, email his mom, call his church....... “
The mainstream media is already all over that one, never fear.
Also, I predict that you will not see hordes of whites vehemently and incoherently defending the actions of Daniel Olaska.
Lol @ Castellan, blacks dont want their crime issues addressed. If they did, they wouldnt throw bottles and shoot at the police when they come into the hood. They also wouldnt TAKE EVERY OPPORTUNITY TO SUE the City or the CPD for doing their job.
ReplyDeleteWe will take care of our white trash and criminals, there are far fewer of them per capita than blacks and latinos.
ReplyDeleteYou guys say evolution does not exist, but the current struggle we are experiencing is the force of evolution right in front of you. On one hand we have mother nature pimping a over-breeding, invasive species that destroys everything in sight (a walking cancer), on the other hand we have a more or less prolific, self sufficient species that seeks to better itself, further the causes of intelligence, science, etc and can move the planet forward.
What if there were an asteroid heading towards Earth and it needed to be destroyed? What if the sun started its final death cycle and we had to evacuate the planet in 100 years? Do you think some "afleet", rap lovin' sex obsessed monkey is going to go into a lab and devise a strategy to save us all? If the fruitcake social workers and community activists have their way, we'll all feel good about listening to lazily spoken profanity, feetsball, Koaldashian sisters, real whorewives of New Jersey and other stupid shit and never see what is out there in the rest of the universe.
If there's life on other planets, do they or did they have their equivalent of this black cancer? What did or are they doing about it? I bet if we ever make first contact, they would have disposed of whatever passed for niggers on their planet.
ReplyDelete"Dating columnist" Ana Fernatt is a butterface and only saving grace for her is that she is not a landwhale.
Let's not even be that grandiose or revert to such science fiction concepts.
ReplyDeleteHow many black "yoofs" do you know ever had an urge to learn how to tuckpoint, or fix a water main? Do they even know how electricity and plumbing works, or is just magical power and water from the white man? If their stolen laptops and Ipods broke, would they have a concept of how to fix them?
If white people disappeared, within a year all of the world would be like one of those post-apocalyptic movies where everything is barren and destroyed and roving bands of savage tribes are pillaging whatever is left.
Anyplace that is completely black-run is like Haiti or African nations, sub-human primates are incapable of creating and maintaining an industrialized society without the help of humans. I never gave money after the earthquake, I knew it was going to be misappropriated.
I could write this kind of shit for days.
Maureen said... February 7, 2012 2:24 AM “…blacks dont want their crime issues addressed. If they did, they wouldnt throw bottles and shoot at the police when they come into the hood. “
ReplyDeleteOf course they are not serious about addressing any of their dysfunction, but whenever some reverend or other enabler wants to grandstand, they will talk a good game.
Maureen said... February 7, 2012 2:24 AM “They also wouldnt TAKE EVERY OPPORTUNITY TO SUE the City or the CPD for doing their job. “
The City encourages this behavior by routinely settling out of court: “Ghetto Lottery”.
Watch...they will find the attackers who will then end up having a news conference with Gloria Allred and Jesse Jackson, all claiming that THEY are the victims of sexism and racism by Red Lobster. Under threats of a boycott, Red Lobster will apologize and will then promise to institute "diversity training" for all of its employees. They will also issue vouchers for free cheddar biscuits to all "women and people of color who may have been offended."
ReplyDelete"They managed to finish their meal, then complained about the service." TNB totally.
ReplyDelete"They managed to finish their meal, then complained about the service." TNB totally.
ReplyDeleteOh you got that right. I used to work at a bar/restaurant, we used to cringe when black customers came in, because it always meant:
1) Non-existent tip. We're talking, they always pay cash, and leave $1-$2, regardless of bill size. And at that place, a dinner for two with two drinks each was at least $60.
2) Complaints about everything. How long they have to wait. Complain that people who came after them were seated first (even though that was never true). Complain about how slow service was, especially as compared to the table of white people. Complain about how the food was cooked, but like here, AFTER THEY EAT IT. Pulling out a few of their nappy hairs and putting them on the food. Always in an attempt to get the bill reduced or entirely comped, as well as free desert.
The worst was, complaining about how strong the drinks were, again, always after they had finished. I've literally had them complain about martinis - which are all liquor!
I honestly think blacks train their children at a young age to scream, "raycist raycist raycist," whenever they don't get what they want. They know that so many whites are scared to be accused of racism that they'll bend over backwards to accomodate them. Well F that, I'm glad I work in a learned profession that has very, very few black clients.
Anonymous said... February 9, 2012 2:24 PM “… blacks train their children at a young age to scream, "raycist raycist raycist," whenever they don't get what they want. They know that so many whites are scared to be accused of racism that they'll bend over backwards to accomodate them.”
ReplyDeleteThe media and the government encourage and reward this behavior, thereby insuring that you will get more and more of it. Liberal whites are tortured with guilt while simultaneously driven by the desire to appear morally superior to everyone and so they are a big part of the problem.
No matter how much whites appease them, it will never be enough to satisfy blacks.
Yeah, look at the Boystown mess, millions have been spent on "transient youth" but they still want more. The idea of getting a job so they can actually SPEND MONEY THERE doesnt occur to me. Only a simpleton can go and "hang out" w/o money day after day, week after week, year after years. Boystown thugs and most mental health clients in this city are so fucking dumb, they make retards seem like geniuses.
ReplyDeleteWell, when we White folks are finally destroyed who will provide civilization for blacks and browns? They are incapable of doing anything for themselves. Everything this world has was invented by Whites.
ReplyDeleteLibtards and their pet niggers are disgusting...............and violent