Monday, at 12:47 a.m., a 911 caller reported a woman screaming on the street near West Wilson Avenue and North Dover Street.
After speaking with the victim, police determined the woman was robbed on Wilson, somewhere between Beacon and Dover.
Investigators said the suspect is a male black, 5’10” to 6-feet-tall, with a thin build.
The crook was wearing a dark blue hooded sweatshirt, a tan vest, and baggy pants, said police.
After the robbery, the thief fled southbound on Beacon from Wilson.
Citing preliminary reports, no weapons were used during the crime.
At the time of this report, the offender was still at large.
Love the Profile name lol!!!
ReplyDeleteLmao at any new condo owners in Uptown! Good luck bro
ReplyDeleteI dont think a lot of people realize that Uptown and Rogers Park are home to some serious criminals. Aside from the the "regular" gangs, the SROs and halfway houses hold violent criminals on parole and mentally ill people that are potentially dangerous. I had to learn this the hard way AFTER moving to Rogers Park. I love it when my friends say "oh the neighborhood will get better". Um it wont, ever sorry! Some lady on the EB blog was complaining about how people were trying to sell her their Link card in the Morse Freshmarket parking lot and some goofball "community organizer" actually told her that only 1% of Link card users are actually fraudulent!!!! Sir where the HELL did you get that crap from??????? I personally know like 10 losers that abuse that card. Please give me a break!!!!
ReplyDeleteI know youre wondering how I personally know these losers. Theyre House Music DJs/Dope dealers. I mean I love my House Music but.........................
ReplyDeleteThis is exactly what happened to the South West Side of Chicago from 1996-1999 the change was so quick so sudden. My family moved except my parents refused to move believing it was still there block and schools....we the children at the time suffered.
ReplyDeleteDo you know what its like to being the only white guy or one of the two white guys in an entire class of black people who hate you?
@2:58am, That wouldnt be bad since black people are completely incapable of being racist. You were simply imagining things.
ReplyDeleteThose "community activists" and social workers are often just as mentally ill as their clients.
ReplyDeleteI met a real hot one that looked kind of like Elisabeth banks, kind of, but as soon as I checked out her Facebook page I saw she was a single mother with a nice little half-breed turdler, that was it for me, once you go black, I don't want you back. Their webpage is nothing but granola nut crunch Lakeview liberals obsessed with terra cotta and taking proud pictures with black people who aren't receiving nearly enough "gibs".
I'm going to start my own movement and protest their protests, it is going to be f-ing EPIC.
I dated a social worker too lol. He was a raging drunk and pill popper in addition to doing an eightball of coke every week. Classic spoiled daddy's boy that studied art history and found out the hard way that he wasnt going to make any money from that so he worked at Grammaphone records for $8.00 an hour. So lazy too! He would take every chance he could to try and make ME feel crazy by diagnosing me from that DSM guide. What a crazy manipulative asshole! Talk about enabling bad behavior, he works at Threshholds and laughs because all the "residents" are drug addicts and prostitutes and no one there really does any kind of real work except to give them their meds. His job is a joke and he knows it. Last I heard from him 6 years after we broke up, he was sending his "spirits" after me to haunt me for supposedly giving him the date rape drug. He is also a closeted homosexual. It is really disturbing how crazy social workers are and have no business being in charge of other people's mental health. I literally had to threaten him with a restraining order to get him to leave me alone. I had half a mind to report him to the Illinios licensing dept, but I didnt.
ReplyDeleteThresholds is greatly responsible for the misery in Uptown, Rogers Park and Edgewater, along with a few other places.
ReplyDeleteThere is one Jewish agency that seems hellbent on getting every lazy piece of shit on Section 8 and Welfare/SSDI possible.
I'd have to say most of those women do look good in tight jeans though, I fill the spank bank everytime I have to cross pass with them.
There's a social worker up there in one of those Uptown "parks" (neighborhoods, whatever you call them) that was having an "online" hissy fit about the non-service she received down at the Water Tower Mall. That particular store she was bit*hing about hires pretty much all work-for-welfare lowlifes. Seems like a vicious circle don't ya think?
ReplyDeleteNEWS FLASH!!!!
ReplyDeleteyoung black males are still committing crimes and acting like the inferior savages they are.