Recently, two youngsters decided to settle their differences by rolling around the subway floor at the Jackson Red Line station.
Before any real violence erupted, a man holding a guitar stepped in and put an end to the confrontation.
Undeniably, there is nothing comical about violence, but watching two scrawny kids in skinny jeans acting like street thugs is downright hilarious!
Luckily, no one got seriously injured. That is… if you don’t count the so-called loser’s bruised ego.
Photos and video courtesy of YouTube user DemetriusGreen
Too bad they didn't wrestle each other off the platform and onto the third rail.
ReplyDeleteI'm down there a lot. Surprised there's not more violent behavior as there is negligible police/security presence.
ReplyDeleteCouple of juvenile baboons with their brightly colored asses hanging out, probably fighting over a banana. This is real David Attenborough material.
ReplyDeleteProlly scratching each other over whether they should go to Spin or Scarlet.
ReplyDeleteAnother case of blacks making the CTA a bad experience. It just never ends, does it?
ReplyDeleteI have not been on the train but once in the past two months and my happiness has increased exponentially.
ReplyDeleteat least these two have a bit of sense. a adult broke them up and they complied. also note they are not dressed like thugs released from prison 3 days ago. they both have a sense of fashion that is not from the 90's(ie those god awful baggy pants and stupid ass white tshirts)Most likely friends in a emotional dispute. these are not your typical ghetto trash thugs with a i.q. of 70 or below. just an observation
ReplyDelete@10:44: You call belting your pants around your thighs below your ass "a sense of fashion?" The people who do that look like full-blown retards.
ReplyDeleteThis was so boring, and hardly "hood." They appear to be college students (at least to intelligent folks). And, they look gay. Probably a lovers quarrel.
ReplyDeleteIt's good to see these gentlemen wear some regular pants instead of the gang uniform. Baggy pants and XXXL White T-shirt.
ReplyDelete@12:03 If they're gay, that explains why they dress with their underwear sticking out. They're shopping for boyfriends.
ReplyDelete@1:12...Well, it clearly attractive to someone. LOL. I don't get it, but to each his own. I'll never understand letting you ass hang out. But, mostly I don't get how that's comfortable in the front. Is the cock sorta hanging out too? That's pretty fucked up if so.
ReplyDeleteIf they were "searching for boyfriends" with their booty out like that, there certainly are alot of "straight" DL's in this city "searching" in the same manner as well. I wouldn't even acknowledge anybody dressed like that. And won't.
ReplyDeleteTypical Nig Nog behavior
ReplyDeleteNext I think someone should focus on how the Harold Washington library has been taken over by the homeless and gangbangers. There was a guy I saw get thrown out a few times who punches the air and twitches violently, it seems like he might hit you if you ge too close.
ReplyDeleteTwo guys were grunting and screwing in the stall on the third floor.
Take a walk past all the computers, almost every screen will be filled with bouncing buttocks and a big black cock in it.
I've given up, either order them online and have them delivered to a "safe" branch, and just buy the books I want used or buy Kindle books. At many of the smaller branches homeless guys get buzzed into the bathroom and just stay there for hours doing God knows what, probably fapping or sleeping.
Yeah 144 am, I know what you mean, many of the public libraries in this city, especially in the loop & south loop, have become de facto homeless shelters.
ReplyDeleteNEVER, EVER use a public bathroom in a place like that which, in the name of "diversity" and "political correctness," lets anybody through it's doors.
Same goes with bathrooms in public dining places like at the State Street Macy's or the cafeteria at Chase Tower. I have friends that work at Chase Tower, and they told me they never use the bathrooms down there, they will make sure they go & wash up at the bathrooms on the private floors they work at. They also told me that those bathrooms don't stock paper towel, because the homeless routinely bathe themselves in the sinks, and no PT makes it more difficult.
If I'm in the loop & have to take a sh!t, and can't (or don't want to) go back to my office, I look for bathrooms on higher floors of stores that are willing to chase out the dirty homeless, there are good ones on the higher floors of Macy's, also good ones on the upper floors of that shopping development at State & Washington.
Oh also it's absolutely ridiculous that there aren't filters on those computers to block porn. I have also seen what you're talking about, and literally have seen black sketchy looking guys watching porn with one hand in their pants, as children play 20 feet away. They should be arrested on the spot.
ReplyDeleteWhite people view black people as unpredictably violent, it can erupt suddenly without warning. It always seems that aggression is at the forefront of their every interaction with others.
ReplyDeleteWhyte Boi.....that aggression is rooted in their inability to properly communicate (even amongst themselves), inferiority complexes and "black male insecurity".
ReplyDeleteI really don't view them as anything different than myself other than our skin color and the aforementioned....and the violence of course.