Monday, January 9, 2012

Edgewater shooting: Man shot, killed on Kenmore Avenue

A male victim was shot and killed in Chicago’s Edgewater neighborhood, said police.

The deadly shooting occurred late Monday night around 11:43 p.m.

Investigators found the fatally wounded victim in an alley behind 5833 North Kenmore Avenue, near Kenmore and Ardmore.

Moments before the shooting, witnesses reportedly heard a man screaming for help.

Tipsters described the shooters as two male blacks wearing masks and dark-colored, hooded sweatshirts.

One offender's baggy pants nearly fell down as he was running away from the crime scene, said police.

A 911 caller told police two men jumped a fence at 5816 North Kenmore; one of them was possibly holding a gun.

Initially, investigators said the shooting victim was taken to Illinois Masonic Hospital in critical condition.

However, subsequent police communications confirmed the victim died from his injuries. 

Around 1:02 a.m., police arrested a black male suspect wearing a dark green hooded sweatshirt on the 5800 block of North Sheridan Road.

Prior to the suspect's arrest, investigators said the man ran when he saw police in the area.

It's unclear if the suspect's detention is related to the murder on Kenmore Avenue.


  1. According to the self-described "highly educated liberals" there, "these things just happen" and "it comes along with the territory". I beg to differ on all accounts and feel they need to get out and experience the world a bit more.

    The Subway seems to be doing quite well already, by the way. Nice to see that corner even more active with - legitimate - business. Peace.

  2. Their apathy is the result of high dosages of anti-depressants. I live in Rogers Park and wondered why all the white "progressives" are so passive. The "Everyblock" blog is even worse. These people are part of the problem because not only do they accept it, they almost embrace it. God forbid you even point out the truth to them. They'll call you negative, hateful, and racist.

  3. All of the white liberals are gonna say it has nothing to do with race. I have actually tried to discuss these issues about race and crime and how blacks are destroying the edgewater community. I usually get bashed, but I'm not changing my opinion. I've been living in chicago all of my life, and I am used to being labeled a racist.

    And I'm not saying this just because it happened on the north side, I'm saying this to remind you what's causng our neighborhoods to collapse. When edgewater was mostly white, you could hear penny drops in the daytime, ever since multiculturalism invaded all I hear is gun shots and body drops. This is the 4th shooting I've heard within 6 months on the north side. The liberals call it "Gang related activity", I call it "Black activity."

    Just remember, you liberals can lie all of you want, but when you become a victim or feel endangered, just remember what I said... EQUALITY IS A LIE!

  4. Can you please follow up on the investigation of this story? I'm curious to know whether the shootings are now completely random.

  5. As long as the spooks keep killing other spooks, it's all good.

  6. Who cares what others think or say? Last time I checked we were free to voice our opinions. Anyone with half a brain can look at the statistics. It isn't being racist. Look at the schools and the problems we are having with education due to lack or zero amount of parent involvement. The facts are the facts. As a teacher, I have seen more than many have in a lifetime. As long as "anyone" is allowed to have children, not take responsibility and continue to collect money from the govt., this will continue.

    Unfortunately, gangs do play a large role. They recruit young kids to do their dirty work bc they know the kids will go to juvilnile detention and get right out. Look at Uptown. Fighting over turf! How many innocent people need to get shot before something is done? I live a block from Wrigley and this area is currently out of control! Break ins, people being held up at gun point, etc etc. The bottom line, it's time to take back our communities vs complain about it on a blog.

  7. Racial integration has proven to be the biggest mistake this society has ever made. The results have just about ruined this country.

  8. I guess I shouldn't be surprised to find racist whining in the comments here. It is a bit sad, though.

    I'd post stats, but meh. "Can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into" and all that.

    Wow, black's (brown people) are responsible for everything, well let's go to the tape “tiny jack”, what's the score; white vs. black. In the Atlantic slave trade, white people killed 0; blacks killed, and estimated 10 million souls (white folks are in the lead)! Whites wiped out the pre-Columbian (indigenous brown people) population (for North, Meso and South America) to the score of 300 million (low estimate, CONSERVATIVELY) souls (white folk in the lead, amazing team work)! Need I go further, white folk vs. India (brown south Asian people); China (yellow people, remember the Opium wars); Africa (brown people and anything else that breaths); and South Pacific (brown people); Australia (aboriginal brown people); other white folk (who don’t behave); and heck since the rise of the Greek civilization any non-white male Homo sapiens have been “sh..t” out of luck when encountering you suckers in a group, I mean really you even get brown people to kill each other for you (great job by the way). Your greatest invention for the planet, institutional dissembling (the major regions all created by white folk ; white folk defined as a phenotype of noticeable pale skin, but more aptly global suicidal behavior) on a mega scale (you did create theater). So all in all you’ve cause the deaths of a billion souls (CONSERVATIVELY), but I know you can do better. You even dream of make-believe (ego “dissemblation” word) civilization and alien cultures to destroy in your spare time! You now control communications, the air, food, medical, arms and water supply for the entire planet from which your global eugenic plan (white folk only) is fully underway (God bless you, “tiny jack”, literally)!
    Back to the Edgewater shooting, the fools that cause the death of the single soul should suffer, as he can’t be replaced, no one should forget his single death and those who caused it, AS WELL AS the billion that proceeded him by the hand (plan) of white folk… and YES WE KEEP SCORE!

  10. To 9:27 AM:
    There's no way there were 300 million people in the pre Columbian Americas.
    They didn't have the food for even 50 million.
    And those "estimates" are just that. Absurd numbers made up by loons who want to blame everyone else for their problems.

  11. I cannot participate on a lot of local message boards because of the liberal posters there.
    They have undying support for all of society's undesirables, no matter how ill their behavior.
    Every thread not posted by the "regulars" goes the same way:
    A person complains about something legitimate, like chronic panhandling. They bend over backwards to make the post as PC as possible.
    Some a$$bite in a cheap suit goes over the post with a fine tooth comb and picks it apart, usually an ad hominem attack. They then, like some varieties of stinging wasps, release the pheremones that summon the other liberals, and then they browbeat that person to death,t hey either give into the groupthink, or flounce and get banned from the "block".

  12. The readers of the prominent Uptown blog all have the same weird mental affliction, they are obsessed with terra cotta and yuppie stuff while living in the midst of a warzone.
    They read all the self-help feel good books and try to apply the psychological concepts within to people who are basically creatures of pure ID and have no real concept of civilization and how to thrive within in. When anything other than a Mom and Pop business wants to move into the neighborhood they throw a fit and bitch about it endlessly. And then harass some slumlord for removing the terra cotta from their s-h-i-thole building.
    There's a reason some of these chain restaurants exist, they HAVE A QUALITY PRODUCT THAT MANY PEOPLE ENJOY. Duh!

  13. Why is it that all the racist comments are all under anonymous authors. Stand up for what you believe in if you feel so strongly.

    The fact of the matter is that its an economic thing, not a racial thing. Do you honestly believe that none of the crimes committed on the northside are done by white offenders???

    " two male blacks wearing masks and dark-colored, hooded sweatshirts " at almost midnight. So, 2 men wearing MASKS and hooded were identified as black, doesn't that just sound stupid?

  14. It's easy to identify the spooks...they all walk like gorillas.

  15. Black trash... it's an economic thing... please. You may be born into the ghetto.. but it's a choice to stay there and to be ghetto.

  16. I have no fucking problem identifying myself. Would any of you PC clowns like to hash this out face to face? Ill take it there. Please! Of course since most of you goons like to handle everything in a physical fashion Ill bring some fun protection. I dont need my pretty face messed up.

  17. "Of course since most of you goons like to handle everything in a physical fashion Ill bring some fun protection."


  18. In a couple of years, there will be a massive crusade to restore sanity to America, and white, proud Americans will reveal themselves and march in the streets to get rid of the ghetto trash, the illegals, and everybody else who contributes nothing to society. We're going to vote the right people into office. We'll boycott anything and everything that has to do with the disgusting rap culture that infests America like pubic lice, and we'll beat the hell out of our kids if they act like w-i-g-g-e-rs and give them up the the state if they don't straighten up and act white.


  20. @ 8:26 pm um no guess again and its pain inflicting.

  21. Well, class and race can't really be pulled apart in America. This was deliberately engineered as part of the Southern Strategy to get the racists to vote Republican.

    Worked, too. I bet none of the racists above whining about liberals vote Democratic.

  22. @ Brian, so when people like me simply point out the truth that there is far more blacks in the city of chi committing crimes, that makes me racist right? Please give us some of your stats to back up your statements. Im actually not racist at all, just simply aware of the facts. Unlike some people, I would like nothing more than to see people of all races become educated and succeed in life. It would be better for all of us. I have no problem with skin color. What I do have a problem with are criminals, gangbangers and other assorted trash esp females that get payed to shit out more and more children. Yes I vote Republican because I disagree with lib Dems that pander to a welfare State that consistantly encourages and rewards bad behavior, while others work hard, pay exhorbitant taxes, use birth-control, educate themselves, and otherwise contribute to society as a whole. Feel free to correct my grammatical errors as I typed this quickly because I am on my way to WORK.

  23. @ Brian, by the way you can do a lot with statistics. When you are willing to discuss ratios then we can talk.

  24. @maureen: Well, you weren't talking about liberals (other than "PC clowns") previously, so I wasn't really addressing you. I do think the internet tough guy thing is hilarious, though.

    "Brian, so when people like me simply point out the truth that there is far more blacks in the city of chi committing crimes, that makes me racist right?"

    Nah, it's what you do with the information. I mean, yes, the majority of murderers in Chicago are black. The majority of murder VICTIMS in Chicago are also black. The black unemployment rate is 4x the white one. Poverty increases crime. Put that all together and you start to get a better picture.

    Why is the black unemployment rate higher? Simply put, racism:

    * Job applicants with stereotypically "white" names are up to 50% more likely to get a call back than those with stereotypically "black" names even if all other characteristics are the same (source:

    * White applicants with criminal records are more likely to receive a call back than black applicants without one, even if all other characteristics are the same (source:

    * Black men with college degrees are twice as likely as their white counterparts to be unemployed (source:

    * Black scientists in the US are much less likely to be awarded funding than their white counterparts, says a US government research-funding agency. (source:

  25. * Applicants with white-sounding names are 60% more likely to receive a positive response from a landlord after a rental query than those with black-sounding names, even when other characteristics are the same (source:

    * Blacks and Latinos are more likely to be searched by the police after a traffic stop, even though whites are four times more likely to have contraband such as drugs or drug paraphernalia (source:

    * 80% of those the NYPD stopped and interrogated since 2004 were black or Latino. 90% of those stopped were never arrested or issued a summons (source:

    * Even though blacks and whites use drugs at roughly the same rates, blacks are from 2.8 to 5.5 times more likely to be arrested for drug offenses (source:

    * Teachers have lower expectations for children with "black" names regardless of their observed ability, even when compared to other black children with less identifiably "black" names (source:

    Those drug convictions all add up to make a huge group of black men who can't get any good jobs (because they're criminals and so no one will hire them), can't get bad jobs (because the economy is bad and there are 4 jobseekers per opening), and so what's left? Crime.

    But they shouldn't have turned to crime in the first place, you say? Well, fair point, but when their schools are horrible (because of property tax funding, which is a terrible policy if you want equality of opportunity), when they see their friends and relatives try to escape the poverty trap and fail, when their parents aren't engaged because they have to work two or three jobs to support them, or are single parents, or have unaddressed health issues, or any of the OTHER effects of poverty, is it a surprise?

    That doesn't even count the effects on children of the poverty trap and seeing that gangbangers at least get respect and power and you don't have to fight huge amounts of societal racism to earn it.

    It's a massive, massive problem. That's why we have Affirmative Action and similar programs--anything else is just saying whites saying to minorites, "Fuck you, I've got mine."

    Which is, admittedly, what a lot of the comments on this page are.

  26. "Yes I vote Republican because I disagree with lib Dems that pander to a welfare State that consistantly encourages and rewards bad behavior, while others work hard, pay exhorbitant taxes, use birth-control, educate themselves, and otherwise contribute to society as a whole."

    Check social mobility statistics for America vs. Europe and you'll quickly see that America is far from the land of opportunity. If you REALLY want to work your way up from nothing and become rich, move to France--your chances are better.

    Why? The welfare state. Less chance of falling into grinding poverty and being unable to escape, less worries of sudden expenses wiping you out, more equality.

    I mean, politicians love to harp on "welfare mothers" (by which they mean "black people") or "the urban poor" (by which they mean "black people") or "thugs" (by which they mean...well, you get the idea), but like Reagan complaining about welfare queens, it's just pandering. See the Southern Strategy.

    "Feel free to correct my grammatical errors"

    Nah, that's the method of people who don't have an actual argument.

    (Also, looks like it filters links. How annoying)

  27. There is literally nothing a liberal can't simply explain away with the magic "racism" wand.

  28. Jan 11 at 610 pm - All you're doing is taking a loser, whining mentality. "It's not their fault for X," or "It's not their fault for Y because of Z."

    That loser attitude means more than any stat you can come up with. I can coherently, concisely, and factually rebut any argument you put up, but you know what? All that matters at the end is, people know the basic difference between right and wrong. How people choose to make decisions is on them.

    I owe them nothing, nor do they owe me anything. I just wish they would stay the F out of my neighborhood, I sure stay out of theirs.

  29. "All you're doing is taking a loser, whining mentality."

    Contrary to most people's beliefs, outside influences DO affect them. Take advertising. Most people swear blind that their purchasing decisons aren't affected by what ads they see, but study after study shows they're deluding themselves.

    Similarly, the poverty trap is a real thing. Some people break out, yeah, but systemic problems can't be solved by individual solutions.

    "I can coherently, concisely, and factually rebut any argument you put up"

    I doubt it. You've done a pretty bad job so far.

  30. Those that can, do.

    Those that can't, cry racism.

  31. Those who can argue, do.

    Those who can't post anonymous whines on the internet.

  32. Oh, sorry I started this. Anyway, sorry about the victim too but he was reported to be residing at "the 5500 block of Winthrop". I was going to buy there but sumpthin', sumpthin' just wasn't right on that block (maybe the bass booming mobile noise unit a.k.a. car parked out front on the second showing). I'm confident that this - murder - wasn't "random" though, as how the media and police always try to relieve us. Whew!

    Those that dismiss this chaos, disgrace and mayhem are buying their drugs from them and don't want to see their "corner" dismantled. Admit it!

  33. @ Brian, no one is "whining". We're all sick and tired of the crimes that are being commited and targeted towards us. While I admit its mostly our fault for being weak victims. As far as your "stats" go, you even admitted that more crimes (murders) are commited by black males, then attempted to justify it by saying that they are black on black crimes. That doesnt make any sense.Crime is crime. Also I take any news from the New York Times with a grain of salt. If everyone is so racist as you say then how do you explain our President, and other very successsful black people that have educated themselves and made it? No youre right no one wants to hire former felons and gangbangers. Maybe you should give them a chance and hire them at your company or better yet let them come live at your house.

  34. It's really not worth an argument, Maureen. The same ones that "feel their pain" also "live in a highrise because it's safe" in Edgewater. His words, not mine. Two separate occasions. No, you "CAN'T make this stuff up", CNR.

  35. I'm not sure sure where you get the idea that it's "our" fault for being weak victims. I mean, the person to blame for a crime is obviously the person who committed it. Saying otherwise robs the criminal of agency.

    As the saying goes, "to explain is not to justify." It's a point that most of the people freaking out over how black people are moving in and destroying the neighborhood don't actually have much to fear, statistically.

    There's no problem with taking news with a grain of salt, but A) that's why I included several different sources--I mean, the traffic data is from the Department of Justice, for example--and B) at least personally, I've never seen any academic work that showed racism doesn't exist. All I've seen are comments like 6:06 p.m.'s, which frankly come off more like desparate attempts to continue to justify the Just World Fallacy to oneself than reasoned opinions.

    As for Barack Obama, etc., I assume you're familiar with the concept of statistical outliers? That it's more difficult for black people to succeed doesn't mean it's impossible, but compare the percentage in the total population with the percentage of CEOs, congresspeople, etc., and you start to get a clearer picture.

    "No youre right no one wants to hire former felons and gangbangers."

    So what, then, should society do to them? Do you believe that repentence is possible? How do we help them achieve it?

  36. Like I said, you can hire them then. Youre never gonna win this one. Its obvious what goes on every day. All it takes is some observation. I dont know about you but Ive lived in the hood long enough to know whats up, so please spare me your statistics because once again when youre ready to discuss ratios itll be a lot more accurate. Do you understand how those work?

  37. open season on crooks will cure this.

  38. To Maureen,

    The only question that needs to be asked of Brian, and the people creating the "surveys" he cites, is:

    How many businesses have you run?

    It's really easy for people who have built careers & made a living in academics, to criticize those who actually create economy here, and it's really easy for them to push their beliefs that are fostered in classrooms & research labs onto people who actually do something, in the name of a survey.

    Brian, who are you to tell me, or anybody else, how to run my business? Though you may not believe it, one wrong hire, especially for a small business, could spell doom for that business, it's owner, and his family.

    When a business owner goes to make a hiring decision, he does it with the bottom line & safety of his business in mind, and in nearly all cases, doesn't take other factors into consideration.

    Brian can of course come on here & claim that he's a business owner, that he manages people, that he makes personnel decisions, etc. That's really easy to do online. But if you ask any business owner, candidly, why he doesn't hire uneducated, illiterate, unsociable, gang-affiliated, ex-con south side black kids & 20-somethings, and you have your answer in the description of those kids.

    Society isn't responsible for its dregs.

  39. Considering how much poverty contributes to crime (53% of those in prison made less than $10K a year before their incarceration), "let them rot" might feel good, but if you actually want to reduce crime it's a terrible policy.

    I'm a bit surprised at the continual "you can hire them," though, considering that I already posted sources showing that blacks are disproportionately victimized by the War on Drugs, traffic police, etc. That attitude is why many black people have no choice but to turn to crime to support themselves after being convicted.

    "Its obvious what goes on every day. All it takes is some observation."

    Yeah, that's not how it works. (^_^) People, at base, aren't rational without specific training to be, and it takes constant work to maintain rationality. Otherwise you get facile solutions that sound satisfying but are worthless, like, "open season on crooks will cure this."

    As for ratios, see above about poverty. Blacks are impoverished at a much higher rate than whites. This is partially due to racism, partially due to lack of educational opportunities (which ALSO contributes to crime), and partially due to other factors. In America, at least, you can show a pretty strong correlation of crime and poverty (this isn't always true elsewhere, but here it is).

    That's what I meant about systemic problems requiring systemic solutions. To fix it, it you need to fix the root of the problem--why the poverty rate is so disproportionate.

    "I dont know about you"

    Obviously not.

  40. "he does it with the bottom line & safety of his business in mind, and in nearly all cases, doesn't take other factors into consideration."

    Sorry, as I already pointed out, the evidence shows that you're wrong. Of course, if you have any evidence to the contrary, I'd be happy to look at it. (^_^)

    "That's really easy to do online."

    That's the main reason I'm dealing with statistics and peer-reviewed studies and not talking about myself. I could claim anything and there's no way to verify it at all, so I post things that can be verified by third parties.


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