Is racism causing the violence emanating from Chicago's "minority" residents?
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It is the lack of fathers. Black women need to insist that they get married before having children. Stop having babies without a nuclear structure.
ReplyDeleteBecause the Mexicans are better shooters?
ReplyDeleteWe have spent trillions of dollars and over a hundred years trying to get them to act human, but they are incapable of that. Hopefully they will step up the pace of killing each other.
ReplyDeleteGoogle "map 2011 chicago homicides" and click the link labeled "Chicago Gang Territory vs 2011 Chicago Homicides"
ReplyDeleteThere you'll see a pretty map of all of last year's homicides laid over a color-coded grid of Chicago street gang territory.
As they say on Mythbusters, "THERE'S yer problem!"
"We have spent trillions of dollars and over a hundred years trying to get them to act human, but they are incapable of that. Hopefully they will step up the pace of killing each other."
ReplyDeleteThat's not true. If you assume that systematic discrimination against blacks ended when the Civil Righst Act of 1964 was adopted (which it did not), we're at 48 years. Once the wide spread discrimination subsided there was a halting attempt to remedy the damage that had been done by 400 years of slavery and discrimination. But my fellow whites could not stand that and played the race card (reverse discrimination). As a result,affirmative action largely ended and it's been the status quo since. Blacks have been killing blacks for the longest. Nothing is going to change it.
The Chinese were enslaved to build the transcontinental railroad, but they aren't killing each other. Irish immigrants pulled themselves up by their bootstraps. Recent African immigrants are extraordinarily hardworking, success-oriented people. Italians were discriminated against for decades. And Germans. And Jews. They aren't all killing each other. What's the deal?
ReplyDeleteTrillions were spent on niggers even before the Civil Rights Act of 1964. All the housing projects to give them a free place to live were built before 1964. The only gratitude they showed was to destroy the same buildings they were living in. Typical subhuman jungle savage behavior.
ReplyDeleteThat's true. If you assume that systematic discrimination against blacks ended when the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was adopted (which it did), we're at 48 years of repeating the same shit. Once the wide spread discrimination subsided there was a halting attempt to remedy the damage that had been done by 400 years of slavery and discrimination. But my fellow blacks couldn't stand that and played the race card (excuse discrimination, allegedly based on past discrimination, but really based on laziness). As a result,affirmative action largely ended and it's been the status quo since of unqualified Blacks receiving jobs that they can't handle, unless a labor union backs them. Blacks have been killing blacks for the longest, even in Africa then and now. Nothing is going to change it.
ReplyDeleteThe discrination against the Irish wasn't the same. As soon as the Irish where here they were above the blacks, because the whites thought the blacks were subhuman jungle savages, just like the the posters here think.
ReplyDeletethe same reason hundreds of awaiting evacuation buses were swept-away by the katrina floods, and the same reason they're still living in the elkhart fema trailers designed to last three weeks. When left to their own devices, they only know how to fuck and then self-destruct, repeat.
ReplyDeleteAfter Katrina those dumb gorillas were standing on the roof screaming "Hep me! Hep me!" awaiting their white masters to once again rescue their ignorant lazy asses.
ReplyDeleteQuestion: Why do dogs bark?
ReplyDeleteAnswer: Because that's what dogs do, silly.
Get the picture?
Because they feel they are entitled and therefore are inherently lazy. End of story.
ReplyDeleteI have unfortunately lived with blacks 24/7 for months on end against my will, their base nature is quite different from the rest of the humanoids on this planet, they all have a need to be alpha male or alpha female and dominate, and violence and sex are the only thing that matters to them in the end.
ReplyDeleteReaders, how many jobs have you quit because you had a black boss who was slightly above average intelligence and micro-managed people, and was inconsistent daily in that regard? It's impossible to work for a black person.
The Katrina incident is pretty funny because again you refuse to leave way before the storm hits. Then you wait for the evil white man to come. It's kind of funny because you could of walked but to ask the overweight woman who uses her EBT to get some food I can't afford well yeah....
ReplyDeleteLegalize drugs to get rid of gangs to get rid of shooting.
ReplyDeleteYes, it is that simple yet no one has the guts to do it.
@His Shadow said... "The Katrina incident is pretty funny because again "
ReplyDeleteIf you don't have a car or anyplace or extra money to travel where are you going to go?
Anonymous said: "If you don't have a car or anyplace or extra money to travel where are you going to go?"
ReplyDeleteAnswer: Anywhere but there!
If I were stuck in the Katrina path without car or money, I would have got a blanket and some food in a backpack and started walking out of there.
@Anonymous said...If I were stuck in the Katrina path without car or money<..snip..> started walking out of there.
Yeh, ok...maybe you'd walk at a minimum 30 miles. What about little kids, the elderly and handicapped? I guess you'd leave them.
RE: Katrina - the local, state & federal governments made hundreds of busses available to people to get out before the storm hit. But that notwithstanding, it's the responsibility of the individuals to have emergency plans for themselves & their families, not the governments.
ReplyDeleteIt's like that old expression - "Failure to plan on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part."
Also, I have a good friend that lives in Houston, where tens of thousands of blacks from NOLA were shipped after the hurricane. They were put up in "temporary" housing, and given food, medical and financial aid. Guess where those monkeys are 5 years later? Yup, right still in those housing projects, committing crimes, pumping out babies, and refusing to do anything to better their situations.
The entire near SW quadrant of Houston proper is getting overrun by the Katrina "refugees," and the local police actually had to create new task forces to deal with the influx of crime caused by them.
Once again, way to go black community. Props to you for dropping right into the negative stereotypes that you supposedly are so offended by, but in reality, live and bask in.
I totally agree with posters about legalizing drugs & prostitution. Those, along with running weapons, are the biggest businesses that black gangs are into.
ReplyDeleteUnlike Italian or Jewish gangs that thrived by stealing & reselling goods, offering "protection," and being in charge of running numbers (ie, gambling), the black gangs have proven throughout history that except in very few exceptional circumstances, they're not intelligent enough to even do those businesses. Rather, all they can do is buy & resell drugs on street corners, intimidate poor, drug addicted women into prostituting themselves for them, mugging people on the street, and breaking & entering.
If prostitution & all drugs were legalized tomorrow, within one year the only business that black gangsters in Chicago would be in is getting illegal guns & selling them to other gang members.
Anonymous said... January 25, 2012 2:54 PM “If prostitution & all drugs were legalized tomorrow, within one year the only business that black gangsters in Chicago would be in is getting illegal guns & selling them to other gang members.”
ReplyDeleteWhile I am against the Drug War, I am not naïve enough to believe that ending it would magically solve all problems.
Several examples: Guns are a perfectly legal product, though heavily regulated and taxed. Tobacco is a perfectly legal product that is heavily regulated and taxed.
Prostitution is a perfectly legal service (in some places), though heavily regulated and taxed, as is gambling.
There is a black market in all of those products and services.
Proponents of drug legalization typically propose regulation and taxation. Based on my previously mentioned examples, it does not seem to me that strategy alone would completely end all drug related crime.
And even if what you said was true, and somehow by magical means there were no worthwhile criminal enterprises to engage in, then all those gangbangers are not going to shrug their shoulders and suddenly go find day jobs.
Anonymous said... January 25, 2012 2:54 PM “…getting illegal guns & selling them to other gang members.”
What are they all going to do with all that firepower, hm? Practice for the Olympic shooting team?
Assuming your theory is true, there would be an explosion in the rate of more personal crimes: robberies, burglaries, rape, murder, etc.
Idle hands are the Devil’s tools.
Reply to Castellan:
ReplyDeleteHi I'm the guy who put up the post yesterday that you replied to at 816 pm, thanks for the reply!
I agree that legalizing and regulating drug sales in the US would not overnight solve all problems - there will still be issues of junkies, still be issues of crime to get the money to support the habit, still be issues of gangs trying to retain that market share by selling drugs at lower cost than regulated sellers. It's not an ironclad solution.
However, what it would do is greatly damage their ability to make money, because now many customers who rely on gang affiliated dealers will be able to take their business somewhere that they aren't at risk of getting arrested by the police or shot by the seller. I'm not talking about the toothless crackhead on the corner who is begging for change to support his habit, rather, I mean the 18 y/o + user who has to get his supply from someone who is in a gang or is supplied by gangs. And those 18 + users likely buy a significant percentage of drugs like weed, coke, pills, etc.
Also, this would potentially disrupt their supply chain if growers and producers are legally able to sell there wares. It’s the same concept – if the producers can now sell above the table & not risk arrest/violent confrontations from competitors, they will do so, even if it reduces their profit margins.
It's similar to the prostitution. There will still be plenty of prostitutes who street walk or are controlled by gangs, but again, if customers have the option to legally use a prostitute, many of them will, for the same reasons. Why go pick up a streetwalker when you could be arrested for it? Why set up a “date” with someone off of the back page website, where you could show up & be met by a bunch of gangsters who want to rob you, when you can do your thing in a setting that you are certain is safe from robbery?
As per the guns piece, criminals will do with that firepower what they already do – use it to commit crimes. That won’t go away. The reason that they can trade guns in the black market is bc people who have felony records, people who have gun records, people who are known gang affiliates, are prohibited from legally buying & owning guns. Also, people who want guns for the purpose of using it in a crime won’t buy one legally, bc it can be traced back to them. But this by NO MEANS means that there will be an explosion in gun crime. Gun crime here has already exploded, it’s among the highest rates in the country. A rapist who uses a gun to subdue his victim will do that whether gangs are only in the gun business or not. Legalizing drugs & prostitution, and rates of gun crimes, are mutually exclusive (that means they are not related).
If anything, it has been proven time and time again, in jurisdiction over jurisdiction, that making it easier for law abiding citizens to purchase and carry firearms reduces the rate of gun crimes committed, even though the anti-gun crowd believes the opposite. Criminals (other than rapists, they are in a different class) are less likely to randomly attack people on the street, if they know that any random person on the street may be carrying a weapon. Just go on the 2nd City Cop blog & pose a question like, “Do you cops believe that violent, personal crime in the city will go down if it is easier for private citizens to own & carry firearms?” I can assure you that the answer will be a resounding “yes.”
To Castellan:
ReplyDeleteMe again. I disagree with you analogy to tobacco - there aren't huge tobacco rings that are committing violent crimes. This is because tobacco is available to anybody age 18 +, without qualifications. Sure, there are some interstate rings selling cigarettes at reduced prices, but nobody who wants a pack of Camels is at risk of being arrested for buying them at a corner store, nor is that store owner at risk of a guy from a competing store down the street gunning him down to take over his market share.
Finally, I agree with your closing statement about idle hands. People who stand on the sidelines and don't even attempt to offer or discuss solutions like we are, in many ways contribute to the escalating problems in our city. Instead of spending time trying to finger different groups as the cause of problems, those whose groups cause the problems need to work within their communities to solve them. IMO, that includes eliminating the business that gangs thrive in. Believe me, white people with money like me will be far more apt to support black politicians and leaders who are willing to speak the truth about dregs of their community who are giving the entire black population in Chicago a "black eye," and who are destroying quality of life in neighborhood after neighborhood.
To yesterday at 3:49 am: "I have unfortunately lived with blacks 24/7 for months on end against my will"
ReplyDeleteHow are you checking CNR from prison?
What has the world come to my brothas and sistas?? As a sista, I am thankful to have freedom and the endless opportunities this country offers. In return for the graciousness of this country, I engage with a few volunteer and charitable organizations by donating my time when possible. It is an absolute disappointment to see all this violence that has been caused by my fellow people. I am quite embarrassed to read the news and see that the majority of suspects are Black. What is going on my brothas and sistas?
ReplyDeleteWe have been given the gift of freedom by Abraham Lincoln and we have done nothing to take advantage of the opportunity. Time has passed with very few Blacks making a difference. I am not talking about the Oprahs, MLKs, and Obamas. I am taking about Black inventors, scientists, doctors, philanthropists, and overall good people. Instead we have thugs overpopulating our streets wasting tax payers' money when they go to prison. We have our welfare recipient single Mothers with a school of children being supported by the the government, courtesy of our working tax payers. We have our whiners who take the easy way out by playing the race card. Little do you know it's getting old, it's like crying wolf. And when a REAL race crime happens, it gets ignored due to the constant use of the race card.
It is time that we get our act together. Let's unite in our communities, clean them up and get involved. Let us focus on our education, skills, and being good parents. It seems as if the racial discrimination is getting worse, especially in Chicago. And it is time we stop blaming and take responsibility. We are better than that. We are a passionate group of people with the ability to succeed. If we want to end this war on race, we have to start within ourselves. We can take the lead, let's do it!
Sista Keisha
Anonymous said... January 26, 2012 11:15 AM “I agree that legalizing and regulating drug sales in the US would not overnight solve all problems - there will still be issues of junkies, still be issues of crime to get the money to support the habit, still be issues of gangs trying to retain that market share by selling drugs at lower cost than regulated sellers. It's not an ironclad solution.”
ReplyDeleteThat’s all I’m saying, really. We are in agreement on most of these points. I’m familiar with the standard libertarian arguments on these topics and won’t rehash them here, there are plenty of other sites that have already done that to death.
Unfortunately, I don’t believe that we will see an end to the Drug War anytime soon. There are too many people that have a vested interest in continuing or even expanding it, so this discussion is mostly theoretical.
Anonymous said... January 26, 2012 11:15 AM “As per the guns piece, criminals will do with that firepower what they already do – use it to commit crimes. That won’t go away. “
But, you said that “…within one year the only business that black gangsters in Chicago would be in is getting illegal guns & selling them to other gang members.”
I was having a little fun imagining gangbangers peacefully trading in illegal firearms collections and eschewing all other forms of criminal enterprise.
My point was that not only will crime not go away, but some types of crime probably would increase. Not because of the black market in guns, but because all those now Idle Hands that were formerly part of the drug trade will inevitably find something mischievous to do.
Anonymous said... January 26, 2012 11:15 AM “Legalizing drugs & prostitution, and rates of gun crimes, are mutually exclusive (that means they are not related).”
Just to be clear, I am pro-gun. I dislike the term “gun crime”, I prefer the term “violent crime”. The former term is frequently used by anti-gun types to demonize firearms. A murder victim is not any less dead because he was stabbed or beaten to death.
So, when I mentioned firepower, it was only because you brought up the black market in guns. My gut feeling is that with a decline in the illegal drug trade, we would see a surge in other forms of crime, including violent crime, but this is impossible to really know for sure.
Anonymous said... January 26, 2012 11:19 AM “Finally, I agree with your closing statement about idle hands. People who stand on the sidelines and don't even attempt to offer or discuss solutions like we are, in many ways contribute to the escalating problems in our city.”
I was referencing the hypothetical “out of work” drug dealers, but your point is still valid. Apathy is a problem but I no longer judge people too harshly for being apathetic, as I myself have grown very pessimistic about the possibility of meaningful, positive change. I fear that this country has already passed the point of no return many years ago.
I appreciate your civil tone, but I suppose it is easy to be civil when we are both mostly preaching to the choir.
Anonymous said... January 26, 2012 11:19 AM “Instead of spending time trying to finger different groups as the cause of problems, those whose groups cause the problems need to work within their communities to solve them.”
ReplyDeleteBut will these unnamed “groups” spontaneously stand up and accept responsibility for causing problems? Or will they deflect blame, hurl counteraccusations and extort concessions? Whoever these mysterious dysfunctional groups are, I think we all know their SOP by now.
Anonymous said... January 26, 2012 11:19 AM “IMO, that includes eliminating the business that gangs thrive in.”
Most average Americans seem to still believe in the futile War on Drugs. Most of them apparently still want to believe that they need an all-powerful nanny state to protect them from themselves.
Also, like the “War on Terror”, I do not think that our “leaders” are ready to give up that wonderful excuse to trample our liberties.
Anonymous said... January 26, 2012 11:19 AM “Believe me, white people with money like me will be far more apt to support black politicians and leaders who are willing to speak the truth about dregs of their community who are giving the entire black population in Chicago a "black eye," and who are destroying quality of life in neighborhood after neighborhood.”
Don’t hold your breath. They have nothing to gain from being honest at this point. Their power and authority is based primarily on maintaining popular black/liberal myths, i.e. that the primary reason for their plight is that a Vast Right Wing Racist Conspiracy is afoot. Telling the hard truth is political (and possibly even literal) suicide.
They aren't as bad as homegrown niggers, but those fresh off the boat African booty scratchers are still pretty fucking annoying, especially the cab drivers.
ReplyDeleteshort (and correct) answer:
ReplyDeleteIts because black people are an inferior race. The vast majority of them havent evolved at the same pace as other races.
hey. i am a white person. i grew up in chicago, on the west side.( cicero & van buren). i have black friends, i have white friends. i am going to use the word nigger here, and for a good reason. the so called people that are doing all this shooting and killing ,of young innocent kids ,dogs, and everything else, are not human beings. thats who im talking about, when i use the word nigger. they know who they are, and so do my black friends.
ReplyDeletewhen you start acting like humans, maybe you will be trated like humans. dont give me the gun control issue. i own several weapons, my guns have NOT KILLED ANYBODY so far, i would like to keep it that way. can you say civilized???? of course you cant, becauase, you live and act like animals. and thats just the way you should be treated, think about it
ReplyDeleteblack on black violence is not a crime
ReplyDelete480 blacks killed in chicago since Zimmerman shot his black kid
When will the black leaders stop blaming everyone else for the results of their failures to lead and admit what is wrong in their communities? What chance does a child born to a child have of becoming a healthy functioning member of any race? These young black women create monsters. Look at the five who killed the white couple in Knoxville. The black population is descending into a group of subhuman psychos.
ReplyDeleteLol racism is to blame. Y T be keepin a brotha down he ain't gibbon us enuff welfare checks so I needs to kill dem otha niggers down the block so I can keep sellin ma rocks n heron to kids. Na mean?
ReplyDeleteBecause there are so many of them to shoot.
ReplyDeleteI've not lived in the Chicago area for 20 years. I recently was there to visit because my mother had a cardiac arrest and was surviving. I'm aware of the recent and persistent racial tensions in Chicago. Driving on the northwest side from a hospital to get on the Kennedy, I was subjected to the rage of a black driver who threatened to kill me. He explicitly stated that he would do so right in front of a police station that was directly adjacent to us. Along with screaming a number of curses all laced with White hatred. He had no idea who I was, or why I was driving on this street. He had no idea that I fight against racisim. I realize he was an individual and not speaking for his race. Yet at the same time, its clear that Blacks being racist in Chicago who will randomly attack and blow up at anyone just because they are White are only going to escalate the tension and polarity. After decades of working against racism, this incident left me feeling like it's hopeless.
ReplyDeleteAfter living away from Chicago for 2 decades, I've come to realize that Chicago has a very ugly disturbingly violent underbelly that is never going to go away. For all of the good and wonderful things that are in Chicago, this ugly volatile violent corrupt side makes it such that I never want to set foot there again. Chicago is a hellhole with lipstick. From the crooked politicians, to the cultivation of sociopaths and raging racists it's goose is cooked. Chicago is a rabid dog that should be put down