Around 1:45 a.m., police questioned a man in a west alley near the intersection of North Halsted Street and West Cornelia Avenue.
If our map-reading skills are up to par, that means the subject was stopped in the alley somewhere between Hydrate and Caribou Coffee.
Authorities ran the subject’s ID through the police database and discovered he is an alleged member of the Four Corner Hustlers street gang, with a last known address on the 3800 block of North Fremont Street.
Because the subject didn’t have any outstanding warrants and wasn’t (caught) doing anything illegal, the responding officer completed a contact card and released the subject.
Hmm… we can’t help wondering if Mr. Johnson (the subject’s last name) is wanted for a crime that the police don’t know about.
I moved to Chicago at the same time a lesbian friend of mine did, I took note of the changes happening to Boystown in early 2008 and I smelled this trouble coming light years away. I bailed pretty quick on hanging with her in Boystown bars, and she said I was just paranoid and projecting my father's racism, and a couple of years later my predictions all came true.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a 4CH on the DL.
ReplyDeleteHaven't been over there in a while but yesterday afternoon on Cornelia this guy is walking towards us. Decently dressed black guy. No biggie, right (but he had that "walk"). I just assumed someone coming home from work early or? Nope, turn around and he's pacing back and forth, swinging around, stank eyeing everyone, no sense of purpose, going nowhere, doing nothing. Drug dealer or opportunist.
ReplyDeleteSorry Chicago but that behavior is unheard of where I'm from and is not tolerated. You'd be labeled suspicious and questioned. You shouldn't tolerate it either. I'd take action but I know people that LIVE on that street and they could care less, they have a "right" to do that (until their home is ransacked).
As long as you have people just "hanging" in the residential areas of that neighborhood and on that strip, your problems will NEVER end which is why I don't spend my $ there. We just wanted a bite to eat. Pretty much everything was closed anyway. Wonder why.
Well, the first step to turning the neighborhoods around is reporting on what is really happening in them. That is why we like CNR as opposed to the TV news (or the despicable newspapers). Keep filling the void left behind by the Mainstream Media, and the site will only get bigger. Eventually, enough people will see the light, and start voting on what really matters: SAFETY.
ReplyDeleteYes, please...especially DO NOT PICK UP THE REDEYE. It is forcing "reality stars" and rap garbage down our throats. Demand better!
ReplyDelete@Anonymous January 20, 2012 10:49 AM: Sweetie, who do you think you're kidding? You don't hang out in Boystown anymore because the good-looking boys are completely disgusted by you. You're a troll, sweetie. Hundreds and thousands of boys stroll Halsted Street every Friday and Saturday night. The "suspicious" guys you speak of don't disturb those good-looking boys the least bit. YOU are the problem, sweetie. You are invisible on Halsted Street, and that fact eats you alive. You're bitter because you are rejected. However, you are not dealing with it well. Poor sweetie.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, what is stank eye? Or, is it that your bitter and insecure mind have caused you to be quite paranoid? WAIT, WAIT, WAIT. I get it now. You typically cruise those "decently dressed black guys" and they turn you down something nasty, giving you the STANK EYE. LOL. Aww, Sweetie. You poor thing.
No, they black guys tell me I "have a nice a**" when I walk by. Really wish they would make them welcome in the bars or they would get over their insecurity of wanting to go in. I was WITH a nice looking guy, don't need one of those dressed alike, look alike, drugged out bunnies over there. Nobody's paranoid, just should be a place where decent, law-abiding guys that just happen to be gay can go.
ReplyDeleteThe "hey, papi's" and groping by the Asians is tiring too. Alot out there want "something" from me. I don't buy/do drugs but seem to get alot of unwanted attention out there. I jumped into a cab the other night and a carload of women (YOUNG) rolled the window down and blurted "my friend thinks you're cute!". Thanks, but no thanks (another "problem" in your "gay" district).
Had alot of stabbings and bloodshed out there "on Halsted Street every Friday and Saturday night" too bud.
My name's not "Sweetie" bud. Maybe that's how you get extra tips at the bar counter or waiting tables but really not my type (and usually doesn't work 'cuz you're all such stereotypes from H out there). Thanks though.
All a bunch of hot messes. Prejudiced, both of you. Just be nice, for god's sake. Stop judging. so what if he's older and unattractive? So what if you lisp and swish your way up and down Halsted, you drugged out queen?!? All entertainment. Live and let live, whether you're old, ugly, fat, femme, black, white. Just try not to hurt others with your prejudice...keep it to yourself!
ReplyDeleteAnd P.S. I'm not scared of "you", nor intimidated by "you", I (like many) are just sick of you and your behavior (or lack thereof). Try this sometime....have some character and couth, keep your hands to yourselves, speak like a human and you just never know. I mean, I'm not physically attracted to "you" but you just never know. That could change if "you" knew how to ackrite. I do judge people not by the color of their skin but by their character (and the company they keep). You're young though. I wouldn't want to be in your shoes (or flip-flops) out there right now. I can't be ugly if the bar workers are trying to get busy with me. Any other place I've been, it's usually the other way around.
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 2:48. I'm a nice person. I tried BEING nice to you people out there. It does NOT work. Some mistake your kindness for being a fool. Drink/shoot up - have a grand time!
Signed, "Old"
I don't understand the loitering. Why do these guys have so much self esteem when they are broke and shoplifting food all day? Doesn't it make them feel like shit to be a mooch?
ReplyDeleteScratch that. Black people are cheap.
I was volunteering at a Jewish thing which for some reason also helped black people. A black woman looked at my Ipod shuffle and asked how much it was. I told her and she said it was a "waste of money". I asked her how much it should have cost and she said about ten bucks. WHUT
@January 20, 2012 3:05 PM AKA "Old.": Dude, shut the fuck up. I tire of hearing your lying ass go on and on about how some AIDS-infected bar back, wetback, or humpback is always trying to seduce you. It's total bullshit. You are a fucking loser that NOBODY whose partially attractive wants. Really dude, GO KILL YOURSELF. You are worthless.