20 to 30 young black males and females, were caught on tape fighting outside the Apple store at 679 North Michigan Avenue.
According to my sources, this incident took place November 5, 2011.
During the black mob attack, at least one person was knocked to the ground and repeatedly kicked in the head, while a security stood by and watched.
Let's see if the mayor tries to sweep this one under the rug!
ReplyDeletefucking animals! We need to bring segregation back in this city. At least for the loser ghetto scums. See a group of them? Send their animal asses back to where they came from. Shut off the redline at Monroe, make them take a fucking bus home. Better yet, put up a fucking wall and keep their asses in their ghetto neighborhoods. They do not deserve to roam around good people freely.
ReplyDeleteHell yea jus for da blacks tho lol
DeleteThe usual illiterate black commentators will probably leave their obscene rants on here denying everything. There's a reason some groups have a bad reputation and it's due to things like this where all the world can see what the reality is.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you expect the security guard to do? he doesn't work for the city of Chicago, and isn't Superman, he would have been pummeled by those animals.
ReplyDelete"What do you expect the security guard to do? he doesn't work for the city of Chicago, and isn't Superman, he would have been pummeled by those animals."
ReplyDeleteYou're absolutely right, but how effective are unarmed security guards who are paid to stand around and watch people being attacked?
A lot of these so-called security firms instruct their employees to simply observe and call the police. Why would a business PAY for that type of security?
The stores on Michigan Avenue need armed guards. They need guards who have the authority to shoot to kill when a life-threatening situation arises.
Until Michigan Avenue gets REAL security, no one will be safe shopping in that in area.
It's all about tolerance why do most Secruity Companies hire short obese women to take up jobs? Because the federal government demands this.
ReplyDeleteBut I agree with the one person though. The minute the guard steps outside and tries to do something the store is held responsible kind of like a bar. If secruity sees patrons fighting in the street the minute they try to break it up the bad guys can sue them for any damages and win the lotto.
I'll say this though let them come at me I am packing
Its insurance companies that require a lazy body with a security badge, not always the government. I used to work private security for a large corporation, and we were there for insurance premiums. Raise taxes and hire more cops. It is a brilliant PR campaign that they get knuckle draggers to blame the government for hiring talentless thugs to be guards when in fact...its the insurance companies.
ReplyDeleteHis Shadow, its about cheap labor. Not about tolerance. As far as I can tell there are more than enough black security guards to meet whatever quotas exist in the mind of liberaltarians and republicrats. Its about money. May his merciful Shadow fall upon you.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure how widely this video has been distributed yet, but it needs to ne everywhere - sent to every local, state & national media outlet, including under-the-radar blogs like this one.
ReplyDeleteThe ONLY way that there will be a chance to stop this behavior is for everybody in this city & state to be aware that it is happening. Politicians can deny things like the real reason why North Avenue Beach was closed this Memorial Day, and make up lame excuses (It was too hot, so we closed the beach, where it's 10 degrees cooler, but left every other beach in the city open? Really?!?!), but when there is proof of this happening on MI Ave, the politicians won't be able to deny it.
The other thing is, people CANNOT let this issue die. If this video does get out, and starts getting played on mainstream media, the next best things for the pols here would be to hope it dies off. People cannot let this happen. It's only a matter of time before an innocent person is killed by one of these mobs. Reports are at least one vicimt had to go to NW hospital with a cracked skull & profuse bleeding on the face.
In a few years, China will take over the USA and make all these trouble makers slaves, or kill them :)
ReplyDeleteI agree with you "Sick of this shit". We really are way to PC in this city. If these blacks don't want to be profiled, than they need to get their "youth" (and I use that term loosely) under control. If they want the perceptions to start changing, then they need to change the behavior. That seems to be a concept that they don't comprehend. The mainstream media doesn't want to start a race war, which is the reason they overlook the ethnicity of the criminals UNTIL an arrest and charge is in place. If these "youth" don't like being told what they can and cannot do, they have no problem shooting or killing you, even if you are their grandmother, a cop, a child, a mother or father or the elderly. These ghetto thugs are creating a racial divide larger then ever before and they could give a rats ass about that. When does it become the responsibility of the community and the adults in their lives to hold these thugs accountable? Why is it societies responsibility? Whatever happened to parenting and parental controls? Where is the humanity or respect? I say if a group of black "youths" are prowling around Michigan Ave, the police need to bust it up and move them out. They can't afford to purchase in many of the stores on the street anyway so why are they there? Oh right, to rob, steal, mug and disrupt the area. I would think the upstanding black citizens would be pretty sick and tired of what these ghetto thugs are doing and how it reflects on them as well. Stay the hell out of the area IF you don't know how to act civilized. Stop blaming all of society for your ignorance and behavior. We are all pretty sick of it and people will start REACTING...and it won't be pretty. People might start giving you a taste of your own medicine...but then you'll scream hate crime...yea right!
ReplyDeleteOh, and if you don't like the article or the comments made, you do know it's a free country with freedom of speech right? You are familiar with the constitution right...oops, maybe not. On the other hand, don't come on this blog if you don't like what's here. It's the only blog that tells it like it is with NO pc!
This is god damn Michigan Ave. If you are not safe on this street, then you truly are safe NO WHERE in Chicago! Where the HELL ARE THE COPS. These animals should not even be in this area. This is terrible for the tourism that is needed in our city. BLACKS STOP BEING WALKING STEREOTYPES! GET YOUR FREAKING ACT TOGETHER OR YOU WILL BE MORE SEGREGATED AND DESPISED THEN YOU ARE NOW! I guess having a black president did nothing for the black race.
ReplyDeleteI agree with "Sick of this shit," people need to flood the inboxes of local papers, radio & TV, and also national broadcasts. I bet if a ton of emails to CNN, Fox, Dateline, etc, came in with at title like, "Race Wars Brewing in Chicago, Race Riots have Spread to Michigan Avenue," some national outlets would pick it up, it's too juicy to let go.
ReplyDeleteAnd it's not like there isn't a plethora of videos just like this on youtube, worldstarhiphop, and other video sharing sites. And it's not just Chicago - shit hit the fan hardcore this summer in Milwaukee.
Finally, it would be really interesting to see the mayoral office's reply on a national broadcast special about something like this, and contrast that reply with replies from the Fraternal Order of Police, blogs like Second City Cop & Detective Shaved Longcock, and business owners & employees on Michigan Ave & in the NW Memorial Campus area.
I'm gonna start sending this video & link TODAY to national news outlets, and I recommend that everybody else on here do the same.
Conversely, I would like to hear the opinion of people who want to defend these ghetto thugs. What possible excuse could there be?!?! This behavior is indefensible.
There must be a way to fix the lighting in the video. Photoshop has features like "auto-correct" that can fix bad lighting/exposure issues. If the footage was a bit brighter, we might be able to identify some of those savages...
ReplyDeleteSend the monkeys back to the Zoo...
ReplyDeleteI am glad that Chicago has many Liberal Democrats, who will continue the fight against Black Oppression in many ways. Vote Democratic in 2012. Vote Rahm Emmanuel in 2015. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
ReplyDeleteYes, your city is way too PC but as long as the $$'s are flowing in all is o.k. You need to speak with your pocketbooks. I've boycotted Boystown, businesses near my home that allow loitering outside their front doors 24/7, etc. That's the ONLY way you'll get the message through the thick skulled Lakefront Liberals here. Once they're in line at the soup kitchen, things will change pronto.
ReplyDeleteI support diversity in Lakeview.
ReplyDeleteI like the urban experience in Chicago.
ReplyDeleteI like the nightlife
ReplyDeleteI gots to boobie
In the Lakeview round
Instead of ignorantly commenting on racial and political issues with unintellegent language and terms of bigotry, try finding a solution to the issue of gang violence in chicago that is not close minded, selfish, and prejudice. It was the slave treatment of african americans and poor stragtegic planning for racial integration that has caused a destructive social enviornment for african american youth in the slums of Chicago. Please, I challenege all of you who have commented to recognize the power of your words and to think about the messages which you are putting forth. We need to focus on EFFECTIVE measures to educate children in Chicago to PREVENT gang violence such as this.
ReplyDeleteBlacks will Blacks!!!! They will never amount to nothing, It's a cycle that will never change, It will always be blacks killing blacks. They have no more excuses of the man keeping them down because the man is guess what??? black!!
ReplyDeletestfu with your slavery crap. that was HUNDREDS of years ago. get over it or get out. its not our responsibility to educate YOUR kids. if you don't want to raise them right, don't fucking have them to begin with.
ReplyDeletei think we should start handing out deportation notices instead of jail sentences. cut a deal with a 3rd world nation that would be happy to take american criminals, and start shipping them down there instead of locked up in a cozy cell that costs 30k/year
if you think america sucks, just wait til you see the slums of Peru or Somalia
It does not suprise me at all!! It's just ashame that these low lifes cannot keep this shit in there neighborhoods.Its a fact that blacks have and will continue to kill themselves and theres nothing no one can do about it. Preaching to this ghetto trash has not and will not work. I am also tired of hearing people say that is was the slave treatment that caused a destructive social enviroment when in fact the jewish people went through racism and torture in the holocaust and the surviors over came what they endured and moved foward with there lives. They did not decide to use what happened to them as an excuse live like animals.
ReplyDeleteWhen animals attack! These urban animals would make a good National Geographic special. I don't blame the security guard for not breaking up these "urban youths".
ReplyDeleteChicago's warped version of "diversity" is doing Lakeview real well right now, huh? Hoards of 'em loitering on every corner. Hiding out in condo "neighborhoods". My co-worker and her husband just tried to re-finance. No go. Their place lost over $80K in value since 2007. There's going to be additional devaluation because of the economy. Then the next $80K in devaluation will be because of the crime all in the sake of "diversity". Armed robberies amongst homes where people paid $395K? You people are beyond warped here.
ReplyDeleteBlacks against Blacks.....The same old song and dance. These people need to stay in the hood and quit bring the garbage to nice parts of the city. This shit happens all the time and frankly I am tired of it. We have a black president so whats the excuse now!!!
ReplyDeleteThe city shut down cabrini green and now this trash is spread through out the city. What a shame!
ReplyDeleteI do not know why everyone is so surprised about What happened downtown. Read your newspaper everyday and go to the metro section and you will see this is a way of life for these ghetto piece's of shit.
ReplyDeleteI found this site because someone on yelp put it on the talk topic and I read a few of the threads and a few said this is all racist B.S but I want to see if they will change there mind if something like this happens in front of their home. I wonder what Tyrone and the ghetto bunch were doing in downtown anyways? Its not like they could afford anything over there and this happened at night so they were not there for court. All of this ghetto trash needs to stay in there own neighborhood and stop bring their shit to the nice parts of the city.
ReplyDeleteI hope more minorities come to down town chicago and tear it up to put you racist ass holes in your place. you cowards can not control the chosen people and you all are the most ignorant wild animals i know with your white retarded kids that kill you in your face. Your the same dumb race that has us in war and have caused our state to be in debt. i hate white people you all stink and are a piece of shit.
ReplyDeleteblack youth stand up attack the whites not each other put these racist bitches in thier place the grave
ReplyDeleteSeeing what's been going on nationwide and then reading the hate-filled comments by all the negros posting here I now realize the wisdom of the policies of segregation practiced many years ago. We didn't know what they knew back then and did away with a system that was best for all groups. Segregation was a wise policy in retrospect.
ReplyDelete@5:11 says: "I hope more minorities come to down town chicago and tear it up to put you racist ass holes in your place"
ReplyDeleteYou don't get it, other minorities would be VERY WELCOME in downtown chicago. There is only 1 minority group causing this sort of crime. However that 1 minority is attacking ANYONE THAT ISNT OF THAT MINORITY. Asians, Hispanics, Arabs, Indians, have ALL been attacked downtown by these flash mobs. Hell there were probably even some decent black people that were beaten during these incidents.
Every demographic of people in this city is getting tired of your shit, and you won't be able to say they are ALL racist when we finally tell you to GTFO.
I totally agree with those that have said blacks can no longer use the excuse of slavery and whites are keeping them down. The most powerful position in the world, President of the United States is a black man who was voted in by a large percentage of whites. Blacks will never improve no matter if every president from here on out were black. Maybe they are just inferior.
ReplyDeleteThe racist comments on this site make my head hurt more than watching a Tea Party debate.
ReplyDeleteFYI To Ignorant White Folks:
Those of us who are black, well educated, and productive members of society hate people like this too.
But here's the thing, we don't like people OF ANY RACE who act like this. They're not acting this way because they're black. They're acting this way because their parents and their community failed.
If slavery is an excuse, why aren't Jews rioting in Chicago's streets? Huh?? Huh??
ReplyDeleteTo Anonymous At 6:26pm.......You call ignorant but guess what the ones doing shit like like are your cousins, uncles, brothers so dont give me that shit bitch. you cannot tell me you dont have a family memeber or memembers that are low life ghetto trash.
ReplyDeleteDeja vu. Back when State Street was still that great street, this kind of ghetto drama happened there and turned that grand entertainment area into a dangerous, desolate collection of peep shows and crime.
ReplyDeleteBut that was during the turbulent 60s and 70s. I never thought I'd see the same behavior on Michigan Avenue in these "enlightenend times".
Where is black leadership? For that matter, where is ANY leadership? Chicago seems to be at a cross-roads now, and it looks like the thugs are winning the battle in turning it their way.
It makes me sad.
The westside and southside trash coming soon to neighborhood near you!!
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I were on the bus with that pack of animals. They took up the entire back of the bus and were yelling and carrying on. When they got off in front of the Apple store, I said to my husband, "I think we were just on a bus with a flash mob." I guess I was right.
ReplyDeleteThe video has been enhanced and uploaded to YouTube. Blogger's video hosting software seems to degrade the video's quality.
ReplyDeleteWhat the city needs to do is close down the Redline and take away that route these animals have to come up north. In my opinion The Redline is garbage anyways, It always smell like someone pissed in there pants and you have a lot of trash on it. I personally perfer the Brownline and i only get on the Red if I have no other choice.
ReplyDeleteYelp Talk Chicago is full of conceited yuppie pricks who jump all over any newbie's shit. It's a circle jerk over there.
ReplyDeleteThe group probably planned to go do a group robbery at the Apple Store, but the Apple Store got smart and no longer lets these type of people enter the store. What a pack of animals.
ReplyDeleteMichigan Avenue used to be elegant and lovely and safe. In the past year, it has been taken over by packs of these savage beasts. The police are all talk no action. These animals should be arrested them and booking them on disorderly conduct or assault.
ReplyDeleteI'd be very careful if I were you. Most of the DECENT people in this city have had enough of your nigger asses and will kick that nigger ass right back to Africa. Perhaps you can act civilized there because you sure as hell don't know how to do that here. Sadly, but you fucking pricks may get black people who know what it means to be civilized singled out as well. You little assholes have no regard for your own people and what your actions are creating. Your loud scream of hate crimes will go unheard as you are beaten to a pulp. You will have some of your won medicine shoved so far down your throat, it will come out your ass. You will know what FEAR is.
I won't even speak on the racist comments here. As with any video like this those kinds of comments are sure to come. I won't try and change your mind because I know it is pointless.
ReplyDeleteI will acknowledge that it is a sad truth that instances of violence such as these do occur often in the Black community. Such instances occur in other racial groups as well, and yes it is true that the media will negatively portray African Americans and other minorities more often than whites.
As members of the minorities groups we have to put a stop to this foolishness. All the racist fucks on here can think whatever they want about us. It may be true, and it may not be true. Let's not give them evidence to back up their stereotypes. Let's create more evidence to support our positive image.
Education starts in the home. My parents raised me to be a respectable man. I went to school with this same kind of foolishness, but I came from a household that would not stand for immoral behavior. Whoop your kids when they're young so that they're not getting whooped by the prison system when they're adults.
@12:07 says: "Let's not give them evidence to back up their stereotypes. Let's create more evidence to support our positive image."
ReplyDeletegood luck with that... at least 3 savage thuggery videos come from WSHH every day. it isn't the media making you look bad, it is yourselves.
sites like CNR and WSHH are not part of the media you were describing. not to mention WSHH is a self-upload site, where THUGS SHOW OFF THEIR EXPLOITS. how could the media possibly be responsible when the shitbirds themselves upload the videos...
While I agree the actions depicted in this video are shameful and disgusting, I find the reactions to this incident equally disheartening. The lack of both civility and intelligent dialogue throughout this page is almost unreal. To speak so foul and profane about a group of misguided youth, actually speaks volumes toward a bigger problem...stupidity. The only reason this fight was deemed newsworthy was b/c it happened to take place downtown. Everybody needs to get off their soapbox and stop trying to polarize a FIGHT, which happens regardless of your race or color. This relatively small group of Blacks are far from a mob. If you need a reminder of what an actual mob is or need to see how actual "animals" behave...refer to inhumane acts done by whites to Blacks during ANY era in American history. Let's stop propagating racist ideologies & try intelligent communication amongst each other.
ReplyDeleteQ Poetry I am a white female and I agree whole heartedly with what you are saying. I also believe racism happens out of fear. There have been many of times as a young woman when I have moved from a car with WHITE men in it because they were too rowdy or strange looking. I would move for a group of black men asian men or any other kind of people because it just isn't SAFE. SAFETY is what concerns me and until parents start TEACHING and taking RESPONSIBILITY for their children this will continue to happen.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe that all of the racist comments on here were made by strictly white people alone, just because of the grammar and language used to express a point. I don't agree with the strict negativity towards black however I do only see black people fighting in the video. I think if this were a group of white individuals that the slurs like "honkie" and "cracker" would be used. I think that people are tired of the garbage. Rahm Emanuel wasn't in this video as far as I could see so I have no idea why people are posting about him. This is not a democratic campaigning area people... get over yourselves.
The important issue here is WHAT ARE WE AS A COMMUNITY GOING TO DO ABOUT THIS. From any standpoint INTELLIGENT people need to take a stand against this if it is from your community LOCK IT UP! There are PLENTY OF GOOD BLACK CITIZENS in this city and I believe it is up to them, since these people parents did not give a rats ass about raising them correctly. Fighting is not ok between anyone but especially between large groups of people. It will only turn into a mess for our local hospital teams and even they dont want to help someone who is acting like that.
A lot of people, I'll assume most to be white, on here are trying to disguise their hatred & intolerance as concerns for their "safety" and being "fed up." Racism is racism, no matter how you wish to sugarcoat it. Whites have committed (& continue to commit ) some of the most heinous acts against humanity, but yet in still I don't hate white people. White elitists have drove this country into 2 recessions b/c of greed and selfishness, but yet I don't hate white people.
ReplyDeleteWe as a people have problems & a select few "bad seeds" are in no way indicative of the nature of Blacks. White children are shooting up schools across the country & killing their parents, while white parents are killing their babies in order to have more time to party. I implore all of you ignorant, self loathing, hypocritical, racist, & unintelligent devils to educate yourselves and work towards unity, or do us all a favor & relocate to a small island. Let us not forget white people aren't even from America. Columbus and his goons killed, raped, and spread diseases to the indigenous people of America. And then YOU even have the audacity to celebrate a day of massacre affectionately called Thanksgiving.
Despite the numerous facts above stating the gross barbaric actions and/or mentality of whites, there's still nothing good in finger-pointing.
Stupid liberals just won't believe how serious this threat is until THEY are the ones attacked. When a group of 50 blacks is stomping on your head while you are ALREADY DOWN AND UNCONSCIOUS, maybe you will see these people are not like you. They are not like any other human. They are more animal than man...
ReplyDeleteThere is NO EXCUSE for this kind of behavior. These thugs, and yes, that's what they are, have nothing in common with the people on Michigan Ave. They lack every social mores known to mankind. They lack any sense of humanity or respect. They are an utter embarrassment to society and their own culture.
ReplyDeleteChildren are TAUGHT these things. Children are Taught prejudice and racism and adults learn it from actions like this. Many people don't start out being a racists or full of hate towards other people, they LEARN it because of thugs like this. Because they have been victimized or are afraid to go somewhere because of thugs like this.
People who continue to throw the "slavery" card down use it as an excuse for their behavior and have NOT evolved. History is one thing, living it everyday through hatred of someone who did something hundreds of years ago is simply an EXCUSE!
Anyone who terrorizes innocent people is a GHETTO THUG with no decency. The educated, contributing black members of society NEED to stop this out of control pathetic behavior because it stereotypes those in the black community who are EVOLVED!
Try using birth control if you don't want to raise your children, most of you aren't even catholic. It's not my job to teach your children how to behave. It's not my job to support children you didn't want. Stop blaming history and the economy. Respect and manners have nothing to do with that. IT STARTS AT HOME!
Im Black and im proud
ReplyDeleteim so pissed at the dumb comments on here. Im not a racist and i appoligize for saying I hate whites. The ignorants ones like on this site really disgust me and make want to go malcom X in this city. You all just dont get it. Who do you think you are blacks not worthy of shopping down michigan ave? I have my own buissness in the bronzeville community making $100,00 a year alone not including my husbands income where you racist ass holes are trying so hard to come and take our neighbor hood. No one wants to be like your race you all are so heartless and sick. Its obvious who is the real animal You the racist prick writting stupid comments. Chicago is a segragated city and after seeing this im determined as a youth leader educating my lovely race of people how to stand strong and become more united. There are other battles out here to fight like you ass holes who think you can say what you want this is 2011 and your smart ass hell for talking shit over the computer because i know you cowards would be the main ones running when the incident happened.
@ Towanda:
ReplyDeleteThat is the most sincere piece of garbage I've read yet. Here you are talking about not making excuses, then you go and try to justify why people like you are racist pieces of shit. It's sad that almost every white person who made a comment is making it a black vs white issue. The problem is actually systemic, especially when looked at a socio-economic view point.
Obviously you live in a sheltered world if you honestly believe slavery isn't an relevant issue. Slavery has evolved from whips and chains to prisons, schools, unfair hiring practices, funding, etc. Schools in a predominately black area receive significantly less resources than their white counterparts. Why is that? This is not a coincidence, it's by design. Why do blacks receive harsher sentencing than whites facing the same crimes? A lot of you white people are just running your mouth w/o doing the research or just practicing conscientious stupidity...which seems to be the case with the majority of you.
Personally, I believe most whites are devils anyway, do these outrageous and baseless comments are in no way surprising.
~puny devils~
@11:12 says: "like you ass holes who think you can say what you want this is 2011 and your smart ass hell for talking shit over the computer because i know you cowards would be the main ones running when the incident happened."
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, we do have the right to say what we want. The 1st amendment guarantees that.
Secondly, yes we would run when incidents like this happened because there is no sense in fighting a group of 50 rampaging animals. What do we possibly have to gain fighting YOUR children. We want peace not more violence. We want this shit to stop because it benefits nobody.
Finally, stop assuming we are all white. Every racial group in chicago has been victimized by these types of crimes, and we are ALL sick of it. Just because we are educated and can use proper grammar/spelling, does not mean we are of the same ethnicity. That is just further evidence YOU are the racist, who makes sweeping generalizations.
YOU are the ones that make it a black/white issue, as opposed to a black VS everyone else issue...
My people, dnt even waste your time arguing with these cowardly whites b***hes. They're nothing more than clowns put here for our amusement. And that's not a broad generalization, that's goes for any race/ethnic group that has a disdain for the original people of this planet.
ReplyDeleteHonestly I haven't seen (1) credible comment logically explaining why it's justified to have such a narrow view of thinking. There wasn't even any intelligent rebuttals other than "they're animals," "We're sick of it," & "we're scared & white." Who really gives a shit about what you cowardly white b***hes think or say??
Continue to be tough behind the keyboard & we'll just keep laughing at the steady stream of bs y'all giving us.
ReplyDelete"Personally, I believe most whites are devils anyway" but you sure don't mind taking that devil white money now do you? Who's money do you think supports your asses cause it sure a'int yours!
You wouldn't know a "credible comment logically explaining why it's justified to have such a narrow view of thinking. There wasn't even any intelligent rebuttals other than "they're animals," "We're sick of it," & "we're scared & white." Who really gives a shit about what you cowardly white b***hes think or say?? IF it bit you in the ass. I've seen several comments that have merit. Towanda's is one. Try reading it again. Her/his comment is talking about the criminals in the black culture and their ongoing criminal behavior. She/he is not talking about the law abiding taxpaying upstanding blacks in the black community. God, can't you people read and comprehend anything?
If you don't like the comments, go somewhere else because we don't give a shit about what you think either. We've been listening to all the excuses for a lifetime. There are plenty of blogs out there and by the way, stop making excuses for all the shitty behavior coming out of your communities. People are sick to fucking tears of it. Do something about it for a change. Towanda must really strike a nerve with you idiots because you're always singling her/him out. Guess the truth really does hurt. I'm sure those making excuses for this behavior and for the comments wouldn't be able to hold any type of conversation with her/him. You have to have intelligence to do that. This sentence was dead on from Towanda and yet, you overlooked it. It's a fact not an excuse. You do know that denial isn't a river right?
"Children are TAUGHT these things. Children are Taught prejudice and racism and adults learn it from actions like this. Many people don't start out being a racists or full of hate towards other people, they LEARN it because of thugs like this. Because they have been victimized or are afraid to go somewhere because of thugs like this".
It's funny how alot of the ghetto trash here thinks its all white people talking about them. I'm Latino and I have a previous post on here about the trash from the southside and westside so it is not all white people hating on here because guess what alot of latin people hate the bullshit you blacks bring from your neighborhoods too. You people hid behind the race card and cry to the goverment and the goverment does try to help you people by building in your neighborhoods but you people dont know how to take care of whats given to you. Have you noticed theres a couple of burn down homes down every block you trash live in, I guess you people cannot afford a BBQ grill so you decide to use your homes instead. Oh and for the record I'm not the only latino who made a post about you animals, alot of my latino friends and family have posted on here too. I guess you animals are not just hated whites but by latinos too.
ReplyDeleteAs a proud black member of society, I am not proud of the youth in this video and what they represent. I am successful, educated and respectful. My parents taught me that the only way to succeed in life is to be respectful and get an education. When I was younger, if I did something like this, there would be hell to pay with my parents. I was never allowed to hang around with kids like this because it leads to a dead end street. Did my parents make me angry? Of course, but today, as an adult, their wisdom has been beneficial to the successes and happiness in my life. I have to agree that children are taught racism and prejudices. It's a learned thinking. It's like everyone thinks pitbulls are inherently mean, that's not true either. They are taught how to be mean and vicious. If I had been a victim of a criminal act inflicted on me by someone of a different ethnicity, I may begin to form a not so nice opinion of that group. I don't believe anyone is born racist or prejudiced. I also don't think a group of 20 plus youth should not be hanging around Michigan Ave. My parents would have never allowed me to do that. So you see, it does start at home and today, I am grateful my parents showed me the way.
ReplyDeleteTheres a discussion about this blog on chicago's YELP (TALK SECTION) And alot of the people on there are saying this is racism. Well lets see what they do when some of this trash comes out of there hoods and start acting like animals in front of these peoples homes!!
ReplyDeleteThis is ms. Black and im proud coming back live:
ReplyDeleteFuck you mexicans, wet back , ass lickers wack ass latinas you bitches ride off the backs off the african american culture. What leaders do you have that are american presidents, ummmm none. You bitches dont have historic colleges you go to local community collages with your home families. Your the same race thats on gangland killing and bringing down our city. You all milk our goverment to the fullest especially child care. So shut up with your dumb asses thier where whites that made it clear they were white now you jump in you pink monkeys shut they dont like your asses either wack ass race
Ms. Black, I'm of asian decent and I must say that alot of ghetto blacks are giving the 10% that are decent a bad name. I work at a restaurant and I must say that when I see blacks from the ghetto coming in to eat it ruins my day. They are rude, loud and abnoxious. I really dont want there buisness because I have alot of decent people eating there and it gives my restaurant a bad name. I guess what alot blacks need to do is start raising your kids right and if you cannot raise them right stop having them.
ReplyDeleteI say the government needs to flood the neighborhoods of these animals with more drugs and guns so they can continue killing themselves alot quicker. I dont want to hear blacks talking about poverty because when my grandparents arrived here from Ireland they were poor and dealt with discrimination but they worked hard, moved ahead in life and passed on values to there kids. So basically stop using the race card, living in poverty, no baby daddy and any other excuse alot of you blacks use because that shit does not work anymore.
ReplyDeleteTO MS. BLACK @6;57pm I guess like the old saying goes Once A Nigger Always A Nigger!!!! Your people will always be in a world of shit because you niggers are lazy scums of this earth
ReplyDeleteCONCEALED CARRY! DEMAND IT from the N loving politicians in ILLINOIS. There is no reason for this and if these animals WANT a race riot they can have it. Ill be more than happy to empty a few .308 Mags into the crowd of Chimpout fools.
ReplyDeleteFED UP with these NIGGERS blaming anyone else for their ape like behavior. No respect for anything. Leave a few of the loud mouthed ones DEAD in the street and WATCH the rest scatter like monkeys to the trees. You think this is bad? Wait till their messiah gets bounced out of the WHITE house in 2012. BRING IT ON MONKEYS I got something FOR you.
Let these apes call it racism. It seems each time a black cant have something their way or someone doesnt agree with the ape its RACIST. Blacks are the MOST racist group out there.Hypocrites. So if they are calling this racist...screw them ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ANIMALS YOU CALL YOUR RACE.
Oh please PLEASE go "malcom x" on us. And wind up just like he did. Full of bullet holes. One less loud mouth ape making excuses for the rest of the tribes behavior.
ReplyDeleteOnly good one is a DEAD one.
well, being sanctioned into the group of "apes" yet being even more embarrassed than my "masters" about this video, I can't help but feel that blatant racism will always arise when something like this happens. We all get swept under the rug of ruthless, unintelligent big dick monsters... worst part, I don't have a big dick :(
ReplyDeleteMartin Luther king was a piece of shit Nigger who is now rotting away. I'm glad that monkey got killed!!!
ReplyDeletePhotoshop is a photo program not a video program IDIOT.
ReplyDeleteI want CCW, but the racist assholes who support it are almost as embarrassing as violent criminals. Both are standing in the way for CCW.
ReplyDeleteThere are two groups of people represented here. They should have their own Island and kill each other off. The violent and "blame the white" blacks, and the whiney "blame it on the blacks" rightwingers. Please get your own Island. You are all cut from the same cloth.
ReplyDeleteI guess we should be hearing from that piece of shit Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton really soon about this blog.
ReplyDeletePerhaps there should be an island for all the pc people who just want to hug and cuddle with everyone. That isn't working now is it? The whites blaming the blacks? At least the whites blaming the blacks are in the here and now not a couple hundred years ago. It's not whites that are roaming around the entire city stealing everything, robbing the cities innocent citizens and being loud mouth, uncouth disrespectful thugs on Michigan Ave. It's not whites shooting each other day and night. Who are we suppose to blame for the continued deterioration of our city? Just read this blog and you tell me who's to blame for all the crime? The economy? I know many many people who have lost their jobs and they are not out committing criminal acts. History? Wow, the blacks can't stay in school but they can remember something that happened in history 3-400 years ago. If we had conceal carry, this would not be as bad as it is. Let's just place the blame on where if belongs because we are all sick of the criminal element in this city. We all know who that is. If the shoe fits, as they say. The thugs know who they are and the upstanding blacks in this city know who they are and we can tell the difference.
Some of the comments have gotten way out of hand but that's what happens when people get pissed off about the continuing crime being committed by these thugs. I don't think anyone "deserves" to die and I don't think the "N" word should be used, but I am pretty fed up with the direction these thugs are taking this city. You should be too!
Hey Not everyone is racist some people are wrong,
ReplyDeleteIf you can post whatever you like freely here, then others can post their support of Rahm Emmanuel.
Rahm Rox,
ReplyDeleteI wasn't saying that you shouldn't support Rahm Emmanuel I am saying however that he has nothing to do with what is going on in this video and that people are completely missing the point by being racist and talking about politics when really this is about a bunch of people attacking a community.
Fuck your asian food and culture you fucking rat allens no likes your race your only good for nails and orange chicken and may be my ipod. Stop hating on my culture and get rid of your fucking political leaders all you other races are ass lickers any ways to satans dirty children "whites". Shut up devils you all will burn in hell those who say the sick shit your saying and every fucking race on here has been in the news has commited crimes shut the fuck up you stupid ass bitches get some dick. My culture is a rich, and will always have something the white man wants but cant have. you other races try to be like us and you cant always stealing from us damn white rats doig hip hop , asians thinking they have rhythm you fucking suck i hate your retarded race ni ho kalin muther fuckers you stink anf your food sucks its cheap and not real chinese food any ways!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteShay shay bu shay
ReplyDeleteAsians fuck you did you not se the movie with clint east wood you bastards are fucking cold blooded killers... Rush hour 1 and 2 killers , kill bill? whites dont like you and your talking shit about a race that would have your back to the fullest show your faces weak sauce
What the Cappleman!
ReplyDeleteNot everyone...,
ReplyDeleteLeave Rahm alone!
This is what some refer to as a "bongo party".
ReplyDeletejust call in the natinal guard and call it a day...
ReplyDeleteWe live on Ohio and Michigan Ave. The High Rise EXPENSIVE apartment buildings take 40% Section 8 residents. These BUMS living in our buildings and they don't even pay rent. Oh Wait they pay $10.00 because they have to pay something. We need this garbage out of our area but it is not ever going to happen. They walk around the area and if they shove you down they will clean their feet on you. If they aren't going to pay rent they why don't they push them into the west side or back to Obamas area.