Between 3:15 a.m. and 3:20 a.m., a would-be thief approached a male victim on the 1100 block of West Barry Avenue, near Barry and Seminary, said police.
Authorities said when the offender demanded the victim’s wallet, the victim ran westbound, away from the suspect.
The would-be mugger was described a male black with a goatee, wearing a beige, plaid shirt and a blue cap.
Investigators said the suspect was last seen on West Barry Avenue, between Kenmore and Seminary.
At 3:30 a.m., police stopped a subject matching the offender’s description at the Belmont train station, 945 West Belmont Avenue.
Police took the victim to the Red Line station to view the possible suspect.
At 3:33 a.m., a responding officer announced via his police radio, that a positive identification was made.
The suspect at the Belmont train station was placed under arrest.
There's always more crimes committed where access to the ghetto express is available so be very aware of your surroundings when around those stops. I hope this perp had a warrant so he goes to jail for a while!