Most people go to the gym to stay in shape, some people go for the sex.
Apparently, the Fitness Formula Clubs located at 3657 North Pine Grove in East Lakeview, is a well known gay cruising spot.
Several online ads suggest there's a whole lot more than sweating going on in the fitness center's stream room.
One patron, who doesn't appreciate his fun in sauna being interrupted, posted the following complaint in Craigslist's missed connections section:
You wear a speedo under your towel and you're constantly going in and out of the steamroom. Not sure if you realize this, but you're ruining the fun for everybody else when you act like the steamroom security guard. It's really annoying.

A few days ago, someone, presumably the same person, was complaining because the men at the same fitness facility weren't showing enough skin.
The online critic said the guys in the sauna looked like they were using "superglue" to fasten their towels around their waists.
This is why I have equipment at home now, gay sex-perverts cruising in our local gyms eyeing you like soome sort of animal.
ReplyDeleteIm glad you think your Gods gift to the world. But not every guy that goes to the gym is trying to check out ur ass. So get over yourself. Maybe its better that you dont go to the gym anymore. Theres enough bigoted homophobic ass wipes in these gyms already.
DeleteSigned- The All American Gay guy.
ReplyDeleteI stopped working out at Equinox at 900 N Michigan earlier this year when I walked in on a guy bending another guy over in the mini-stall area at the back of the locker room. It wasn't just the gay sex, but rather the attitude of management when I brought it up to them - basically, a "This sort of stuff happens a lot, you will be lucky to find a gym in Chicago where it doesn't happen."
ReplyDeleteGuess what? I did find a new gym, and now I don't spend $130/mo, + incidentals like water & snacks, at Equinox anymore!
I swear to god, one day at a Lincoln Park gym a guy was drying-off with a condom hanging from his butthole. I looked because it contrasted so much with his hairy ass. Light blue condon hanging from hairy butt. No lie.
ReplyDeleteI used to live near that gym and was a member. As I lived close, there was no need for me to use the locker room. We had our Bathroom redone, and my wife and I had to use the gym to get ready for work for 2 days. The amount of cruising, leering, etc. that was going on was terrible. I complained to management, and was told that there was nothing that could be done. Promptly cancelled my membership.
ReplyDeleteAlmost 8 years later and the same things are happening, obviously management is complicit in this.
To 10:40 poster - management must feel that the money it makes off ofnpeople who go there BECAUSE of this activity, is enough to offset the money it loses because of it.
ReplyDeleteIt's the Chicago way. The gays here are basically upright walking animals. I call it the Chicago Standard 4 (questions). Oh, look here comes one now......
ReplyDelete1. How big is your D*($
2. Are you a top or bottom?
3. Where are you from?
4. How long have you lived here.
My responses:
1. Who told you that you're even f'able?
2. Again, who told you that you're even f'able?
3. Not the same place as you.
4. Too long.
And the sad part is, the 20-somethings here that are 1/2 my age and I'm not interested in, have more couth than the 40-somethings.
These dregs of the gay society here that do that stuff in public places, if you happen to notice, probably couldn't pay enough for someone to have sex with them. They've found each other.
The thing is, it's not even that its gay sex, but rather, any sex like that, especially in areas like a locker room, shower, etc, in which people who want nothing to do with this fornication are subject to watching it, or worse yet, potential filth & disease from it.
ReplyDeleteFor example, the used condom hanging from some guy's (or girl's) asshole. Besides having shit on the outside of it that is dirty & can spread disease, on the inside was a cock that belongs to someone who thinks it's OK to fuck a perfect stranger in public. Meaning, that wasn't the first time that cock being used in that manner, which means it's more likely to be dirty & diseased than a cock that belongs to someone who doesn't fuck anything that moves.
Apparently the "bottoms" guy was unaware of this hanging out of his butthole, so he wouldn't have any idea if the thing fell on the ground in the locker room - and spread it's filth & germs to people who want nothing to do with this lifestyle.
I don't care at all who fucks whom, and if you feel that you MUST do it somewhere besides the privacy of your own home, go to a bathhouse or some other place where everybody who walks through the door knows what they're getting into. But to do this in a gym, a place in which the majority of the people who go there go to better themselves, not catch a disease, is just wrong on so many levels.
"Go to a bathhouse"? i'm sure people in these establishments also want the same cleanliness and respect that you do.
Delete.....and to ad to my post I was mentioned on Craiglist "missed connections" 3 times in one day (THREE) from a gym visit. One mentioned, "I can't tell if he's family or if he's giving me that get away from me you queer look". Most likely it was the latter.
ReplyDeleteI love reading those Craigslist ads. They just back-up my feelings of the type of gays you're dealing with here.
A simple "Hi" sometimes does the trick rather than the stare down, trying way too hard to make eye contact with you, the crouching/rubbing, circling around you. Creeps. I never even used that word before moving here.
A guy that I did date here actually bought me a drink to start conversation. Imagine.
My husband at the Rogers Park Bally's got propositioned in the shower. He was completely freaked out and disgusted. It seems that alot of these "health" clubs on the North side are meat markets. And as a side note we are from the South side, where you get killed or badly hurt for doing stuff like this.
ReplyDeletegays have da rite 2 have sex anywhere we wants.
ReplyDeleteSO GLAD I live in Texas...these freaks up North have no manners whatsoever..
ReplyDeletedoz compainin men dont like the size of their members.
ReplyDeletehey dude, u liked da blue condom and hairy butt dude.
ReplyDeleteI'm the guy who used ton use Equinox at 900 N. MI, forgot to add this:
ReplyDeleteAfter the manager told me that this happens everywhere & I told him I wanted to cancel my membership, he told me about the high fee for canceling "early."
I let him know that I absolutely would not pay that fee, bc I was disgusted that they refused to do anything about whatbwas happening in their locker room. Told himi would go to his corporate offices, he said, Fine, they will support my decision bc he followed protocol.
So, I called corporate, and guess what? Not only did they let me cancel my membership without fee, and not only did they refund the $130 I had paid less than a week earlier for the upcoming month, but corporate apparently called the manager to ream him out. I know this because the very next day, he called me to apologize!
Really all you have to do is visit a Starbucks anywhere in this city to see similar. A guy pulled his pants down to his ankles, bare ass and all, near the bathroom for me. Like, yeah, you're the one dude!
ReplyDeleteream? LOL
ReplyDeleteLOL must have been an ass-reaming!!!
ReplyDeleteda ppl dat complans about gays really want to meat dem.
ReplyDeleteTriplePhat for "rites", maybe on the Souf side gays have sex anywhere they want. Could this be why you're not, ahem, assimilating when visiting the Norf? See, we try to address and stop problems before they spiral out of control.
ReplyDeleteChicago is full of assholes, gay and straight.
ReplyDeleteLove getting off with the guys in th FFC Steamroom. The straight black locker rooms attendants never check the steam room while the gay staff are always "policing" the steam room. Wish the trainers would hang out in the steam room.
ReplyDeleteDo woman have the same problem in the steam room?
ReplyDelete"Do woman have the same problem in the steam room?"
ReplyDeleteI was wondering the same thing.
Same thing happens at FFC Halsted, LVAC, Ballys Century, East Bank etc etc.
ReplyDeleteOne word....bathhouse
Guess I'll answer your question...NO!
ReplyDeleteNot to say that what those Gays are doing is OK, but that is not 1/100th of what happens with Straight Guys F**king Ho's - and leaving used condoms ALL OVER THE DAMM PLACE.
ReplyDeleteHow come nobody's biyatching about that???
Well Mike, at least they're using condoms. Most gays these days don't, especially the younger ones with the new attitude regarding HIV that "you just have to take the meds now". Shocking to me (discovered I've reached "daddy" status, it's almost humorous here).
ReplyDeleteNot to mention all the other STD's. Syphillis is at - epidemic - levels in this city. No biggie, that's just a shot of penicillin right? I dated a guy that mentioned this vestibular disorder he had. Balance problems, in hindsight, basically disabled. Something was definitely wrong. I read that that condition is known to be attributed to the syphills virus lying dormant in your ear canal. I discovered he liked to play the potty games at one of the more popular bars here too. People that frequent Steamworks complaining they were out of work for 2 weeks because of H1N1. Must have some really good health insurance. I couldn't afford to be this "active" here even if I wanted to.
I used to keep the whole gay thing here at arms length. I've extended much further. Professional gents where I'm from (and you wouldn't believe where). Lakefront Liberals. There is no right or wrong here in Chicago.
@ Mike P - the same reason the article with the white pedophile has no comments, and the article with the black guy who rapes his mother does. Most of the readers here are racist and homophobic who focus only on the shit that gays and blacks do. This is unfortunate because this is the only place the reports the crime in my neighborhood.
ReplyDeleteIn boystown you get robbed by black crossdressers at gunpoint, and then robbed during the tax season by wealthy white parents and their little "tax deductions" that single and childless people pay for.
'rites 4 gays' is working his obama-pod right now. Stolen or purchased, you filthy pavement ape?
ReplyDeleteTo anon at 931 - I think the reason you see the comments here is bc this behavior of fucking people in gym showers, and expecting that gym steam rooms are gay hook up rooms, is NOT behavior shown by straight people.
ReplyDeleteWhat about the Montrose Harbor beach issues? I'm always hearing about early morning busts of groups of gay guys fucking each other, like 6 am, and it's people who met at Boys Town clubs & migrated to the beach at 6 am to hook up bc they are on E or other pills & are still up.
Obviously, people think that the white pedophile is sick, just as sick as the black guy that raped his mother, and just as sick as the gay guys that turn gym locker rooms into their personal hook up dens. The difference is, while only Charles Effinger thinks its OK to rape his mother, or while only Angelo Bird thinks its OK to molest a 93 y/o woman who lives at the nursing home he works at, there is evidently an entire subculture of people who believe it is OK to turn a publicly accessible locker room into their personal den of hedonism, or think it's OK to have sex en masse on a public beach where children may be. Not to mention the posted who commented about how this behavior increases the likelihood of spreading disease & filth to innocent, non-participants in the locker room (how would YOU like to step on a HIV filled condom in a locker room???).
Concerning the little "tax deductions," at least those parents are actually filing tax returns & paying taxes. And when you consider the high sales taxes here in IL, and the fact that a parent now has to feed, clothe & medicate the children (in addition to themselves), a lot of the tax revenue is made up for in those additional expenditures.
"At least those parents are actually paying taxes". Correct. Like me and I'm not a parent and am gay.
ReplyDeleteProves my point. Those involved in all this activity have access to some "social program" here for their health care and could care less. Have fun on someone elses dime.
Meanwhile, I read that Center on Halsted has been granted $1.6M (MILLION) for HIV prevention for, specifically, bi-sexual blacks and latinos. It's really out of hand here.
@anonymous - Oct 27 10:22 AM
ReplyDeleteDa only filthy pavement ape here is you with your stolen pod.
@anonymous - Oct 26 4:13 PM
I live norf in Lakeview. Don't make assumptions.
think i'll go for a walk outside now
ReplyDeletethe summer sun's callin my name
(i hear ya now)
i just can't stay inside all day
i gotta get out get me some of those rays
everybody's smilin
sunshine day
everybody's laughin
sunshine day
everybody seems so happy and gay
it's a sunshine day
Anonymous @ 5:33pm. Eternal gay adolescense. You spoke volumes for the gays pushing 50 years old here in Chicago. They still think they're 22 and cute (NOT!).
ReplyDelete@'rites for gays' I am making assumptions about your intelligence. What does the neighborhood you live-in have to do with anything? Dumb ass, learn how to type your heiroglyphics better. Gay pavement ape.
ReplyDeleteThe narcissistic gay pavement ape checks chicago news report on his stolen iPod to see how he's changing the world.
ReplyDeleteMan you stupid asses live in a fantasy land of great acheivement, so profouind to you, but still below standard for 90% of the rest of us. Chicago is in trouble now that the CHA crack babies (tens of thousands of them) now wander the city with no hope other than to steal what someone else has worked for. Damn, most of them walk around and talk into their stolen iPods with NO ONE ELSE ON THE OTHER END....just to hear their pavement ape babble AKA Poetry.
To the (probably christian and fat) stupid, idiot Texan: We're glad you don't live here, either. You obviously have never been to a gym in your life. Particularly one in Cedar Springs, Dallas, or in Montrose, Houston. Dumb ass moron.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous at 12:11: Love how you crossed into the scatological. Where'd you learn that? Your fundamentalist church? Most gay men know how to have clean sex. I guess you haven't heard of diseases in vaginas.
ReplyDeletePlus to add to the above mentioned. Its a proven statistical FACT that over 85% of straight males and females spread more S.T.D.s and other dieseases then gay guys or Lesbians. That's REALITY!! So all you fucking bigoted homophobic ass wipes who are trying to lie through your nasty ass yellow teeth and trying to blame gay guys for all dieseases within the world. Again GET YOUR FACTS CORRECT. Jack Asses.
DeleteSigned- The All American Gay Guy.
I've concluded that being gay is a natural defense against reproducing a deeper, more fundamental flaw in the individual. Like the yellow stripes on a wasp, it signals "don't play with me!" unless of course we are talking about rectums.
ReplyDeleteHey Self Righteous Straight Guys,
ReplyDeleteRaise your hands if you or your buddies have done any of the following:
1. Raped a woman (including date rape).
2. Hit a woman.
3. Got a woman pregnant and left.
4. Cheated on a wife or girlfriend.
5. Verbaly abused a woman.
This is a sick, sick world we live in.
ReplyDeleteHey Anonymous October 29, 2011 3:56 PM:
ReplyDelete....None of the above?.....
Time for ThermoStellar Bomb #20 (Google it)
ReplyDelete"Women need a reason to have sex; men just need a place."
ReplyDeleteDave Chappelle 8D
i've been going to this club for more than 5 years, and as a married straight male am definitely in the minority. i've had some comments and some awkward leers, but nothing straight guys don't do to women at most gyms. if the place is as sexually active as the story suggests, it's not apparent to someone who just goes there to work out.
ReplyDelete@ Anonymous:
ReplyDeleteOctober 28, 2011 8:37 AM
U have no smarts wit ur heiroglyphics. I saw ur Gay pavement ape arse with a gay tranny.
I wish we had gyms like that in Amsterdam, unfortunately we only have the name. Only in America and I like it.
ReplyDeleteI'm gay and still hate being cruised at the gym. I'm there to work out and steam, not to be your eye candy. Creepy looks aren't hot
ReplyDeleteWhy is this news?
ReplyDeleteYou, on the south side, think killing or badly hurting someone who shows sexual interest in you is okay to do is okay... and you think the NORTH side has problems???
ReplyDeletewow. a lot of hate here. i'm not one for public sex or even making out in the streets for that matter, but come on. i don't talk about how someone would die if they did that somewhere else. how about this. if i ever catch straight people making out in boystown again, i'll make sure everyone knows to dispose of them properly. how does that taste?
ReplyDeleteseriously, get over the negativity and anger.
As a 41 years old "out" white Irish gay man, I would never have such lack of common decency and respect for others and for myself to have unprotected sex in the shower, sauna, steam room, locker room or other public part of a straight gym for straight people - I live in Manchester in the UK and I have lived in Dublin in my native Ireland for 3 years where we have gay saunas (bath-houses) - when I was younger, I admit that I did cruise cottages (public toilets) until I was robbed very soon after, when being gay in Ireland was illegal - these gay guys in America, even if they are not openly gay, should use the bath-houses - I simply do not understand why they feel the need to constantly offend straight guys by having gay sex in straight gyms - I myself have cut down on using gay bath-houses for sex and enjoy the comfort of relaxing in a gay sauna steam room and shower for its intended purpose, but I would never dream of having gay sex in a straight gym as it is simply to me a matter of common decency and common sense - Michael xxxx
ReplyDeleteAs a staff member of all of the aforementioned gyms I have seen some this happen, but quite frankly I think this is being blown out of proportion. The straight guys are always so afraid of some guy checking them out...heres a tip...take it as a compliment.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I notice most straight guys don't go into the steamroom and if they do...the guys pretty behave themselves until the guy leaves.
I agree with can't control what people do...cause they will find a way. And, how do you monitor...can't install cameras...and the bathroom attendant isn't going to care...making minumum really how do control it. not have the facilities available?
I know East Lakeview has put up new showers that are private and that is how they are dealing with it. There is also another shower in the pool area that is more private if you are afraid.
What I worked at Equinox...(mind you, I am not an attendant) I NEVER saw any funny business there. So, I have no idea when these people are in the gym
And for the record it is not the just gay is the horned up straight-married guys doing it too!! why not, its safe, its not cheating. seriouly! There are much bigger things to worry about!!
Now see it's nasty news like this that makes being gay not as easy as everyone would like to think. The public don't see us as bunch of guys having fun we get slammed for the wrong doings of our lust for sex and nobody see's the good the comes from a happy gay couple which in turn is the reason why getting married is illagle because the public dont see us as to people in love and who want to spend there lives together but see us as lustful creatures whos only thing in life is to have sex all the time.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous December 12, 2011 4:03 PM: You are such a fucking fag. Straight guys should "take it as a compliment"? Really dude. You are pathetic. If that's the case, you should take being called a fag a compliment. Its as if you are saying gay men have such great taste that if one hits on you then it means you're hot. Fuck that. Gays dabble in SHIT. Go kill yourself, faggot.
ReplyDelete"BLOWN out of proportion..." LOLOL...I get it, I get it!
ReplyDeleteI visited the cesspool known as Third World Gym on Montrose Avenue when I moved to Chicago. It is the worst and has many loser fags trolling the bathrooms for sex. Even worse, most of the guys look like illegal beaners or old HIV-positive disasters. Robert, the gym manager, is an illegal beaner himself and turns a blind eye to the activities. Revenue clearly trumps character as the staff pretends not to see what's going on.
ReplyDeleteI don't mind if they look at my junk...what's the big deal?
ReplyDeleteSame thing happens in forest preserves in chicago. Ever wonder why you see NOTHING BUT MEN sitting in cars, or driving around in circles around forest preserves in chicago or outlining areas?
ReplyDeletewhen in doubt, whip it out :-)
ReplyDelete@annoymus Dec 13, 2011 9:55 AM: you can tell a "fag" to kill himself and go ape on him all you like, but your scathing message only serves to indicate that you have severe internal issues. I think individuals like yourself
ReplyDeleteare as deeply troubled and deserving of prayer than some of the aforementioned men who are committing these lewd acts. grow up.
I use the FFC on halsted st about once per week. Sometimes, I'll use the steam room post workout if I have time or am in the mood (since I workout later at night). on one occasion, I did happen to walk in on two men performing oral sex on each other. aside from being shocked and feeling awkward, I went ahead and sat down anyways, and they got up and left.
Obviously, I'm not so sheltered as to be oblivious to the fact that such things could happen in a gym in a predominantly gay neighborhood, but I suppose I was just weirded out that it happened right under my nose. however, by sitting down in the steam room, these men realized that what they were doing was wrong in a public setting and got up to leave. it was a passive demonstration resulting in little to no backlash.
moreover, cruising happens EVERYWHERE. I have had it happen to me at FFC union station, lincoln park, north halsted, and it happened back when I was at ballys. it's not something unique to Chicago or even the gay community in general. take the high road and learn to get over it while not perpetuating it. A simple look of disapproval maybe sufficient to teach people to cool their jets
@ annoymus posting Dec 13 2011 9:55 AM: when the individual said, "take it as a compliment," he/she wasn't suggesting you have engage sexually with that individual.
ReplyDeleteas a straight guy, surely you've been hit on by elderly women before you've had no attraction to. is it any different? no! you shrug it off, forget and move on.
PS: not jumping to conclusions, but more and more
people (straight or gay) with civilized upbringings have become aware that overly hateful, homophobic statements such as the one you published are often strong signals that that person making such commentary is secretly gay/closeted and using hate as a defense mechanism against their own internalized homophobia. Again, not jumping to conclusions, but that reaction did pass through my mind (and probably others' as well upon reading your comment) so maybe you ought to be mindful
of that next time you tell a "fag" to "go kill himself."
I live in Lincoln Park and have a home gym in my house. Some have asked me why I I put in a few grand for the gear when I could have a gym membership at so many places in the Near North Area.
ReplyDeleteActs like the gay men with their public sex and all that despicable nonsense in the locker rooms is a big reason. There are other reasons too (travel and my time table) but the conduct of Chicago gays is one factor.
It seems to be a "health club" failing mostly. I do MMA and the places I train at for that activity, from all my encounters, don't have any issues with sexual propositions nor public homosexual fornication.
If I ever had some nonsense like what was described at Equinox, I would be on the phone to my lawyer so fast and sue the bastards for six figures easy. Let corporate deal with the public issue of a lawsuit that spins the image of their business as a mecca for aggressive, nasty and unwanted gay sex in public occurring under the eye of management!
@ Anonymous Feb 2, 2013... ha ha ha.
ReplyDeleteYou'd call your LAWYER because someone had homo-sex in front of you?
You're such a little PUSSY.
Sure you're not a faggot?
Go kill yourself, crybaby.
Hey guys! Lighten up!
ReplyDeleteThe bad news is gays are here.
The good news is they don't breed.
Here for a good time, but not a long time.
Sick sick
ReplyDeleteSex with poo, and yet u fart, have the runs, pebble dash out of that same hole, connected to the base of your stomach
Ill never ever agree with gays, having sex with the same hole poo slides out of is sick very sick.
Whats wrong with u people, its the human waste passage, its not for what u are doing, you invented that, sick
What did he expect? Gay dudes at a sauna in Boystown are going to have sex with each other - it is inevitable. I bet that there are numerous dudes who only joined that gym so that they could spray diarrhea on each other in the sauna or showers or get sucked off by a random stranger.
ReplyDeleteI remember hearing that a straight man joined one of the Boystown gyms because he didn't realize that 99% of the people there were gay. He apparently cancelled his membership after he got freaked out when he was pissing at a urinal and some random gay dude came up behind him and leaned over his shoulder to watch him pee.
ReplyDeleteI've read the threads with interest. The level of bigoted hatred is sad. I've been an avid gym guy for many years and have lived all over the world. I have avoided steam rooms and showers in gyms all my life as I don't feel comfortable being ogled at and have some uncomfortable encounter when some guy acts inappropriately towards me. While the FFC East Lakeview is particularly gay, incidents discussed above at gyms everywhere, based on my experience, are largely a result of closeted straight men not openly gay men. I can't tell you how many times I've seen some guy grabbing/stroking himself staring at me only to see him later greet and kiss his girlfriend or wife on his way out of the gym. While I do not support the inappropriate gym behavior whether gay or straight it needs to be mentioned to the small minded haters out there that it's not just a gay thing but a male thing Peace.
ReplyDelete@June 10, 2014 at 3:15 PM: Really? You think the level of bigoted hatred on here is sad? You know what's sadder? The bigoted RACIAL hatred that white gays spew at other gay men. You boys are so quick to cry bigotry when straights disagree with the lifestyle. But your racial bigotry simply amounts to "preferences." Sheesh. Do us all a favor: Die of AIDS real soon, or better yet just commit suicide. One more thing: get your facts together. As a gay man, I work out frequently and can guarantee you that it is the nasty, trollish, pathetic openly gay men that display the most inappropriate behavior in the locker area.
ReplyDeleteI have a right to pay for my membership at a gym and be left alone. Not all, but some people at gyms take things way to far. So far that gays at the gym are only proving that homosexuality is a psychological dysfunction, and disconnect.
ReplyDeleteIm glad im not american! America sounds like satans arsehole!
ReplyDeleteI'm sitting here, reading this, and I realized...
America is basically assholes, with only a few good people.
Why does it matter so much whether someone is gay or not? It's not like you or the person themselves can control everything about themselves. So, GET OVER IT!
Stop being assholes and idiots and keep your own opinions to yourselves, because whether you like it or not, gays are going to be completely legal in every. single. freaking . state in the US. You can't stop it. So stop being kids and grow up!
This is why many clubs are closing but to those who are involved in this kind of gay play, you dont realize that if a man is that bold and thirsty he is 99% already sick with some kind of disease and dont give a dam about giving to all he is involved with. Of course what better place to go and infect men but a health club because they are desperate and at the moment dont think other than horny. Your horninest results in AIDs and other std disease in the end and now you are looking stupid and dying.
ReplyDeleteAs a straight man who frequents Chicago gyms often I just want to say that I love when gay men look at me when I am naked in the locker room. All of my friends love it too. We often will wait for this one gay guy to finish what he is doing so that he can look at us naked. My friend will bend over so that he can even get a peak inside his hole! I take it as a compliment, and its good motivation for working harder in the gym. I work so hard I might as well enjoy the fruits of my labor . People who are uncomfortable being looked at in the gym usually don't get naked not just because of gay guys. Straight guys look at each other too. I look all the time not because I am attracted but to compare myself to them .