19-year-old Isiak Beach of the 8500 block of South Mackinaw Avenue seems hellbent on becoming a career criminal; and apparently, it's all god's fault.
Police say Beach and three younger boys, some as young as 14, beat and robbed a 44-year-old man on the 9100 block of South Commercial Avenue.
The October 16, 2011 beating left the victim with multiple bruises and cuts on his face and body.
Authorities said Sunday's robbery wasn't Beach's first brush with the law.
The 19-year-old bum has previous arrests, including a misdemeanor assault.
Chicago News Report reached out to Beach's mother for her reaction, and here's what she said.
CNR: What is your reaction to Isiak Beach's arrest?
CNR: God didn't raise your son, you did. That's why I'm asking you.
CNR: Really? Sounds like we have uncovered the reason your son was arrested. YOU should be raising your children, NOT god. Let me ask you this, did you fail your son as a mother?

CNR is still waiting for a response to that last question.
So, there you have it folks! Beach was arrested, because god did a poor job of raising him.
I appreciate your efforts to shine the spotlight on some crimes that go under the radar, but this is unfair and disrespectful.
ReplyDeleteAs much as we want to decry MzDva for her apparent lack of parenting, she's entitled to not have to answer questions from strangers over Facebook direct message as she's going through a family crisis.
Nice one Tim. MzDva is an idiot. Not to mention being a diva is probably the opposite of living as her god would want...
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 10:27 p.m., what about the victim's crisis? Funny, you never even mentioned the man who was attacked by a pack of wild animals.
ReplyDeleteAnonymnous 10:41 p.m., thank you.
ReplyDeleteLess worried about the delicate sensibilities of a hood rat than victims of crimes perpetrated by these failed "families." Wasn't there a father around to help guide this kid? Well, you know what they say. Once you go black.....you're a single mother.
ReplyDeleteThey both are probably at the low end of the mental scale so there's not much to work with there. It's all in the hands of the Lord now.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great way to get around personal responsibilities - they're in the Lord's hands now!
ReplyDeleteI can imagine this is the scene mid-afternoon at Mama Beach's pad:
ComEd: Ms. Beach, your bill hasn't been paid in 6 months, we are going to send you to collections.
Mama: You best send the LORD to collections, because he pays my bills for me!!!!!
CPD: Ms. Beach, we arrested your son for beating & robbing an elderly woman, can you please come to the station?
Mama: You need to call the LORD to come to the station, he raises my boy.
Local drug dealer: Yo mama Beach, you owe us either $40 or a hummer for those crack rocks.
Mama: You best go to the LORD for yo money, he's the one who supports my habits!
Tim, what her son did is independent of what she did. Yes, crime is bad, yes, crime is horrible, yes, criminals are bad, yes, the mothers of criminals are probably horrible. But she's still a mother and she's ENTITLED to not be harassed via private message on Facebook. You've become so narrow-minded in your pursuit of some type of justice for crime victims, that you turn an innocent party into a source of mockery. That's not right. She didn't rob anyone and she's entitled to her privacy, because at this point, she's just a citizen. I'm not taking sides, I don't give a shit about this woman, I'm just being objective. You're being unfair.
ReplyDeleteCorrect me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't you want to be left alone if one of your family members committed a crime?
She did not commit a crime, she doesn't have to answer your questions, and she can give you any answer she wants.
@947 am - while I don't really agree with the aggressive line of questioning CNR took on this one, I must disagree with you that this blogger cannot question her.
ReplyDeleteThe mother has a public profile, meaning anyone can converse with her on there - and because she chooses to keep her facebook public, anything she does on there becomes part of the public domain. Kind of like if she (or anyone) were to write a letter to the editor of the Trib or CST.
Secondly, she chose to converse with Tim. She could simply have ignored his questions, but chose instead to have a dialogue. Sure, it wasn't much of a dialogue, and seems foolish to most of us who read this blog, but she chose to engage in that discussion. I don't see how CNR compelled her to do this.
Finally, I agree with your last point, that she doesn't have to answer questions, and she can give any answer she wants. However, she chose to answer, and chose to give some pretty asinine answers. Again, her fault, not CNR's.
Tim, keep up the good work. The only interviews that you do that don't have to be ID'd on here are ones in which you agreed to anonymitiy of your source, or ones that you & your source agree to be "off the record." Anything else is fair game, and as an adult & a parent, Rose Beach is under the obligation to understand that, and CNR is by no means obliged to advise her that she doesn't have to say anything.
PS - people, if you use facebook or other social media, keep it as private as possible.
The mother is ENTITLED to not be interviewed? I would say, she's entitled to reply, "No comment," ignore the questions, or really, say whatever she wants.
ReplyDeleteBut how about, the victims of her son's crimes are ENTITLED to not be beaten, mugged & terrorized by her little POS gangbanger?
And frankly, who else is going to speak on behalf of the criminal's family - the LORD? Not sure if he is available for comment, at least not via FB.
She didn't give asinine answers- she rambled off the top of her head. Making a leap of her accusing God for what happened requires more substance than a throw-away line from a clearly annoyed individual.
ReplyDeleteAnd again, yes, people are entitled to not be beaten. People are also entitled to not be badgered (which is what this is) and baited into a soundbyte. If you're wondering why she didn't respond, Tim, it's because it's a leading, unfair question positioned by an armchair detective and she does not benefit at all by providing you a serious answer.
I repeat (and if brought up again, I'd like to see some points to counteract mine), the crime committed by her son is irrelevant when it comes to his mother. Volunteering inflammatory and self-incriminating evidence is one thing, like the mother of one of those kids who attacked the Polish guy in River North last year, but trying to bait a mother in the middle of a family crisis is bush league stuff.
This mother is responisble. She put her spawn on this earth and didn't bother to raise it, and now society pays the price. Sterlize the ghettos or force them to have abortions if there is no father involved. Keep up the good work CNR.
ReplyDelete1. Tim, what her son did is independent of what she did.
ReplyDeleteReally? How do you know? How do you know she didn't tell him to do what he did? How do you he's not imitating what he learned from her?
2. But she's still a mother and she's ENTITLED to not be harassed via private message on Facebook.
I did not harass her. I did what I always do. I sent her a message and waiting for a response. If she had not replied to my emails, I would not have made further contact.
3. You've become so narrow-minded in your pursuit of some type of justice for crime victims, that you turn an innocent party into a source of mockery.
Narrow-minded? Mockery? Well, I never!!! LMAO!
99% of the time, I go to great lengths to keep my personal opinions out of my news reports. If you knew me personally, you'd know just how ferocious I can be when I am on the "attack".
If I were really trying to make the suspect's mother look like a fool, I could have released a hell of a lot more info than I did.
4. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't you want to be left alone if one of your family members committed a crime?
You have been officially corrected. I don't defend criminals, even if they share my DNA.
Furthermore, If I wanted to keep my family business to myself, I'd have enough self-control to ignore a random stranger asking me questions online.
The mere fact that the suspect's mother responded to my inquiries, while simultaneously claiming she didn't want to talk about her son's arrest, is a clear indicator of poor impulse control; a defect that apparently plagues her son, as well.
CNR - I'm with you, I completely agree with what you said in your defense at 12:06 am.
ReplyDeleteNow for me to go on a tangent - I think this entire exchange is a perfect example of not just a stupid person using facebook, but also using it poorly.
First, until today (or maybe later yesterday), she had a public profile - I checked it myself.
People don't realize that when they put stuff up on FB, especially on profiles that are not at all protected, they are putting it into the public domain. (I don't have a facebook, rather a "dummy" profile that I use to login & check out profiles for idiots like Mz. Diva Beaytch, but there is no info about me on it; I do have a twitter, but only use it for news feeds for CNBC & my alma mater's athletics).
Once their pictures, info about themselves, conversations are out there, they never go away, and are never protected. There are companies out there which simply make a permanent record of every piece of activity on public profiles - and are used by attorneys, skip tracers, employers, etc, to dig up info on people.
So when people on FB have conversations with you, or when they put up pics of them with men flashing gang signs (Krystal), or pics of them flashing gang signs & holding a blunt (the 13 y/o boy who was shot by police after flashing a gun at them), etc, they need to realize that this stuff can come back to bite them in the ass.
The bottom line is, FB is probably a great tool for people to use to network, reconnect with old friends, keep in touch with people, etc., but it’s also a great way for idiots like Isiak’s mom to put her foot deeply into her mouth.
99% of the time?
ReplyDeleteYeah, right. You have biases like everyone else and the added benefit of having an outlet for it.
Re-read your last question. You have an assumption that she's to blame for what her son did. That's your bias in action that's so ingrained in you and your readers that you can't see it. You assume this woman is responsible for what happened to her son and you want her to prove you wrong.
Sorry, real life doesn't work that way.
Conceal to carry now(Contact springfield)!!! Your location / money won't save u. Be a victor not a victum.
ReplyDeleteStricter welfare laws also.
I think a better question would have been, "Do you realize you named your son Isiak?"
ReplyDeleteIf god raises her children, can we please cut her welfare/child support/other crap. She shouldn't get extra money for every hellspawn she brings into the world, if she is going to let god do all the hard work.
ReplyDeleteAt least we know that he wasn't immaculately conceived - since no black fathers actually stick around to raise their kids.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletetowanda said...
ReplyDeleteHave to agree with Timothy on this one. She responded, rather foolishly and ALL reporters/journalist go for the interview. Seems she didn't know what the words "no comment" meant. It also seems to me that parent/parents don't take ANY responsibility in raising their children these days and the excuses they have for the criminals their children become are beyond ridiculous. It's always everyone else's fault including GOD!
Anonymous@ 5:59, brilliant! LOL. I love it! Cut her welfare because "God is raising her son"...OMG! Too funny:)
Good day to all, I really do not appreciate how many of you are speaking about a person and her family that you do not know. I personally know this family for over 20 years and I personally know the father of Issac. Issac was raised in a loving home with family that surrounds him everyday and hour. Rose have done the very est at raising her son and children that she could, she has never been a welfare mother, did not grow up without a father, and she has always been a pillar in our community. Her family has seen tough times like everyone else, but to trash this woman for the actions of her son is wrong. I think that if you would have had a different approach with this you would have been able to ask the questions and get an answer, but you took the bull shit route and then made her seem ignorant to the world. If she cared not to answer then you should just leave it as that, how dare you.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I bet that half of you who are out here with your so called answers and comments did not have the stable household that she had, your children are doing GOD knows what and you are a absent parent in their lives and where is your children(s) father. His father is around and do keep in contact with them often, but that will not help you judge mental as freaks on here with your bullshit ideas, so called PHD's and the everlasting I know better then you do.
Why can you not accept her privacy in this matter, do you not think that it hurts a woman who has raised a child and to only find out that you may or may not know that child anymore and it is not because of what you have done. See the way I see it is everyone has people in their lives that do things that are not allowed or will not be accepted in others lives and trust me, she does not accept any of this and her family, which is a strong support system does not accept it either. I ask on behalf of the family, mother and father please allow them to be able to correct the wrong there son made and I am speaking to the mother now and she stated and told me to state this, walk a mile in my shoes then tell me.
Not trying to be a dick here, but. . .
ReplyDeleteThe mouse that doesn't want to get caught in the trap needs to realize not to take the cheese. And a responsible adult that is a parent needs to know when to do the same.
If you don't know who someone is that is contacting you & asking questions, you need to be smart enough to ignore that person.