The victim said four black men wearing women’s clothing attacked him, stole his wallet, and took his car.
The stolen vehicle was described as a black Honda Accord with a partial license plate of K96.
The cross dressing thieves were last seen going eastbound on Belmont Avenue.
An ambulance was called to the scene to treat the victim’s injuries.
No further details are available.
I witnessed all four of these young cross dressing males walking at a fast clip towards the Halsted St. Boys Town Strip coming from the Addison El Station at about 6:30 p.m. Check the El stations surveillance cameras and the Shell Gas Station at Addison and Halsted's pump bay cameras at around the same time because they cut through the lot there as well. They all appeared to be under 21 years old. My condolences to the victim of this crime.
ReplyDeleteDrag queens can be very mean & nasty. My question is, why get off at Addison instead of Belmont. Were THEY afraid of getting harassed or attacked walking from the Belmont stop?
ReplyDeleteSad but true, blacks(though not all) ruin whatever neighborhood they INVADE! Why is it that some blacks DO NOT know how to act? Why are blacks the major crime committers? Why are they incapable of getting along in society? They better be very careful NOT to create another "white flight" because their freebies will go with it. Guess they never heard of the old adage...Don't bite the hand that feeds you!"
Boystown is doomed with this invasion! They don't spend money there, can't go into the bars and are disrespectful of the residents who do live there and spend money. Losing battle.
PC be damned!
how drag? fake drag to mug people?
ReplyDeleteIf it's come to this, which it obviously has, drag and any other form of disguise/costume should no longer be allowed in public (oh, kill me now) except for Halloween. Or, if they want to dress in drag, a blown up version of their state I.D. or drivers license should have to displayed on the front of their body.
ReplyDeleteA certain ethnicity lost a case to cover their face for their drivers license pictures.
Drag is obviously the new urban terrorism.
There is no way we're going down to the Halloween Parade this year. See, this is what ghetto thugs do...RUIN IT! Plus, we stayed away from the parade this year and are glad we did.
ReplyDeleteAll I can say is, this is not the Boystown/Lakeview I used to know and love!
ReplyDeleteDitto that Timothy:(
ReplyDeleteThe four young males that I witnessed did not look like criminals disguising themselves to commit a crime. They looked like young "juvie" drag queens with cheap wigs that hang out on Halsted Street at night and hook and rob in the alleys. One was wearing a long black sixties Cher wig with bangs and Baby Phat clothing. Perhaps they used the Addison El stop instead of Belmont because they are "known" or wanted there and can't take that route because of previous criminal acts.
ReplyDeleteDamn, if only the police could get descriptions of regular offenders and keep close watch on them, a "profile" of typical offenders if you will, and maybe they could deter crimes from happening. You know, actual detective work. It just seems to be SO RANDOM as to who's committing these crimes, it could be half a century or so before we know who's doing it.
ReplyDeleteTranny Hookers!!! This neighborhood is crawling with them and they need to go! They give truly transgendered a bad name!!!
ReplyDeleteI lived in Lakeview from 2000 to 2010, and thought it had changed significantly in that time. When I first moved there, I always felt safe no matter what time of day and no matter what section of Lakeview I was in. By 2006-2007 and on, I did not feel safe anywhere near Halsted between Belmont and Addison at night and especially Fridays and Saturdays. Since I work nights, and lived east of that section on Roscoe (& the Drive), I felt unsafe very often. Amazing how a place can change in just 10 years.
ReplyDeletekat e the same thing happened to uptown around the same time. what a coincidence huh?!!
ReplyDelete@Kat, and give it another 10 years and Boystown will be history because of the invasion of punks who think nothing of disrespecting or destroying any neighborhood they go in. This isn't a gay issue or what is termed a "safe" haven for these punk lowlifes. This is an issue of pathetic parenting, lack of respect, morals, humanity and knowing right from wrong. This is about the current "entitlement" mentality of these punks/ ghetto thugs who have know idea what it took to get that community started or what it takes to act civilized in society. They are a disgrace to ALL of humanity and should be BANNED from the area. I don't care if they want to call it "profiling"..it is what it is! "PC" and "cuddling" is no longer working. I say call the cops EVERY time a group of these "wannabe's" gather because trouble is sure to follow and an innocent citizen is going to get hurt.
ReplyDeleteDamn, that wig gets around....
the drag dolls have always been known for pulling stunts. they used to shoplift and write bad checks to get by. now that things are harder they either prostitute or rob people for coins.
ReplyDeleteThere is surely more to this story.....
ReplyDeleteCall me whatever you want....It's bad enough with the latino gangs.... but when the blacks start moving in, the crime rate goes up. STOP WITH THE PC BULLSH*T!! It's a fact!
ReplyDeleteIt is not only blacks...anytime you have disorder this is what happens....I seen both white, black, Hispanic, do some crazy and dangerous things in "boys town"......this is what it breeds