The incident, which occurred on the 4200 block of North Sheridan Road, near Sheridan and Buena, was reported around 9:26 p.m.
Investigators said the robbery victim was mugged by a black male suspect and a white male suspect.
According to an officer at the scene, the assailants "popped" the victim several times.
The white male offender is approximately 19-years-old and about 5’8”.
The black male offender is approximately 19 to 20-years-old and about 5’9”.
According to the victim, the thieves fled the scene northbound in a white, four-door Lexus.
An eyewitness described the getaway car as a silver or aluminum Mustang with a black stripe.
At 9:31 p.m., a tipster reported a white Lexus speeding northbound through an east alley on Kenmore. The informant said the driver was black and the passenger was white.
The robbery victim was taken to Weiss Memorial Hospital, 4646 North Maine Drive, for medical treatment.
No further details are available.
Copyright © 2011 - Chicago News Report.
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