Monday, July 4, 2011

VIDEO: Stabbing in Boystown on Halsted Street

 UPDATE  A young man was stabbed in Chicago's Boystown, Lakeview neighborhood over the 4th of July weekend. 

According to the YouTube video's narrative, the stabbing occurred July 3, 2011, on the 3300 block of North Halsted Street.

After watching the video, we determined the incident took place near the Lincoln Park Realty Group at 3314 North Halsted Street.

A large group of young black men were caught on tape fighting.

During the melee, one man was reportedly stabbed several times in the back and chest.

Chicago News Report spoke with an eyewitness. According to the tipster, after the camera stopping rolling, the group attacked the man again.

The victim, according to a witness, collapsed in a pool of blood around 11:45 p.m. and 12 a.m. 

So far, the motive for the attack is unclear and the injured man's condition is unknown.

If you witnessed this crime, please contact the police or leave a tip at


  1. That's "just transient youth"....

  2. Fed Up With Black CriminalsJuly 4, 2011 at 11:19 AM

    My name says it all! I am sick to death of these black lowlife criminals destroying our neighborhoods. Look at all that black trash on Halsted!

  3. God! I am completely horrified by this. This is so unbelievable. What is wrong with black people?

  4. Just another black mob gang attack! Move along people. There is nothing to see here. Just animals doing what animals do!

  5. Smh @ the very assumption that all black act like this. These ppl don't represent ALL BLACK PPL. Any rational thinking adult would know that.

  6. I am appalled by the comments on here referring to "black trash" and implying blacks are animals more so than the fact a stabbing happened down the street from my house. Please stop with these racist remarks and the blatant ignorance. People with attitudes like this only make matters worse. The point is there is an upswing in crime period and the root of the problem doesn't lie with there being black people in the neighborhood.

  7. Fed Up With Black CriminalsJuly 4, 2011 at 11:57 AM

    Blacks ruin every neighborhood they are allowed to infect with their ignorance and violence. The problem IS blacks in the neighborhood!!!!!!!

  8. To "Fed Up..." - You sir or maam are a bigot. I have black neighbors who live in my building (which would be considered a premium address), some of whom have been here 20+ years. I highly doubt any sane, rational person would consider their presence and ownership here a problem. I do not consider my building or neighborhood as being infected, unless of course you live in my neighborhood... Bigots are not allowed in East Lakeview!

  9. Is it racist to point out that most if not all of the recent problems involved groups of blacks that are "hanging out" on Halsted? They are not there to frequent the clubs but just to hang out. Some have even admitted they are there to cause troubles.

    Lets get past the over sensitivity and look at the facts!

    The police have got to rid the neighborhood of these people.

  10. Fed Up With Black CriminalsJuly 4, 2011 at 12:12 PM

    Ha! Those animals will eat you and your liberal views alive!

  11. Never relax around blacks.

  12. How many people have to robbed, beaten, and stabbed in East Lake View before people realize black people are destroying our neighborhood? 10? 50? 1000? How much blood will it take to open your liberal eyes?

  13. So instead of calling the cops, this guy opts to video tape the incident? I find it sad that the black youth are involved in these incidents because they are just filling stereotypes and feeding into the hatred of bigots. Something must be done about all the recent crime that occurs in our neighborhood! Cops must monitor the loiterers on the streets who have better nothing to do than cause trouble.

  14. I agree..."Never relax around blacks", like it or not, it is the truth.

  15. Fed Up With Black CriminalsJuly 4, 2011 at 12:56 PM

    If there are any decent black people left on this planet I have yet to meet one. Everywhere they go they bring crime with them. Lake View is starting to stink like a rotten corpse and we can thank those Knee-grows for the foul odor!

  16. Does any young person care about anything these days? We're in the age of I don't give a ____ about anything! People, we can do better than this, anywhere in the world!!

  17. I'm Pretty Sure that the below message said no racial Slurs, or no vulgar or lewd comments. I for one am BLACK, some of your comments have no truth to it at all.. Quit blaming a single race, when its Bigotry like yours (not aimed at a single race) that is the cause for this type of violence. The fact that you are very un-accepting STILL to this day is why stereo types continue to be filled. How dare you even say if there are any decent black people left on the planet, Let me be sure to advise you i for one am an ICU Nurse and a Captain in the Army (who has been deployed countless times defending your sorry asses) who is working on my masters and i treat a lot of victims that happen to have been beaten or stabbed and shot by people other than black (here in Chicago). So before you start placing blame on someone get the facts. Or instead seek to come up with a solution to help. You further more promote the problem with your baseless comments.

  18. Umm I guess all you racist posters missed the Big White Gay Brawl at the Dunkin Donuts.

    "Never relax around blacks". If that's your life philosophy I pity you.

  19. Fed Up With Black CriminalsJuly 4, 2011 at 2:31 PM

    Are you saying that man was stabbed because I don't want to live around angry, ignorant, violent blacks? What brand of crack are you smoking? Go point your finger at their lowlife parents who gave birth to trash!

  20. Obviously you cant read very good (fed up with black criminals)... Or i'll just blame it on your comprehension level

  21. Funny how you don't see the Mexican or Asians doing this...

  22. I am personally more shocked at the bigotry and racism in some of these comments than I am at the video footage! Utterly shocked... I've watched the video twice but have been more appalled at these racist remarks.

  23. Wow I for one am also shocked at these racist comments... Reading these comments makes me feel ashamed to be white... I guess the saying is true ignorance is bliss...

  24. The only people who should be ashamed are blacks. No wonder no one wants them around. Lake View used to be a great neighborhood. Now the crime in Lake View is so rampant, property values are sure to plummet. Black people are the worst thing to ever happen to America.

  25. Who is monitoring this website? You need to take down the racist rants ... and fast! They contribute absolutely nothing to the dialogue and are quite offensive. Their parents obviously didn't raise them well.

  26. .....Guardian Angels?

  27. This is what happens when black welfare mothers are allowed to pop out babies while we pick up the tab! What a bunch of ignorant jackals!

  28. It looks like the Halsted Street attacks are becoming a nightly ritual in East Lake View. Good going liberals!

  29. Heck, even, ahem, ahem, this place called......well, er, let's just call it Northside, had that cover charge for a drink ticket thing going on during "pride" to keep the riff-raff out. I'll hand it to 'em for that but they were ill-prepared handing back 18 singles for a 20. I was just trying to stay clear of the Halsted/Roscoe and to the south bloody violence. Ooops, my's "just transient youth".

    Really, "gay" people here in Chicago....your PCishness and liberalism is biting you in the butt right about.....NOW!

  30. In reading the majority of these comments I find them extremely rude and offensive. Whoever is responsible for monitoring the comments being left is doing a terrible job. To judge an entire race of people by the actions of some degenerates is ridiculous. For some of the posters it’s obvious that you have not been around too many people of color.

  31. I agree, blaming an entire race over the actions of a small number is wrong. But, let's not be color blind either. Go to a CAPS meeting in Chicago and look at the offenders' list. Easily 70-80% of the committers of the most dangerous crimes are black. Yes, whites commit crimes, and yes, there are well-educated, hard-working black people. But, numbers don't lie.

  32. I think I'm gonna be sick...yes black people did something bad so let they're all horrible. Oh and btw those a$$hole white people wtf is up with them?!? They tried exterminating whole ethnicities and have perpetuated the slavery of millions. God if I ever meet one I'm probably just gonna punch them in the face and run away. Oh and Asians. This one time, they attacked us for no reason. We should probably never trust them again too. And man oh man we can't forget the Middle East. Arabs. They obviously all had a part in 9/11 so how about we discriminate against them for the next 300 years? w00t. Glad we got that all nailed out. Everyone on board?

  33. @ChicagoRob Yup, numbers don't lie. Those people did the things they did and they happened to be black. And that's literally the only conclusion you can draw from that. *sigh* pages like these are the ones that make me a pessimist.

  34. This is horrible!!! Iam sick of being afraid of getting hurt or robbed!! sorry to say this but you dont see any other race doing this but the black community!!! Its amazing how they get so offended yet the people stealing phones are BLACK as well!!! They uneducated and act like wild animals!!

  35. Look at the crime stats and what race commits the most. Look at the prison stats in every state in America. I'm not a racist but I do follow crime stats. The evidence is overwhelming.

  36. You need dance clubs with real sound systems, Chicago. Dance away those constrictions. They wouldn't have the energy left for this crap. One of the first oddities I noticed when moving here. Should see how it's done in other cities. Miami, Detroit, L.A. are usually the only others outside of Illinois that give your "clubs" negative reviews on the net. Seeing who can outscream who over Evita, throwing darts and bouncing up and down with a beer bottle to the lastest overmarketed hype (Lady Gaga,etc.) doesn't count.

    Black, White, celebs, dressed on a dancefloor with a sound system second to none. No fighting, no overserved punks......should try it out. Dance away those constrictions.....

    It's wierd here. Very wierd.

  37. It appears that ever increasing black violence pales to the horror of saying that it is indeed blacks who are partaking in said violence. That type of mixed up thinking requires heavy liberal quaaludes. The type of violence seen in this video is of a black nature - sorry, in no other race will you see 12 on 1 bouncing around the street - with females besides.

  38. The comments are full of ignorance. I am a Black American woman and can say that I hold myself of high standards and will never act in the manner that is shown in this video. All people of color are not ignorant. There are many issues in the Black American community,but there are many successful and intelligent men an women out here. Then when there are intelligent black men and women, more than likely we are still frowned upon because the color of our skin and the racist mentality of non-colored.

  39. Anonymous said...
    @ChicagoRob Yup, numbers don't lie. Those people did the things they did and they happened to be black. And that's literally the only conclusion you can draw from that. *sigh* pages like these are the ones that make me a pessimist.
    July 4, 2011 9:46 PM
    I love posts like this. I too was a bleeding heart liberal (now very middle of the road). They "happen" to be black. Really? Seriously? 10 years in the same hood, where I've seen cycles of crime, regularly get involved in the neighborhood meetings...they don't just HAPPEN to be black, just like the offenders don't HAPPEN to have brown hair. They ARE black, the vast majority of them. What conclusion should I draw? These thugs have bad families, no education, etc? Perhaps that's true as well...but I know plenty of people of all races who had bad families and poor educations and did not behave as criminal thugs. Get your head out of Lakeview, and read the Uptown blogs. It just gets called to light when it happens in a gentrified, upper-middle class (mostly white) area.

  40. I like how when blacks get on boards like this to say they're not all like this and that others shouldn't make sweeping statements, they then turn around and do the exact same thing by making blanket statements about all whites.
    They're real good at not recognizing their own biases. I'll bet not a single one of them ever said anything critical of Jeremiah Wright's anti-white diatribes or about any other black hate-monger. They'll only complain about whites.
    I also like the shoot the messenger types who demand that comments not to their liking be weeded out. Only their point of view should be allowed, they think.

  41. I find it remarkably sad that some delusional individuals here find it necessary to tell us of their good black neighbors who are "not like that". Exceptions can be pointed out to reinforce any point of view.

    The simple fact is that there is a violent vein and pattern of antisocial behavior which pervades black subculture in general - these are not isolated incidents, but indicative of a general trend.

    Rational people of all ethnicities need to take off the rose coloured glasses, because the problem will never be solved if it is never acknowledged and addressed rationally.

    If Orwell could only have lived to see his vision come to fruition in the form of political correctness and multicultural indoctrination in the West today, I think he'd be astonished at his own prescience.

    Are they putting something in the water, or have several generations of programming destroyed the average man's ability to see reality clearly and reason for himself?

  42. You can't tell me that the idolatry of former narcotics dealers who are now millionaires from making pop records in which all they do is talk about murder and how they once sold drugs doesn't have something to with the current street climate. Mimicry at it's finest.

  43. It is hard not to tell the truth all of these mob attacks have been perpetrated by blacks. The black community needs to take pride in itself and address these acts of violence. Stop being a walking, breathing, and living stereotype.

  44. I'm a black-male who attends a very well known university pursuing a degree in mechanical engineering. I for one can say that not alll black people are like that. But from reading the comments I see that the general consensus is that we take the worst of a few people and make that the standard for all. So if that be the case all blacks are no good. All whites are trailer trash hicks. All middle eastern people are terrorists. All Asians know karate. All mexicans gardeners and have illegally crossed the border. Hope I'm not missing any groups of people. If we go by this standard of judging people then in all actuality not one person or group of people is any good. Yes black people do have a bad name because of the actions of a few. As well as do all other races. But only way to kill these stereotypes and hate filled comments is by proving them wrong. Hold yourself to a standard. If people still want to be racist and hate. Then they are the ones missing out. I have a very large group of friends who are considered to be my family. We have almost every race and ethnicity in our group. And I love all of those people. Friendship in acceptance sees no color

  45. Here's a novel idea. How about teaching your children how to act out in public? How about teaching them manners and respect? Think of the possibilities. Perhaps if they went into these neighborhoods they are NOT FROM and they acted like decent human beings, these "so called" racial, bigoted comments (as many have said) would NOT BE said. All those old adages, "if the shoe fits" "guilty by association" "wherever you go there you are" "birds of a feather flock together" YOU GET WHAT YOU GIVE" and on and on, MIGHT not apply IF these "YOUTH" were taught how to act.

    What they hell are they doing in an area that is pretty much a BAR area anyway? They're under age and can't get in, buy booze at the 7/11 and I'm sure don't have money to spend at the business there, so WHAT"S THE POINT of them being there? This isn't "kiddieland" folks.

    "Queer Youth" my ass. We NEVER acted like this. If this is what black "queer youth" act like, we are ALL in deep crap and so is this country. You give respect, you get respect. If you don't than you bitch about racism....WOW! I'll respect you IF you respect me and my space. IF not, ALL bets are off! Screw "PC"!

  46. I have to say, I don't live down there, but I visit often from Milwaukee. And that night was the first time ever that I felt threatened by just walking from one bar to another. They were ALL over the place and not going anywhere, they were just loitering the streets and the parking lots. If they're not going anywhere, then they should be asked to leave. It wouldn't be such an issue if they wouldn't be the ones causing the most problems.

  47. "I love posts like this. I too was a bleeding heart liberal (now very middle of the road). They "happen" to be black. Really? Seriously? 10 years in the same hood, where I've seen cycles of crime, regularly get involved in the neighborhood meetings...they don't just HAPPEN to be black, just like the offenders don't HAPPEN to have brown hair. They ARE black, the vast majority of them. What conclusion should I draw? These thugs have bad families, no education, etc? Perhaps that's true as well...but I know plenty of people of all races who had bad families and poor educations and did not behave as criminal thugs. Get your head out of Lakeview, and read the Uptown blogs. It just gets called to light when it happens in a gentrified, upper-middle class (mostly white) area.
    July 5, 2011 6:02 AM"

    I'm not a bleeding heart liberal, far from it, I loathe politics in terms of liberal and conservative, democrat and republican (at least in its present form); but you're logic is just so flawed I can't stand it as a person who loves rational thought. I mean lets apply it to any random inanimate object. Many roads are paved, even most roads are paved, ergo I should go driving and always assume the road I'm on is paved and not gravel or covered in ice or what have you. I'd be in a lot of trouble if I did that. Or what if you saw a bunch of knives that were dull and decided to assume that all knives were dull, inevitably you'd cut yourself. Just because a group of people has committed a disproportionate number of crimes, doesn't mean that everywhere I go, I now need to fear and distrust these people. If everyone used that line of thought we'd tear society apart in short order! or at best we certainly would make no progress in bettering it.

    PS I realize my examples are a bit underwhelming but I think you can understand the reasoning...

  48. So I guess three skin head are what you call a group of church going boys! With their lets go out and get our red strinfs in our boots!!! Frd up you are a low life

  49. oh my God, there are some real racists here. I'm sad to see that the young generation of white people is willing to contribute to the big segregation of this city. @all those ignorant posters, please do not put everybody in the same bag, there are also white killers out there.

  50. A contributor said above: "I'm a black-male who attends a very well known university pursuing a degree in mechanical engineering. I for one can say that not alll black people are like that. But from reading the comments I see that the general consensus is that we take the worst of a few people and make that the standard for all."

    Baloney. Are you so engulfed in your blackness that you can not see reality from fantasy? Are you so brainwashed with the mantras of groupthink and leftist propaganda that you are unable to complete a coherent thought?

    Are you too blinded by false ideologies to see that you are the exception, and not the norm within the black subculture?

    Your rebuttal is as logical as finding a single, isolated, and unusual reference in a rap song to earning an engineering degree, and from that advancing an argument that rap is not primarily concerned with hedonistic, materialistic, egocentric, and violent concepts. Pure nonsense, and it's simply sad that anyone, black or white, can be so absolutely deluded.

    It is perhaps more important that blacks acknowledge the endemic nature of the problem than whites, because blacks have the greater power to change it, and we all, black and white alike, must suffer its adverse effects on our shared society, economy, infrastructure, and most of all, our quality of life.

    The problem in the black subculture is analogous to a greater trend in American society as a whole. Our youth culture is coarsening and their growing ignorance, disrespect for societal norms and the rights of others, and general apathy and lethargy are alarming harbingers of our trajectory as a civilization.

    The black subculture embodies, concentrates, and is on the cutting edge of that coarsening, and all the denying and ostriching, either by blacks or whites, is not going to begin to reverse that trend nor solve its core causes.

  51. Everyone has said that this was a "black mob", which is true. No one is mentioning that in this particular case, it was also a "gay mob".

    If you don't believe me, watch the video again.

  52. Hood Rat.
    Talk about making a generalization. I've watched that video a few times and how in the hell you can tell these are gay people is beyond me. I suspect that you are making that generalization because of where they are. Just another example of turning the obvious away from what are the facts. That would be that ghetto thugs CONTINUE to inflict their lack of respect for humanity onto the innocent. Always an excuse and finger pointing at someone OTHER than the blacks committing these crimes.

    Interesting how there have NEVER been "gay mobs" in that area UNTIL the black youth mobs started going there.

  53. I'm sick of these black animals! Lock them all up!

  54. And the uploader disabled the comments on his YouTube video. Ughh!! John Cunningham, dude... you SUCK! Literally...

  55. While these kids (they are NOT animals) need to be held accountable for their actions on that night after a fair investigation takes place and after any of them that are charged receive a fair trial, our society needs to be held more severely responsible for this event and others like it that occur all over this country. This is not a black, white, yellow, green, orange, issue. This is an issue where families and communities actively throw kids away that they perceive to be GLBT. As members of society, we are each guilty of throwing these kids away and steering them towards a life of crime whenever we vote people into office who promote legislation to discriminate against members of the GLBT community; we are guilty when we support (by watching them and/or purchasing their product) sports and entertainment stars who are derogatory towards the GLBT community; we are throwing them away when we see or hear others call kids "gay or fag" and do nothing to stop and educate the offender about why that is so wrong to say, even when they are "just kidding.". Unfortunately the reason that this seems to be more of a black problem is that our society has repeatedly shown that it doesn't value our black citizens! This is especially true when they are poor and even more true when they are GLBT! I am a white, middle-class male who happens to be gay. I am actively working to change society one person and one situation at a time so that ALL GLBT youth and citizens may one day, regardless of skin color and regardless of economic status, grow up knowing that it is just as normal to be GLBT as it is to be straight. Be part of the solution rather than part of the problem.

  56. O.K. so the general consensus is (amongst various forums and my personal experience here in fancy Chicago) "911 Is A Joke" - Public Enemy AND

    Your "alderman" is dancing to Sugarhill's "8th Wonder" with "everybody put a whistle in your face, scream it out and say YO!" while baking cinnamon buns.

    (insert "transient youth" wherever it may rhyme)

    It's beyond comedic here now with these liberals.

  57. oh my jesus this is such sadness

  58. did anybody watch family guy?

  59. @Anonymous, 1151 AM: My logic does not make sense? Your road example supports my point. See previous posts. I clearly state not all blacks are to blame, but the vast majority of violent crimes are committed by blacks. So in your road example, if you know a road is full of potholes, would you purposely drive down it? No, you'd avoid it and look for a better road, until the potholes can be fixed. Similarly, I stay away from neighborhoods with bad blacks, and try to rid the neighborhood of bad blacks. But, like the road, I'm not going to tear up my car driving down Pothole Lane until my car is destroyed and then wonder, why?

    My black friend put it best: I want to stay as far the hell away from that sh*t as you do.

  60. Check yourself boystown...

    I've lived two doors down from where this footage was taken for the better part of the last ten years. Like anyone who's spent a decent amount of time here, I've seen the growing frequency of what everyone's talking about in these posts. For the most part, I've taken it in stride. This is Boystown. The Mecca of gays and gay youth citywide. Most, maybe almost all, of the kids who hang in this area are marginalized youth who are trying to get away from just this sort of violence in the Southside. Definitely some, maybe more than some, bring the bad habits of their hoods with them when they visit. I have at least a couple incidents a month where I get attitude after asking a group to (kindly) step aside so I can get into my building; but surprisingly (ok I have my biased expectations that I can't completely help) most of the time, they are very polite about it. I have been threatened with violence several times even though it has never come to that. But like I said, this is Boystown. I catch guys f'ing in my backyard once or twice a year too. None of this might be acceptable, but it's really not a shocker.

    I remember sneaking away to Halsted before I could legally drink and I recall how free I felt--top of the world, uninhibited, invincible. Shift that mindset to some kid who grew up in a neighborhood where he/she can be stabbed for looking at someone the wrong way. In either case, problems are bound to happen.

    I still run the gay circuit at least a couple times a month (old habits die hard). It occurs to me that maybe a lot of the violence we are seeing here might be related to the rampant and unabashed abuse of drug use in our area. I've seen druggie regulars at Hydrate, Circuit, Charlie's, Berlin, Roscoes and even guppyville Sidetracks; and the owners of these clubs do not care unless it is extremely flagrant (and even then not always). These users are adults, and some of them are even my friends, and they are entitled to make their stupid decisions. But drug dealers are complete scum, and they are ruthless businessmen (not unlike any exec at Phillip Morris). They and their ilk go where the demand is and they don't play nice. Does anyone really think that these dealers have a better market to cater to, anywhere else in Chicago, like they do in Boystown?? I go to straight clubs almost as often, and I will tell you that it does not compare. Not even close.

    I'm not stupid. I'm not a racist (more than any other fair-minded person). I try not to be a judgmental person. I completely understand there is a multiplicity of factors that contribute to the crap we've been seeing around here. But c'mon... wake up... We're kinda reaping what was sown.

  61. PS to my post from 8:52pm. I've known Tom Tunney through various associations over the last few years, socially, professionally, and as a constituent. I might not be judgmental, but that guys a useless asshat.

    I have to work tomorrow night but if anyone's going to be at that CAPs townhall, please pass the message with my regards.

  62. I live right on halsted and roscoe and that night at about 10 or 11 I went to get some beer at the 7 eleven across the street. I definitly recognized at least one of the people, most notably the guy at the end of the video in a blue tie dye shirt with some kinda logo on the front. Pretty much all the attackers were hanging out in the front of said 7 eleven and do most nights from what I can tell

  63. Towanda...Its not just because the attack happened in Boystown.

    Watch the video and look for this:

    A mob practically slapping the victim to death.

    A gentleman rubbing the back of an attacker trying to get him to stop.

    The mannerisms of the attackers as they were walking away.

    I'm calling it as I see it: "Gay on Gay Crime".

    It made me realize that the gay community deals with issues of violence just like the heterosexual community does.

    I'm sure that everyone knows that a "gay mob attack" is a rare thing, but this time, it was caught on camera.

  64. It has been reported on another forum that an employee of one of the "big boys" on the block got his head beaten Monday. I'll bet there will be some attention to this, ahem, "transient youth" problem now.

    Anyway, I'm done. Thanks for some good times now and then "boystown". Times are hard, my $$ is better spent on few good friends and some BBQ. I don't want battle wounds/scars on the back of my head like yours.

    Pathetic city. Absolutely pitiful.

  65. Good observation by the poster at 8:52 last night. Owners of clubs really should enforce zero tolerance rules. Hydrate would go dry really fast. ;)

  66. No one living on the red line is safe! These black rats hop on the red line in their shitty, crime-ridden, trashy neighborhoods and hop off in the nice communities that nice people live in. They're trying to destroy the city so its one big South Side.

  67. 've gathered over the years that this "Center on Halsted" seems to be the root of all evil in E. Lakeview. I've witnessed some of the shenanigan­s myself. However, I'm having a real, real hard time accepting Chicago's definition of "youth". Those thugs in the video don't look like "youth" to me. Wasn't the victim 25 years old?

    I did confide in some that are continuall­y using this term "transient youth". I know they're protecting their pocketbook­s but if the gay community here truly believes these 25-40 year old thugs causing the bloodshed I've witnessed out there are "transient youth", you're truly ignorant. I'm gay.

    I never go out on that strip on the weekend. On Pride Sunday Halsted St. was lined with Caddy's, Benzo's and SUV's sittin' on 20's along with loitering that would make Compton look inviting. I thought the "transient youth" were utilizing the Red Line.

    I'm hard-press­ed, as well, to believe that these guys are gay. Gay black men in Detroit don't dress or act that way, nor have a continual, uncontroll­ed problem of stabbing each other or spewing blood on the streets (and on me in one case).

    You've got a real mess here Chicago and really need to open your eyes.

  68. So what is the action plan? Law enforcement agents can do just that, enforce the rules that we put in place. They can't randomly go around profiling blacks just because they look suspicious. We have civic duty to defend individuals who might become easy targets to racial profiling.

    Do we create a boystown curfew for people loitering on the streets? Not bloody likely that will work in this area, but something worth discussing.

    How about the zero tolerance idea for drug users? Some businesses might hurt a bit and some queens will cry when they are banned from their favorite haunts, but it IS illegal activity that is out of control in our neighborhood. Drug users are NOT welcome in boystown. Enforce it and penalize clubs for not enforcing it. Start somewhere to eliminate the demand for drug dealers in Lakeview.

    It might be too late for this and it's not a cureall, but I believe it will result in a social benefit in the long run.

  69. they do it because they can... the victim was black this time, black teenagers are fearless and in a group will attack when provoked. They look for the excuse to attack anyplace and anytime. Stay away from Chicago.

  70. Generalizations like that help nothing at all and contribute to pointless discourse.

    Go hide in your hole. Chicago doesn't need people like you either.

    "the victim was black this time, black teenagers are fearless and in a group will attack when provoked."

    What does this even mean? Watch out. Next time the victim will be white. Then it will really count.

  71. ABC 7 News has reported that the victim was gay and that he claims that he did not know his attackers.

    They also said that police are not considering the attack a hate crime. The only reason for this would be if the attackers were also gay.

  72. Thank you Hoodrat. The gay people here STILL can't figure it out. This was not "gay youth" involved in this. Even the victim was 25 years old.

    I can't believe I'm gay and living in the most ignorant gay area on the planet earth.

    They need to "get out" a little bit more. STOOPID!

    At this point, if there's more of this, it's almost deserved.

  73. July 6th 12:12pm--Sidetrack would go bust real quick to if they stopped letting in Lincoln Park straight couples hitting me up for coke. Hell I've never even done coke much less have any. Floored me that night. Thought it was a gay bar.

    Sorry I can't afford $170 ripped jeans and $95 graphic t's, therefore look "rich".

    It's all about a $ for this strip and it's about to end if they don't get back to their roots.


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