Sunday, July 10, 2011

Man attacked, possibly stabbed by mob in Rogers Park

A citizen reported a potential stabbing on the 1600 block of West Farwell in Chicago’s Rogers Park neighborhood, around 2:37 a.m.

According to the 911 caller, the victim was attacked by a mob of 15 people.

When police arrived, they found the injured man on the 6800 block of North Ashland Avenue, near Ashland and Morse.

According to an officer at the scene, medical workers had a hard time determining if the man was stabbed, because he was "covered in blood".

A preliminary report indicated the victim received several lacerations to his scalp.

The injured man was taken to St. Francis Hospital in Evanston, Illinois, for medical treatment.

Detailed information regarding the offenders was not disclosed.


  1. Jesus! I have just gotten back from walking a friend home. (He lives in the 6700 block of North Glenwood, between North Shore and Pratt, which is 2.5 blocks south of Farwell.) I know it's nothing in comparison, but at about 3:30 a.m., we were hit with eggs as we were walking north on Glenwood, just north of Devon (6400 North) which is a relatively busy cross street. The criminal was a young black man, probably about 23. He jumped out of the back of a small black Jeep S.U.V., ran behind us into the alley like he had to take a piss, then threw eggs at us. He hit my friend square in the back of his neck. He was covered with egg. There were at least 2 other people in the car, both females. I could tell because the driver and the front passenger were laughing up a riot as he jumped back in and the cowards sped away.

  2. I live in rogers park, and I am so sick of these black scum bags. It would be such a nicer neighborhood if evanston had not dumb all of their scum into rogers park.

  3. I live on the 1600 block of Farwell and I did not hear anything at 2:37am. With 15 people, you think I would have at least heard something. Are you sure this happened on this block? I also have not seen any blood on the sidewalk as well. And if the guy was stabbed that much, blood would be apparent. Can you tell us where you obtained your information? You don't list any reference.

  4. Knowing that area, I expect this to be gang on gang violence. Which is different from the recent mob attacks occurring in other neighborhoods.

  5. Hey Jason! Thanks for Junior Detectiving this one by searching for blood on your sidewalk. Read the story. The victim was found on Ashland. The crime took place on Farewell.

    I suspect the source is a police scanner, which is the resource most often used on this web site.

  6. That's why I pack heat whenever I'm out after dark in RoPa or Lakeview. I can't wait to see the expression on these hood rats faces if the 'eff with me when I pull it out and kneecap them with it.

  7. Jason, I never said the man was actually stabbed. I said the person who called 911, said he was stabbed.

    Furthermore, according to the police dispatch report, the victim was attacked in the middle of the street - not the sidewalk.

  8. The name of this post should really be "Man attacked, possibly stabbed by blacks in Rogers Park who are trying to turn their life around "

  9. The authorities are not doing anything so it is obviously escalating. This is going to get much worse before they actually do anything. Arm yourselves and take care of your own. It's all you can do.

  10. Anon at 8:24AM:
    It wasn't Evanston that dumped their scum onto Rogers Park, it was the CHA that did it when then shut down Cabrini-Green & sent them up here.

    And Tim, please spellcheck, it's Farwell, not Farewell.

  11. Anonymous said: "'s Farwell, not Farewell."

    Thank you. The mistake has been corrected.

  12. Evanston constantly is shoving the sub standard black population into Rogers Park. It is a fight b/w Rogers Park and Evanston. Unless you live here please do not act like you are an expert. Granted it the CHA did not help the situation.

  13. CHA dumped the despicable welfare champions into Evanston/Rogers Park and these black scums bleed on over here into Edgewater. It's sickening and disgusting that we decent tax paying citizens are subjected to this kind of f*ckery!

  14. The authorities are not doing anything so it is obviously escalating.

    Via the west side and south side reverends, Daley and Emanuel have ordered the police to basically not behave like "old school" police.

    If "you" want a return to "old school" police, then others and you must NOT continuously vote Democratic.

  15. Evanston constantly is shoving the sub standard black population into Rogers Park.

    In an April 30, 2008 (online) column, Russ Stewart confirms this.

  16. I love liberalism and Chicago's version of "diversity".

  17. In reply to the first post: a (white) friend of mine was walking down Dearborn a when a black "youth" approaching threw an egg into his face. It doesn't sound like a big deal, but the kid hurled it with all of his strength from a distance of about 20 feet. A piece of the shell scratched his cornea pretty bad and he had to go to the emergency room. He said right before the kid threw it he had this hateful look on his face--it was rather chilling.

  18. Rogers Park will never be able to turn the area around even though they have been trying for decades. Ghetto thugs just do not give a rats ass about society, humanity or doing the right thing and there are plenty of them living around there. It's a shame because there are some great looking buildings there.

    "Eyes and Ears" people! Start taking back your community from these ghetto thugs!

  19. Ya know, it's the public transportation that brings them in. Obama has green lighted a high speed rail service from the slums of Detroit to Chicago, it will get worse.

  20. You think it's bad now? Wait until they expand the red line to the far south side!!!

  21. Hopefully by that time, conceal carry will be passed. Than these ghetto thugs won't have a clue. It'll be like playing "Let's Make a Deal"..ya know, door #1, door#2 or door#3

  22. We are sub human thugs. Fine. Think whatever you like. But KNOW this- your racist rantings are limited to THIS space or amongst yourselves. You dont dare say this aloud at work or school. You are alone and unsupported. My only hope is that in the moment you get the opportunity to kill one of those "thugs".... you then turn the weapon on yourself instead. And while we're at it know that this sounds like premeditated murder/hate crime....and I am fairly certain that a Cook county jury (that will more than likely be composed of "black thugs") +our Latina States Atorney will agree! Happy Thug hunting...cowardz! #thehatethatecreated

  23. Rudy is right on target.

    There needs to be another political party in this city.

    One that will advocate for lawful gun ownership.

    One that will reject continuously rising levels of taxation (which finds us in even greater debt than ever before).

    One that will reject illegal immigration and acknowledge its influence on the crime rate.

    One that does not promote "the soft bigotry
    of low expectations".

    Oh wait, we already have a party like that but only 20% of Chicagoans vote for them.

    Talk to working Chicago natives in the city and you will find that many of them are conservative people. They only vote Democrat because that is often the only electable choice given to them.

  24. "You think it's bad now? Wait until they expand the red line to the far south side!!!"

    LMAO!! Yeah, and if you think the Red Line is disgusting now... then wait 'til those animals from Atgeld Gardens which is right next to the city DUMP, are all aboard!

  25. Anonymous@12:18
    "But KNOW this- your racist rantings are limited to THIS space or amongst yourselves. You dont dare say this aloud at work or school."

    YOU KNOW THIS, I don't have a problem telling it like it is no matter where I am and most people KNOW WHO I am referring to when I use my "ghetto thug" term. SMART people can figure it out. And newsflash, people are NOT alone in their thinking and being fed up with all the crime ghetto thugs are inflicting on EVERYONE. We tried going the pc route but it hasn't worked so now, we just call it like it REALLY is. Seems these comments hit a nerve with you...hmmmmm

  26. @ Rudy thank you for the confirmation of the "sub standard black population" dumped here from evanston. Evanston had some major gentrification and obviously had to get rid of these black scum bags who only live off of the governments dole. So now RP and Edgewater have to be shot up, raped, mugged, and terrified of these black scum bags. Some of the black scum bags from the CHA on the south side came up here, but a a lot headed for other areas on the southside ie South Chicago, East Side, South Shore area and even some flooded into Oak Lawn and Evergreen Park , and Beverly.

  27. Chicago has lost 200,000 residents since 1990, and 180,000 of those were African American. Much of this was the Black middle class, fleeing the chaos and crime that has swamped their neighborhoods. The thugs are coming north because they've run out of easy targets on the south side.

  28. Yes, that high speed rail is bring Detroit to you Chicago. Look out! (Sh*&, they might actually bring some class to your "world class city"). And give your bro's speech lessons at the same time. Or teach them how to shoot a gun properly so they actually hit the intended target rather than car doors, innocent bystanders or mailboxes.

  29. @ Anon 3:17pm, Come to the southside , the number of black in rp, evanston, and all up north pale in comparison to the black on the south side. And the majority in the southern sub. are not "nice middle class black". Calumet City is all ghetto black, and Lansing is getting ghetto. Dolton is extremely ghetto. And the list of southern subs being inundated with more ghetto then "nice" black goes on and on....

  30. Give me a break on the Detroit cheerleading. Detroit proper has about 900,000 residents with about 3000 police officers on the force. The city of Chicago has approximately 2, 600, 000 residents within the city limits with about the same amount of police officers that Detroit has. Any toddler can figure out that we do not have the police force needed for the population. You can shake your pom pom's all you want but I have seen the pictures of your lovely city with all it's abandoned homes and businesses and it's not pretty.

    "Wherever you go, there you are"

  31. Hey Towannnawannnbe, I've been to your "Uptown" and it's more scary than the WORST place in Detroit. Those boarded up buildings and bars over the businesses after dusk? Problems? I've never even been to your "wild 100's" and ain't going either. I'm not pro-Detroit in anyway. After living here 5 years, you people, yes you people, really need to "diversify" yourselves before you point fingers.

    I agree with you on many points Towwannnabe, but one thing I've noticed with you, like many Chicagoans, you need to "get out" a little more. Maybe step away from your precious "hoods". And that's exactly what they are. Nothing more. The criminals just happen to be of all hues. I'm White.

  32. Anonymous@6:56
    First, I don't live in Uptown..never said I did and second, I have said that ghetto thugs come in "all shapes, sizes and colors"..did you miss that?
    I've been "diversified for about 50 just doesn't seem to be working. I was NEVER concerned about being in many of the neighborhoods in this city UNTIL my partner got pick-pocketed coming out of the Borders on Clark & Diversity last year that cost us a whole lot of money, effort and time. That's when it starts, when you become an innocent victim because of some ghetto thugs rotten behavior. I cannot for the life of me understand WHY they can't figure that out!


  33. Towananna, I've lived in Chicago for 5 years. I'm not pro-Detroit nor anti-Chicago (although I really can't quite come to grips with what ya'll think you got going on here that's better than elsewhere). I'm White.

    My conclusion is that there's a subconcious racism in Chicago with regards to the comments/comparisons to Detroit. Detroit is all black. Detroit is a mess. I've been to both places. Again, your criminals here come in all hues. Chicago is a mess too.

    Detroit's got guns. Chicago has knives (AND guns). Ultimately, the crime is NO DIFFERENT with the only exception in that INNOCENT people get caught in the crossfire and chest slashings here in Chicago.

    Again Detroit is a mess. It has some beauty as well. I'll send you a link to a guy on that has a nice gallery of Detroit's beauty as well as it's trash. I only wish Chicago's "photographers" would take/post pics of Chicago abandoned buildings along Ridge Rd., vacant for 3+ years in "Andersonville", drug dealers at Bryn Mawr/Winthrop, black men lying all over the street on your "Magnificent Mile".

    Just a reality check Sweetie. There are better places for gay people to live. Detroit isn't necessarily the place but nor is Chicago or Schaumburg. Again, need to get out of your "condos" (i.e. cages) a bit.

  34. Anonymous@5:16,
    Touche' darling. I got the reality check BUT I still hate ghetto thugs..who come in all shapes, sizes and colors:)

    It's funny but when I lived in what is now called "Boystown"..back than it was "Newtown", it was all welcoming. I even was in Little Jims back than (yuck) Christopher Street was a great place to go dance and party, Rosco's & Sidetracks weren't even built then, Men & women hung out together. I've read comments from people who have said people were getting mugged all the time back then, I never had a problem leaving the bars at closing totally trashed and I'm a woman. I lived on Melrose, Rosco's and Halsted. My 2 boys were loved and welcomed there. When Jim was building Rosco's, they even went down there and helped clean up the messes from construction. Club LeRay was opened where the Marshalls is now. That was a black club. People faught hard to get this neighborhood and it makes me pretty sad to see what's happening there. Some may have been attacked but not like it is now. This is about Behavior, the lack of Respect and the lack of Manners by some of these kids heading there. As far as the crime goes, it's mostly older ghetto thugs BUT that doesn't mean the "youth" can come into a neighborhood and act like toddlers and than when the residents have had enough, they scream racism. It's an over used word that is used now to grab attention. People all over this city seem to think when they're out in the city, that it's THEIR own personel space....Newsflash, it's not, we all share it. Kids now days don't seem to get that. This is about the behavior. Littering, screaming and yelling at all hours of the night, blasting their music and pissing in peoples doorways...IT"S ABOUT THE BEHAVIOR. You catch more bee's with honey...if you get my drift.


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