Saturday, June 11, 2011

VIDEO: Chicago's Naked Bike Ride (2011)


On Saturday, June 11, 2011, tons of scantily clad Chicagoans participated in the "World Naked Bike Ride" to "celebrate freedom from oil, and the beauty of people".

Although most of the riders were wearing underwear, some of them were completely nude.

One woman at the event said, "I have never seen so many penises in my life."

According to their website, naked bike riders believe people should "burn fat, not oil".


  1. Stupid question, sorry. Women can not sun bath topless on the Chicago beaches, actually I believe no nudity is allowed on the beaches or in public in the city. So how does biking nude along city streets is ok, even though it is for this one night?

    Don't get me wrong I am not offended , just wondering.

  2. It looks like all of Boystown got drunk and went for a bike ride.

  3. I bet those are some of the smelliest bike seats in the world! Yuck!

  4. it is technically illegal, but the mayor, and police force are very cooperative with us every year.

    @Bill Thayer, no it's not uncomfortable, then again, my bike seat is wide...

  5. 1. This is, as I understand it (and this was my fifth ride), a kind of tradition now, begun under Richie Daley and now happily continued under the new mayor, to condone this one peaceful political demonstration and even support with police protection and traffic control.

    *It is political speech, because part of our message is to show that the shame most people feel about the human body is a regressive force in society (and that it's easy--and fun --to get over that shame at least one night a year), and that our dependency on oil for transportation is unecessary folly.

    2. "Boystown--drunk..." Not hardly. No one would last half the ride, let alone make our tour through Boystown. We also passed by Wrigley Field, but I don't know if we were all Cubs fans.

    3. A little extra padding, do some training beforehand (so you're not sitting all the time), and watch out for potholes. I wore a terry bathrobe which I sat on for one more layer of cushion. I was fine, and I'm 62 (but I do ride regularly)

    4. "...smelliest bike seats" Are you a connisseur? Or just an amateur smeller of bike seats? Most of us do bathe at least once a month. But I like the way you think.

  6. What is the point of this "bike" ride? How stupid is this!

  7. ASS CITY. I know it smelled like hell out there

  8. What is the point of posting inane and ignorant statements? People do all kinds of crazy things.


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