Monday, June 6, 2011

Victim punched, robbed in Uptown neighborhood

At approximately 2:38 a.m., a man was attacked and robbed in Uptown.

The robbery happened on the 4100 block of North Clark Street, near the intersection of Clark and Southport.

According to Google Maps, there is a 7-Eleven at 4116 North Clark Street, which is extremely close to the crime scene.

Police said the victim was punched in the back of the head by a black man in his early to mid-thirties.

The offender is about six-feet-tall and 170 pounds. He was last seen wearing a dark-colored, long-sleeved checkered shirt and blue jeans.

The attacker was also wearing a pair of brightly-colored gloves, said police.

Authorities said the thief got away with cash and a cell phone.

If you have any information on this crime, please contact the police.


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