Friday, June 24, 2011

Memorial Day 911 calls from North Avenue Beach uncover fights

Everyone knows it wasn't the heat that prompted the Chicago Police Department to shutdown North Avenue Beach on Memorial Day.

Chicago News Report received multiple emails from witnesses who saw roving gangs of black teenagers starting fights, making threats, and committing robberies.

911 tapes recently obtained by ABC7 news, reveal North Avenue Beach at 1600 North Lake Shore Drive, and Oak Street Beach at 1000 North Lake Shore Drive, were overrun by mobs of troublemakers on Memorial Day.

Although the ABC7 report was careful not to mention race, emails sent to Chicago News Report the day after Memorial Day, allege the troublemakers were African-American teenagers.


  1. Great a LYING new Mayor and a LYING new police chief! The jokes on them now! Sad they think the citizens of Chicago are stupid...who's stupid now???

  2. How do know when a city official is lying? Their lips are moving.

  3. I wish these animals will keep their ghetto worthless asses on the Southside! There are plenty of beaches form 31st street on down that they can ruin, be a nuisance, and terrorize fellow ghetto trash as well.

    And last time I checked, people go to the beach to enjoy the sun, swimming, sand, and women! Who the hell journey across town to a beach just start fights and disturb people? Oh yeah, welfare TRASH!

    I'm absolutely sick of blacks!

  4. Lucy got some splain' to do.

  5. Golly, heat forced the shutdown of those beaches, but not of any other. How stupid do they think we are?

  6. I was in the area and saw the buildup of the gangbangers. Hundreds of the neck tattoo crowd were making their way towards the area. They were all black with a number of Puerto Ricans thrown into the mix.
    You could tell from the way they were all swaggering around they were looking for trouble and that something was going to happen; the tension was in the air and I left before it got too late.
    Problem is, no matter what's done there'll be trouble. Leaving them on the beach they'll rampage; closing the beach results in mobs pouring into the neighborhoods trashing everything.
    Chicago evidently has a huge number of inhabitants that are just crappy, unproductive people. Most of them are subsidized by the working residents who pay the taxes. We pay and they play.


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