Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Chicago heat: Father faints in front of children

A Northwest Side man allegedly fainted from heat exposure, said police.

The victim, who lives on the 4900 block of North Kostner Avenue, was at a park with his two small children when he collapsed.

At 9:28 p.m., authorities were searching for the man's family members. They were also looking for a second car seat in case his children had to be taken into police custody.

An older daughter, who could potentially look after the children, was located at 9:45 p.m.

The father’s condition is unknown. However, alcohol was found among his belongings, said officials.

Tuesday's Chicago temperatures soared to 96 degrees. A heat advisory remains in effect.


  1. clearly booze and heat DO NOT MIX...contrary to the popular belief that a "cold one" will cool you off.

  2. All I can say is, I feel sorry for those children.

  3. Tim, this must have been a white man becaue if it was not, you would have made sure you said so. This site really confirms what I already know about you devils and it also helps me study you. Be looking for your names to be mentioned in a study i am working on. i feel sorry for you white people.

  4. Anonymous, I don't know who you are, but I know you are filled with rage.

    You are incapable of communicating without calling people names and mentioning violence; which is a true testament to your character.

    Frankly, I feel sorry for you. Don't you know that hatred destroys the vessel that contains it?

    I suggest you log off and take a good look at yourself in the mirror. You are no different than the so-called racists you claim to despise.

  5. OMG! Timothy puts on this blog what he hears on the scanner and finds in the MEDIA! Perhaps you need to be spewing your hatred at those outlets. Timothy doesn't invent the story and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out! IF you don't like the way the story is written, two things, 1) don't come on this blog and 2) become a journalist and write what you want.

    The "mirror" is waiting....

  6. Tim and Towanda
    First thing, I believe the stories so don't get it twisted. Is my rage any different the comments i have read from you white people. I told you, you only want things your way. I will keep responding the way i do as long as you respond the way you do. If hate destroys the vessels, you and towanda should be some rotted meat right now. What you know about my charcater is that i see through your garbage and I don't back down. But towandadummy, i do like your last idea.

  7. Most likely, the father was White.

  8. the mirror just confirmed what I knew... BLACK BEAUTY

  9. Anonymous is a horse.


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