Friday, June 24, 2011

CEO wants CPS teachers to do home visits

If Chicago Public Schools CEO Jean-Claude Brizard has his way, CPS students won't be the only ones dodging bullets in Chicago.

Brizard, another brilliant installment of the Mayor Emanuel Administration, wants CPS teachers to do home visits - even if their students live in crime and gang infested neighborhoods.

Brizard floated the Dr. Frankenstein-like idea during a Thursday press conference.

The former Rochester School Superintendent - who was practically run out town after a receiving a "no confidence vote" from Rochester, New York school teachers - basically said if Chicago's less desirable neighborhoods are good enough for the students who live there, they are good enough for their teachers, too.

"If our kids go there every single day, why shouldn’t our adults be there, too," said Brizard.

Question: Why should school teachers risk their lives going into war zones, where most of the residents couldn't care less about getting an education?

Here's what the teachers in Rochester think about Brizard:


  1. His a$$ ain't setting foot in Englewood. And what does a first year teacher make now? 30somethingK? These young kids go into teaching thinking they will "make a difference" should think long and hard. I made that mistake, spent 1 year in Bronzeville, and hit the business world, never to regret it. And I left behind my bleeding white liberal heart, as you can tell by some former posts.

  2. Haha his simple ousted ass can kiss that strategy goodbye! The worthless Southside and Westside residents rob and assault their own local mailman! So why should a hardworking teacher pull up to some ghetto ass house in Roseland or Englewood, with 8 shirtless animals sitting on the porch, with a Glock 45 in their drawers? HA! That's like throwing a gazelle in a lions den... they gon' f*ck her up!

    Send your educators on a suicide mission, if you like. But prepared for the aftermath of MASSIVE lawsuits! And a one-way ticket back to Rochester!

  3. They're going to pay him a handsome salary, with the possibility of bonuses, a car and driver and a $30,000 payout for moving expenses. You'd think he'd jump at the chance to take the job and pay his own way to move here. But no, he's so valuable that they have to pay a king's ransom for him.
    No one in Illinois could do the job? Rahm's choices seem to be fast talking, glib political mercenaries rather than true career professionals.

  4. Sokie Swift Is RacistJune 24, 2011 at 10:31 AM

    Southside and Westside residents? Because everyone who lives on the South and West side is a shirtless "animal" who sits on their porch? I'm not agreeing with Brizard, but you need to tone down the racism in your rhetoric.

    Too bad we all can't be rich, white Skokie Jews, and hang out at the Dairy Star all weekend.

  5. @Sokie

    a) Learn how to spell first. b) I'm not racist or a Jew. And c) The Dairy Star is actually in Lincolnwood.

    Before you come at me next time, remember, it's cereal first, then milk!

  6. I got an idea, how about Brizard lead the pack and go as well? No? You're salary description doesn't state you do house calls? Hmmm, maybe the teachers should follow the "do as I say and not as I do" example you're setting! Seems their salary description doesn't call for these teachers to make house calls either.

  7. I'm not a teacher, but I have three friends who are CPS teachers. These people work hard, long hours, and care deeply about their kids. Many of them coach, or work study halls or clubs after the school day is over. Then, they go home and grade, and plan future lessons.

    They are TEACHERS, not social workers. The schools can be dangerous, but at least the worst have locked doors and security staff. I can't imagine my one friend, a tiny young woman, parking on a street in Lawndale and doing this without being assaulted or carjacked. Broussard is cruising for a lot of lawsuits and teacher resignations if he pushes this. I'm beginning to think Rahm is not a very good mayor.

  8. " I'm beginning to think Rahm is not a very good mayor." Heck the man flat out LIED to us a few days after the Memorial Day closing of North Ave. beach...he is NOT off to a good start with the citizens of this city and this just put's the icing on the cake for me. Seems he cares ONLY about the black voters and not about the rest of this "diverse" city. Maybe they will give him another shot in 4 LONG years but I'm done already! THEY ALL are a bunch of LIARS and think we are stupid. We sure know how to punch that ballet card though!

  9. " I'm beginning to think Rahm is not a very good mayor."

    Rahm Emanuel hired a man the Rochester, New York school board was clearly unhappy with - a man with a reputation for creating dissension among school teachers and parents. It seems Mayor Emanuel has the judgement of a Magic 8-ball.


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