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Chrissy Lee Polis: Attacked at Maryland McDonald's; possible hate crime. Photo: Baltimore Sun. |
On April 18, 2011, Chrissy Lee Polis, a 22-year-old white transgender woman, was savagely attacked by two black girls, ages 14 and 18, at the Rosedale, Maryland McDonald's at 6315 Kenwood Avenue.
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Vernon Hackett. |
Hackett's Facebook account is now on lockdown, but I was still able to get a copy of his Facebook photo, which has been posted with this article.
In the video, Hackett and other shameful McDonald's employees can be heard laughing while the victim is repeatedly kicked in the head.
The only person who tried to help the victim, was a very brave older white woman, who physically stepped between the victim and her crazed attackers.
According to several news sources, the official police report does not list a motive for the attack, but indicates the violence erupted over "using the bathroom".
Polis told The Baltimore Sun the offenders spit in her face, accused her of trying to talk to one of their boyfriends, and yelled, "That's a dude, that's a dude and she's in the female bathroom," before the beating.
During the assault, and when Polis was being taken away in an ambulance, she began to seize.
Despite the brutality of the crime, the 14-year-old offender has been charged as a juvenile and charges against the 18-year-old are still pending.
So far, no hate crime charges have been filed.
Video of the attack:
The victim speaks out:
No one has the right to put their hands on another person, PERIOD. If they had a problem, they should have notified management.
ReplyDeleteThat is so depressing, kids nowadays are so much more violent, and challenging, confrontational, and they take crap too far on spontaneity, and loose control quickly, those girls had no control over that fight and could've easily killed someone, killing them ruthlessly in the back of the head, and not knowing when enough is enough, they kept coming back. This reminds me of the young man who was beaten to death by a group of onlookers...we need more hero. too many people pass you by as you need help...it's depressing.
ReplyDeleteget paid bro... assed in or out.. you got the dolla bill coming
ReplyDeleteHow our school and parents educate their children? Those two bad girls who beated the white transgender woman should both be prosecuted as "murders and serverly punished by the law. They should be treated as an adult crime, not teenages crime. I think the camera guy and the man who appeared in the video should also be charged because they didn't stop the violence. They seems to be on two bad girls' side. No one has rights to put a hand on another person. I hope Chrissy Lee will be recovered soon. I pray for her. God bless her and her family!
ReplyDeleteThey say sh*t rolls downhill. Lets take a look at the parents of the 2 girls.
ReplyDeleteThey all should be sterilized. No joke.
They are just jealous that the trans girl is way more attractive than they are....
This really pisses me off! The people working at that McDonalds when this occurred need to ALL be fired for watching and video taping it! The people who frequent that place need to protest and or boycott it as well. It's really no wonder that black people are losing ground and are, once again, being hated. This is a disgrace and the parents of these kids need to be held responsible as well. Charge them with attempted murder and the employees as accomplishes. I'd sure like to beat the shit out of those ghetto thugettes for sure. I swing a pretty fricking mean baseball bat! Scumbag, bottom feeding, loser, parasites! Oh, but their parents will say, "she's a good girl" she's never in trouble"...yeah right. She's a piece of trash.
ReplyDeleteAnd Vernon Hackett, you are the biggest scumbag EVER! You had a chance to do the right thing, oh wait, you ghetto thugs DON"T know what the right thing is. Parasite!
Not charged with a hate crime? Are you fricking kidding me. I don't know how much more hateful a crime towards someone who is different, can be. Pathetic pieces of shit!
Kudos to the WHITE older lady who tried to help! Bravo!
Get well Chrissy
Why oh why oh why is this a racial matter? Please people, if we are going to focus on the problem at hand, let's keep color blind about it and focus on the hatred that was involved. Did it reaaaaaalllllllly need to be mentioned that this young woman is white? (rolls eyes, shakes head)
ReplyDeleteThis had NOTING to do with the fact that she was transgendered...they just picked up her story to use it for their political agenda. Would YOU realize she is transgender? Those girls were just looking for a fight that night, it just happened to be this poor girl who got beat.They should all (the beaters and the employees and everyone who watched) be prosecuted for assault and attempted murder.
ReplyDeleteYea Bella.. it DOES, cause you don't see any BLACKS helping the white woman out DO YOU? Nuff F*cking said.
ReplyDeleteWhat is this world coming to. They give a bad name for black people. These young people need some guidance....where is the guidance.
ReplyDeleteI'm a black woman and it is stupidity and crimes like this that make me not want to even so much as live around blacks today.. yet alone raise my two children.. after having a gun pulled on me a second time in two years barely first time coming home from work... second time driving and being yelled st because they wouldn't stop moving while telling us to go... both times by someone of color.. and I'm sick of it.
ReplyDeleteIf two White Girls had attacked a Black Transgendered Woman, the "incident" would have been front page news "globally". Jesse Jackson, et. al. would have been screaming for justice. Thus, race matters!
New report out on UK Mail online is that the perpetrator was arrested a year ago for assaulting a white woman, who was with her daughters, at the same McDonalds.
ReplyDeletePete, I saw the same report. This ghetto thugette is an angry agressive person with a hatred towards white people and has an agenda. She should get the maximum sentence for EVERY charge against her INCLUDING a HATRED CRIME. I'm sorry but this is one bitch who NEEDS to be off the streets
ReplyDeleteAnonymous@9:48 & 11:25, I agree with you. It's very sad that these ghetto thugs/thugettes are giving black people a bad name. NOT ALL black people are brought up to be criminals but sadly, they cause people to be leery of ALL black people and it becomes a "color" issue. I only have issues with the ghetto thugs and thugettes. They are ruining our society with their total disregard for human life.
Where the hell is that 14 year olds parent/parents that they allow her to hang around with an 18 year old with a record? lack of concern and involvement with your children gives us ALL ghetto thugs/thugettes to deal with. The parents of these kids SHOULD be held ACCOUNTABLE along with their kids. SEND BOTH THEIR ASSES AWAY FOR A LONG TIME!
The people at that McDonalds are trash!
ReplyDeleteThe comments about the parents is that we can teach ours kids night and day no matter what race or gender you maybe! teaching is teaching!People who's really know what their child is doing when we are not around them. we cant watch or be with our children 24hours a day its impossible!yes the people that stood back and watch! thats sad because you never know one day that could be you or your love one.
ReplyDeleteI grieve over this from personal experience. I am a TG person and have often thought about how I would feel looking into the face of this kind of brutality. The inner turmoil many TG people feel is complicated enough much less having to live with the idea someone might kill you for who you are. We keep on hoping that people will realize that being TG is nothing to do with sex. Gender identity and sexuality are two different subjects. We keep on hoping we will be understood but this very seldom happens. These girls knew exactly who they were attacking, dont kid yourself. Thank you to those who at least tried to make an effort to help, it means alot to all of us who may face this one day. Had this been me or some of the other TG girls I know, it would have been the girls ride home in the ambulance. Theres a long way to go until full understanding and Id urge all young Tg people to not be naive and carry a gun or mace. Screw Marylands assinign no carry commy gun rules. Carry one anyway, or the mace, you have a right to defend yourself. No hate crime? Thats laughable. I wish I had the chance to talk to these worthless pieces of trash who believe violence is allways the answer to their insecurity. Anyone who reacts this way to someone just because they are TG simply reveals there own insecurity with who they are. Had they given her the time of day they probablly would have found out they even liked her. TG people are not sick, these girls are.
ReplyDeleteIf it looks like a monkey, smells like a monkey, acts like a monkey, talks like a monkey, then IT MUST BE A MONKEY! Stick them in jail with the other 85% blacks that are in their... they will fit rite in. And YES, I am prejudice! You ask why.... because most blacks hate whites, just listen to WGCI (107.5) in the morning. That will let you know how they feel about white people. And that is just one example.
ReplyDeletewell maybe because as we know of the hate crime started with the white people and no am not prejudice!!! that really sad for a human being to be prejudice. those days are over with in my eye sight.
ReplyDeleteThe 5% ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
ReplyDeleteIf my kids had EVER done anything remotely like this they would be running to the police FOR protection. That includes the idiot taping and getting his jollies from watching the beating. Boy, does McDonalds ever have a lawsuit against them and I hope Polis takes them big!
ReplyDelete"If my kids had EVER done anything remotely like this they would be running to the police FOR protection.",,,I'm with you there anonymous..too funny:)
ReplyDeleteThats how it is alot of times in MD, I'm from Baltimore, and I am so damn glad i left, they are closed minded assholes that jump on the bandwagon of anything, I'm so sorry this happened to this person, its really a damn shame, and that dumb ass guy with the Boosie fade recording it ass should go to jail too.
ReplyDeleteSilly humans, its ok though.. we have a couple hundred years left.
Anonymous, April 27, 2011, 3:39 PM
ReplyDeleteWhile racism began with European (i.e. slave traders) in the 1500s, hate and prejudice have been around even longer.
If we could time travel back to 1300, we would find White on White Crime in Europe and Black on Black Crime in Africa.
Anonymous, April 26, 2011, 5:25 PM
Yes, teaching kids to be moral/ethical is part of the solution.
Yes, parents can (and should) know where their kids are at all times. As a parent, you are required to "be in your kid's face (or kids' faces)" all the time.
Anonymous, April 24, 2011, 11:09 PM
Yes, ass will be the operative word for the video's ghetto thugs, because their asses will eventually be kicked or pimped out by other ghetto thugs!
Thats just horrible, I hate people, but I could never beat them that way... it takes a different kind of person to do shit like that. That 14 year old should get a hard sentence... getting off easy wont teach her a lesson at all.
ReplyDeleteThe major flaw is PARENTS EDUCATION. No moral guidelines, so hardly will understand what have they done.
ReplyDeleteEvery puppy of allmost every mammal receive a healty amount of discipline. Considering that their parents did not gave them that, the state should!
JAIL for them!
At Bella, yes it was a racist matter, because if they were white girls beating a black girl up in an ALL black Mcdonalds they would've jumped in to help! the only person that helped was a white woman! face it, its the truth. Those girls need to get their asses beat!
ReplyDeleteUPDATE! 05/18/2011
ReplyDeleteTwo teenage girls accused of an attack on a transgender woman at a Maryland McDonald's have been indicted on hate-crime and assault charges stemming from the April incident, according to the Washington Blade.
The brutal beating of Chrissy Lee Polis, 22, garnered international attention when a McDonald's employee used his cell phone to capture the attack on video and posted it online.
A grand jury indicted Teonna Brown, 18, on first and second-degree assault and classified the offenses as hate crimes; she is being charged as an adult. Apparently, another girl, 15, will face the same charges in juvenile court.
Lynne Bowman, interim executive director of the state LGBT group Equality Maryland, said, "The state's attorney for Baltimore County came to the only possible conclusion in deciding to try the assault on Chrissy Lee Polis as a hate crime."
I am in no way defending anyone but another crime happened, a TG "Male" entered the womens room. Looking like a female dose not give a guy the right to enter the womens room nor does a woman have the right to enter the mens room. I do hope the two girls get prison time.
ReplyDeleteBut don't you see? All white people are racist, black people are oppressed so it is ok for them to brutally beat other groups without any accountability. I am disgusted.
ReplyDeleteHello from the UK. I am a 43 year old male with gender dysphoria and part of my journey involves living for the next 2 years as a woman, which is the gender I identify with far more than my male side. It is confusing for me enough on a day to day basis and when I see attacks like this it frightens the heck out of me to be honest. I have always wanted to believe that people are good are heart, but really this is such a romantacised view of life. Why are some human beings so cruel to others? They must be deeply unhappy and feel very unloved themselves if they can carry out such an act towards another person, particularly in this case someone so vulnerable and someone trying to simply live their own life according to what felt right for them. I do think the parents have a lot to answer for and the attitudes and behaviour of the staff at McDonalds is quite unbelievable. McDonalds should definitely have been sued over this and every single one of the staff members sacked following this incident. I am just amazed to be honest.
ReplyDeleteI do wish people could refrain from making racist comments just because this incident involved two black teenagers. We all know that there are good and bad people across all races and any prejudice here is no better than the prejudice displayed in the attack. There are so many wonderful people in this world, both black and white, and all would feel appalled at this incident.
I am not sure what else to add really, I do hope that people would step in though in times like this and do the right thing. Yes, if there are weapons involved it may be a different story, and even without weapons I know people may still be scared, but this simply cannot happen again without anybody doing anything, its just not the right way forward.
God bless you all.
Simon, 43 yrs, UK.
The sheer INSANITY AND SOCIETAL SICKNESS that people are attempting to mask as "normality" in repeatedly referring to this MALE who is mentally sick and not accepting of the reality of his gender by calling HIM "her" and "she". I would be furious if a MAN in drag was attempting to use the bathroom reserved for FEMALES as well but I'd probably never get violent unless I was defending myself.