Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Man in Wheelchair Harassed Outside Lakeview Gay Bar

Police were called to the intersection of North Halsted and West Roscoe Streets around 4 a.m. this morning.

The 911 caller said a man in a wheelchair was being harassed by two men, while a security guard and another unidentified man stood by and watched.

Police dispatch did not identify the bar where the incident occurred, but Roscoe’s at 3349 North Halsted and Cocktail at 3359 North Halsted, are the only bars at that intersection.

At 4:36a.m., an officer at the scene was waiting with the disabled man until a taxi arrived.


  1. This seems like a weird story to me. 4 am out in a wheelchair? Never the less, people standing around watching this person get harassed in a wheelchair? What were they doing, waiting to get a video for "youtube"? What a disgrace!

  2. When I used to hang out at bars, there were several people who used to show up in wheelchairs.

    I was hoping a witness would comment and fill in the blanks. I wanted to know who was harassing the man and why.

    Obviously, the cops where concerned for the man's safety.

  3. All of the bars on that block close at 2am. I know more than a couple of people in wheelchairs who are "homeless" and could use a good harassing.

  4. prepprep, you're right! I checked their websites and the bars are closed at 2 a.m.

    Now I'm confused. Who was this so-called security guard and what was he doing at that intersection? Mmm....

  5. actually Hydrate and Little Jims about a block away are open to 4am.

  6. "actually Hydrate and Little Jims about a block away are open to 4am."

    Anon, thanks for adding that info! That might explain what they were doing in the area! :-)

  7. I went out and had a beer at Little Jims last night late night and did see a guy in a wheel chair there who was probably in his 20's having a drink(s) and chatting with people.

    I hope it wasn't him, he was a nice guy. Just out having some fun.

    If this guy that was harrassed in the 7-11 parking lot was homeless, would he be really taking a cab?

  8. Hehe, yes, the Boystown "homeless" *do* take cabs. Best example: The African-American woman who practically has squatter's rights on the sidewalk between Cocktail and Sidetrack. She makes her nut, stands up, and barges into traffic to flag down the first passing cab. All. The. Time.


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