Friday, January 14, 2011

Leroy Stephenson Charged With Sexually Assaulting 16-year-old Girl, Took Pornographic Picture Posted on Facebook

Man charged with sexual assault and child pornography. Leroy Stephenson's Facebook photo.

According to what he allegedly told the police, 24-year-old Leroy Stephenson was 23-years-old when he began a sexual relationship with a then 15-year-old girl, last year.

The Ford Heights, Illinois man has been charged with sexually assaulting a 16-year-old girl and child pornography. Stephenson allegedly took a pornographic photograph of the girl; the photo was sent to several people and later posted on Facebook.

However, police do not believe Stephenson is responsible for distributing the photo or posting the picture on Facebook.

A Markham Court set Stephenson's bail at $75,000.

According to Stephenson's Facebook page, he graduated from Bloom Trail High School in 2005.



  1. these kid's parents are useless. who let's their 15 year old daughter lay up with a grown man?!

  2. LOL! What a complete fool this guy is. Now he's going to be charged with statutory rape as well. These people aren't parents. I'd be curious to know if THEY'RE even around. This generation of black kids seem to be on their own, left out there to do whatever they want at any age. At 15, I had a curfew, couldn't even go out on a school night, parents needed phone numbers of where I would be and expected me to check in. If I messed up the rules, I got GROUNDED! Whatever happened to parenting??? some parents today are PATHETIC!

  3. I'm quite disturbed that this pervert only got a $75,000 bail. What, the judge didn't think the crime was bad enough? That's what they give people who are busted for possession or repeated arrests. That bail does not fit this crime. can't wait until he goes to prison..he will become the "victim" for sure.

  4. It was statutory rape; he and the girl were in a consensual relationship. And her parents apparently knew about it(?) The idiot decided to make a little child porn, and that's why he's in jail. I hope the girl dates within her age group from now on.

  5. "We" need to send the murderers and rapists to God, like the Bible says.


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