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Photo taken from AFTAH's website. |
Reportedly, members of AFTAH believe the LGBT community is trying to purposely infect America's blood supply with HIV and claims there is a link between homosexuality and pedophilia.
Peter LaBarbera, the leader of AFTAH, is said to be looking for young people to help spread the word about the gay's evil plot to convert straight people into homosexuals.
But the madness doesn't stop there, AFTAH (allegedly) wants gay airport security screeners banned from frisking passengers of the same sex.
Out of curiosity, I visited AFTAH's website. There is an extensive article denouncing Fox-Chicago's investigative report. According to AFTAH's response, Fox's article was a "hit-piece" that relied on "twisted mischaracterizations" to sell Fox's "biased" opinion of their family-oriented organization.
In a AFTAH article entitled, "Gay Parenting", with the subtitle, "Yes, AFTAH ‘Discriminates’", there is a picture of two men kissing (see above photo). Scribbled underneath the photo are the words, "This is what perversion
This group is right up there with the Westboro baptist church, which really isn't a church at all, just a bunch of relatives who preach hatred, like this group. They all must be on some heavy sleeping pills to be able to sleep at night. The president of AFTAH even sent a "letter to the editor" to one of the chicago papers (sorry can't remember which one) last year. A FULL PAGE of hatred. I was quite disappointed that the ARTICLE was printed because it just spewed the hatred agenda of AFTAH. Whatever their website says is not the truth of what they believe. It's just a ploy to get members. Peter LaBarbara thinks gays "just want to spread aids"? Wow! There are MORE straight people in the WORLD with HIV/Aids than gays. It's been proven that this desease came here from a straight man. He doesn't know the meaning of "TRUTH", just HATRED. "It's a choice"? Who the hell would want to choose to live with the discrimination and hatred that is associated with being gay? Wonder what AFTAH thinks about the KKK, nazi's or Westboro? Hell is going to be very crowded with all these hate mongers. The only AGENDA out there is theirs! I could write a novel about this issue but there's not enough room. "America, land of the free". I've traveled to many European countries and America is one of the most prejudiced countries on the planet. Blacks, Jews and Gays are NOT treated in other countries the way they are treated in America, "land of the free". What a shame. Remember that WWJD platform several years ago? I doubt Jesus would be doing this. HATRED NEVER WINS!