Saturday, November 13, 2010

Panhandler at Lincoln Park Currency Exchange Threatens Customer

A woman called police after an aggressive panhandler threatened her, when she refused to give him money.

The incident occurred around 10:24 a.m. at the Great Lakes Currency Exchange at 832 West Fullerton Avenue, in Chicago's Lincoln Park neighborhood.

Police identified the offender as Lamont Vaughn. An officer said the man frequents the area and often gets aggressive with people who refuse to give him money.

Vaughn was not on the scene when police arrived.


  1. Last week, Lamont Vaughn was before the criminal court at Belmont and Western for a simple battery in Lincoln Park. He had assaulted dozens of people just in Lincoln Park this summer without either arrest or recognition of these crimes by CPD... as you may know, no arrest report means no crime to CPD. The fact is when 911 calls go unanswered, people stop calling. And Vaughn knows this and likes Lincoln Park, as do other street thugs, for this reason. For this particular crime, it took CPD 15 minutes to respond to multiple 911 calls. Still, Vaughn's prior history is 167 arrests and 39 convictions. The Cook County Assistant States Attorney wanted to plea bargain this simple battery to 30 days suspended sentence. Only the presence of former 43rd Alderman Bill Singer and future would be 43rd Alderman Michele Smith stopped this joke of a sentence. And yet here he is today out on the street trying to rob a woman... Incredible.

  2. I really appreciate you sharing more details about this Mr. Vaughn and what he's been up to. Thank you for your input.


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