7:32 p.m. -- A woman waiting at a CTA bus stop called police after she was harassed and followed by several men.
The woman was waiting for the westbound No. 66 Chicago Ave. bus, at the corner of West Chicago Ave. and North Sacramento Blvd., when 6 African-American men started making “threatening” comments and behaving “suspiciously“.
The woman told the 911 operator the men were "running in and out of the bushes".
When the bus arrived, 2 of the offenders boarded the bus with the woman. The woman called 911 back and informed authorities that 2 of the suspects were on the bus with her, and that she would call the police back if there was trouble.
At the time, police were tracking the bus, and pulled bus No. 1134 over at West Chicago Ave. and North Pulaski Rd.
When police made contact with the complainant, she told them that the suspects got off the bus, several blocks away.
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