68-year-old Loreto Gaspar should be spending his time playing Bingo or watching Wheel of Fortune. Instead, police say the Chicago, Andersonville man seems to have a thing for fondling little girls.
On October 7, 2010, a little after 5 p.m., Gaspar reportedly struck up a conversation with a woman and her 6-year-old daughter at Target store, food-court. When the conversation ended, both parties went their separate ways.
When he could no longer resist his urges, the elderly man allegedly tracked the little girl down in the store, and grabbed her genitals.
Afterwards, witnesses said Gaspar hobbled his butt out of the store and sped away in a red vehicle.
The long arm of the law caught up with the man, after police reviewed Target's surveillance footage and interviewed staff.
Gaspar has been charged with criminal sexual abuse of a minor.
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