Friday, October 22, 2010

FBI Notified of Chicago Police Sergeant’s Alleged Police Brutality?

The unofficial word on the street is, the FBI’s civil rights division has been notified of the Chicago police sergeant’s alleged beating of trespassing suspect, 19-year-old Gregory Jeffries.

There are also whispers of other Chicago police officers, involved in a separate incident on the south side, being brought up on similar abuse charges.

To be continued....

1 comment:

  1. I am very good 70 years Lady ! Never participating in any illegal activity in my Live ! But the live what I live in Chicago NOBODY DESERVE LIVE THIS KIND , LIVE EVEN ANIMAL ! We talking about the Best Country on the EARTH -AMERICA !
    1988 we founded my mother with brutally broken head ! Back of my mother's head , was smashed with heavy object ! Soon after they start working on my body ! People all time tell me about and , I refuse to believe that !
    12/12/09 I wake up from excruciating pain on my legs ! My legs was completely black ! Since it's happen I moved to Senior Citizen Building . The same people stalking me in this Building and continue practicing the same HORRIBLE activity on my body . I got this people on my private Surveillance . You could see this CD Tape which indicating -I am Maria Krasnopolsky in my apartment 11.30 P.M. and group of people working on my body . They working with some kind heavy duty devices in order to burning my veins and capillaries on my legs . After they brutally push my body down looks the beading going on on my kidney . They constantly try bead my kidney .
    The sensation ,what I feel - it's just general beating sensations . They constantly sent to our apartment TOXIC GAS , as soon I became in unconsciousness condition they come out from hiding entrance ,which local people builded for them and John Burge activity take a place . Cruel Torturing Senior Citizen Women -Haw proud Human could be ! If somebody come out with good advice , please email me : . Thank You !


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