Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Animal cruelty: Teens dump bloodied dog in Rogers Park dumpster

Several offenders, described as teenagers, are wanted for animal abuse after a dog was found stuffed in a garbage can in Chicago's Far North Side Rogers Park neighborhood.

Around 2:19 p.m., a 911 caller reported a dog in a yellow dumpster in an alley near the 2000 block of West Jarvis Avenue, between Hoyne and Seeley.

The concerned citizen said several teens, one of them dressed in a dark-colored jacket with fur around the hood, dumped the animal in the dumpster and fled the scene.

When police arrived, an officer observed a "pit pull" covered in blood, wrapped in a garbage bag, inside the dumpster.

The officer said the dog was still alive.

Animal Control was notified.

As of 3 p.m., there were no further updates.

UPDATE: 3:11 p.m. --- Officers removed the dog from the dumpster. Dispatch was instructed to cancel their call to Animal Control. It's unclear if the dog is dead or alive.


  1. If the description includes a hoodie then you know it's Obama's sons that were at work here. Might indicate a dog-fighting operation in the neighborhood.

  2. Obviously animals arent capable of taking care of other animals. Too bad the dog didnt realize it was likely smarter AND stronger than its "owners."

  3. No respect for any form of life!

  4. I'm saddened whenever I hear something like this. Sick kids killing animals. I'm crying right now just thinking of the poor pit bull.

  5. So sad...sign of evil to come

  6. I'm so disgusted and next to tears. I wish those future sociopaths could feel what that poor dog felt while they were beating it to an inch of its life. And then to leave it barely alive to suffer the last minutes of it's life in a freezing cold alley in a dirty dumpster, too cowardly or too cruel to just kill it and let it's misery be over. No one's life should end like that, not an animal or a human, not even the little a**holes who did this.

  7. I am crying and sick reading this. So sad to me. Poor pitbull.

  8. So sick. Eye for an eye. If they are found same thing should happen to them.


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