The directive comes a day after a woman was robbed at knifepoint near Winthrop and Thorndale -- just one block east of the CTA Red Line Thorndale “L” at 1118 West Thorndale Avenue.
According to our sources, police have tagged the area as a “gang hot spot”.
During their first encounter with loiterers, police are required to create contact cards. The loiterers will be issued a verbal warning, told to leave the area, and their names will be entered into the police data base… repeat offenders will be arrested, said our source.
Friday evening, around 9:36 p.m., three blacks males were dispersed from the sidewalk outside the Thorndale train station.
One subject was identified as Deandre Jackson.
Preliminary information indicates a Deandre Jackson was told to leave the area earlier in the evening, when police instructed an estimated 12 people to move along.
At the time of this report, it wasn't immediately clear if anyone was arrested during the 9:36 p.m. confrontation with police.
Photo credit: Black Capt'n C.
AFter the third offense can we hang em from the tracks?
ReplyDeleteWell it's about fricking time! However, this has been a "gang hotspot" since BEFORE Harry Osterman took office so what took so long to finally do something? Does it really come down to an innocent victim having a knife pulled on them?
ReplyDeleteChange the loitering laws back to what they use to be and some of these problems will disappear and there will be less victims being scoped out by these bottom feeders as well.
Time to go back to racial profiling. It works.
ReplyDeleteI'm almost shocked the term "move along" has been used in THIS city.
ReplyDeleteThis is the best news I have heard all day. Stop the god damn loitering. This is the whole probably these black stand around and case people out and look for the weakest target and follow you from there.
ReplyDeleteIts "EL" not "L" already short for elevated. What are you a transplant? You should know some of your local history. And I know even the CTA has it wrong in places but look who's running the show...a bunch of political hacks.
ReplyDelete^Irrelevant to what's going on in this city and on this site. Get a life. You sound like a TRUE born and raised Chicagoan with this pouty poop mouth look on your face while smacking a wad of Chicago bubble gum.
ReplyDeleteThis is very good news. I know that the community that lives right there has been doing positive loitering in the summer with police support to try to at least keep things from getting worse in the area.
ReplyDeleteBut it was more just chasing people off, the contact cards need to be issued so that the arrest can be made. In talking to an officer once about it, if they don't do the contact card, they can't make an arrest, even if they know the person was there.
With the Granvile station being closed, more people have to use Thorndale, and my husband is one of those people and I hate it. I worry something is going to happen to him. Getting mugged is the least that can happen, there were several shootings last year in the area.
@ 2:06am, according to sources, both the "L" and "EL" are corrected abbreviated version of elevated train. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago_'L'
ReplyDeleteI am so happy to hear this action is being taken.
ReplyDeletewhat am I going to do this weekend if I can't represent at the Northpole, you know what I am sayin?
ReplyDelete^its actually spelled Gnomesayin'
ReplyDelete"El" is NY, CTA has always used "L" so relax.
ReplyDeleteWith Swift Elementary school right there shouldn't this already be a "safe school zone" where offenders get harsher punishments?
In addition to blacks, we all need to crack down on social service agency pieces of shit, who are a even mix of white and black, a few hispanics.
ReplyDeleteThey congregate in Lincoln Park near the community center run by Chicago's largest loser-loving, liberal enabling agency. I saw five of them today terrorizing taxpayers on Clark near Wrightwood.
Don't let the pseudo-science of "psychology" fool you, it is no better than voodoo or witchcraft. They are increasing the population of genetically damaged misfits of all races and inflicting them upon otherwise good neighborhoods.
Remember if you meet and *uck one of these women who work there, chances are good they've let their white guilt get the best of them and they've had black cock inside them.
Just say no!
^Unfortunately, like the bar,drug,sex trade here along the "liberal lakefront", "social services" is BIG business while Walmart seems to be the curse of the devil. I just wish someone would have taught me how to work the system or a college "recruiter" would have told me about the upcoming "need" for social workers in Chicago. I'd be sitting pretty right about now (in a condo worth 1/2 of what I paid for it but I'd have a job for life).
ReplyDeleteNo, don't get involved with those Uptown gay men nor their Margate Park (we're NOT Uptown LOL) "social worker" hags for they can't even control their gay brothers in Lakeview East that are fighting with their new live-in Latino and throwing bottles out of their rented condo windows. I'm serious.
"Diversity"? Have it. I've had enough of it.
Sounds like someone's in their manic phase of bipolar. Why doesn't anyone moderate these pages so that people don't go off on such hateful tirades? I'm all for free speech, but seeing comments like the previous poster's comments distracts from the good intention of this blog, and can turn readers away. Perhaps this site's intention is to incite...who knows. It's just quite tasteless.
ReplyDeleteAll I can say about the topic is that it's great to see community action at work to try to minimize problems caused by groups of people with suspicious intentions. I'm aware people have been working hard with police to make changes there. Change is a slow process. I might be helpful to learn more about whether or not this level of activity really constitutes gang activity or something else. Most traditional gang activity often does not involve interactions with the general public. Urban youth with so-called "thug mentality" are often looking for opportunities to get "props" for intimidation or petty crimes, but they usually are not protecting a lucrative money-making spot for drug selling.
Just take your coalburning ass back to Everyblock.
DeleteYou have the best defense for your commie bullshit, anybody who opposes it is just "mentally ill".
DeleteThe Church of Scientology is right about psychology.
By the way, the argument about "EL" and "L" could be put to rest with this: whether or not one is from NYC or Chicago, both systems were designed by the same man. Either is appropriate and have both been used interchangeably in Chicago.
ReplyDeleteSounds like someone's in arrogant phase of their liberalism.
ReplyDeleteWe rant here because it's highly visiblle.
It doesn't matter what your Masters degree in social work, granola nut crunch ass has to say about degenerates, we are sick of them.
Even of the both of us are bipolar, we don't walk around all morning collecting cigarette butts or begging for change at Starbucks. The ambulance and the police aren't at our apartment building constantly.
We don't need to open a dialogue about loiterers, we need to open fire.
Blacks and Hispanics bring nothing of value to the country, and they need to be gone. The white kids that emulate them should be beaten within inches of their lives, if they don't shape up they can go away, too.
Liberalism is much more of a mental illness than anything else, your kind are promoting, helping, clothing and feeding those who are sucking the country's tit dry and tearing apart neighborhoods that used to be good.
So, go fuck yourself, anonymous.