Around 8:23 p.m., a 911 caller reported a brawl in an alley near Hollywood and Western Avenues.
According to police dispatch, the complainant said Latin King gang members were battling a rival gang and at least one car window was broken during the melee.
When authorities arrived, they determined the incident actually occurred in a west alley behind 5625 North Artesian Avenue, between Hollywood and Bryn Mawr.
One participant in the fight sustained a “bloody head-wound”, said an officer at the scene.
An ambulance and at least one paddy wagon was called to the location.
Photo: Google Maps
That area isn't part of West Rogers Park/West Ridge.
ReplyDeleteIt's more like the north end of Budlong Woods.
And why do the damned captchas get even more incomprehensible all the time?
I used to live on that block up until about 1983. When I realized there were only a handful of buildings left on the street that were being kept up (mowed lawns, clean windows, etc.)I knew it was time to move. The house I used to live in looks like a flop house now and it used to be the prettiest house on the street - or so I was told.