Monday, June 11, 2012

VIDEO: Alleged Englewood drug dealer shows off his guns, loot

Guns have been banned in Chicago since 1982, but the restrictions only stop law-abiding citizens from owning guns - not criminals.

In a series of disturbing YouTube videos, a South Side, Englewood neighborhood man, apparently from the 5900 block of South Normal Boulevard, shows off his money and two handguns.

The man, who goes by the name Kay-o, indicated in one video that his money was made through drug sales - otherwise known as the "trap". 

Drug dealing is called the trap, because once you get in the business, there's usually no way out alive. 


  1. Why cant we just legalize all drugs to put these savages out of business? The money would be in the hands of legitimate businesses that have to pay taxes and abide by laws like everyone else. Plus all of the resources spent on fighting a drug war could be spent elsewhere, and most importantly cops working drug enforcement could concentrate on violent crimes!

    The quality of like will increase for everyone, except gang members and corrupt government employees!!!

  2. FYI, guns were never banned in Chicago. Handguns were for 25 years. They are no longer, but the chicago democrats have made it hard. If anyone needs protection, get your FOID which can take up to 2 months, then get your chicago permit. You take a class for that, then submit the application. More info on that on the web.

  3. It won't be long before KO is put to rest at Mt. Hopeless Cemetery. Hahaha

  4. It is called a trap because u lure someone wanting to buy drugs that u don't have, pull a gun and take they money.


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