Thursday, February 9, 2012

Unconfirmed report: Man’s tooth broken during attack near Edgewater “L” station

A Chicago man was allegedly beaten after leaving a North Side CTA train station.

At 6:53 p.m., a man dialed 911 from a location in Uptown, claiming he was attacked near the Bryn Mawr Red Line station at 1119 West Bryn Mawr Avenue, in Edgewater.

An initial police dispatch report indicated the assault happened some time, yesterday.

However, subsequent police communications suggest the man was attacked today, February 9, 2012.

According to police dispatch, the man was leaving the North Side neighborhood station when four men jumped him and dragged him down the street.

During the assault, one of the victim’s teeth was broken and a chunk of flesh was gouged from his nose, said dispatch.

Chicago News Report was unable to get a description of the alleged offenders and we were unable to verify the accuracy of this report.


  1. Edgewater is the new Englewood !

  2. Should have thought of that before they brought is over here for free labor, now sit back and watch us devour everything in sight ha ha ha take that archie bunker, lol

  3. OK anon - So why are you devouring george jefferson? He's black too.

  4. Ill devour george jefferson and benjamin franklin from my deluxe apartment in the

  5. Oh i forgot to add ill do it in my deluxe section 8 apartment in the sky, in your condo building, hahahaha........ralph open the door foor my ghetto ass, god i love uptown! So whats the value of your supppsed luxry condo worth now, mine as well rent them out section 8 if you wanna keep archie bunker.

  6. I'm Black too MoFo, and I will C A P yo' Black Sec 8 Ghetto Ass before you walk in and F***-up the shyt I worked for.

    I don't believe in calling the Po-Po, handle your business yourself.


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