Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Rogers Park: Woman sexually assaulted on CTA Red Line, says cops

A woman was sexually assaulted on a North Side CTA train, said police.

Tuesday, at approximately 4:20 a.m., police were called to the Rogers Park, Loyola Red Line station at 1200 West Loyola Avenue.

According to police dispatch, a female passenger was sexually assaulted on car number 2612.

The alleged offender was described as a male black wearing a black shirt and black pants.

At 4:25 a.m., a responding officer requested an ambulance.

The officer said the alleged sexual assault “appeared to be bona fide”.

Investigators coded the incident as a 0281, a criminal sexual assault (non-aggravated).

The offender was arrested at the station and the victim was transported to St. Francis Hospital in Evanston, Illinois.


  1. Cut the monkey's pecker off

  2. WAs she sexually assulted or raped there is a differcence? The media needs to different the two and stop trying to softEN up RAPE.

    Women should not be traveling alone that early in the morning unless they really have to for work.

  3. By saying that women should not be traveling alone that early in the morning, you are justifying the time schedules of criminal acts of coon predators. Why isn't it the criminals who should not be traveling that early in the morning or at anytime instead of the innocent victims?

  4. Well maybe she did "have to travel at that time for work". Many of us were lured to this city by employers, etc. hyping this "world class public transportation" that's' supposedly second to none.

    There are many, many shift workers out there (hospitals). And many of us have ditched our cars because of the high cost of parking, gas, insurance, parking problems, out-of-whack housing costs for what this place called chicago actually is (this is self-correcting still as I type) and more.

    You need 24/7 police out there and to quit enabling the obvious crime problems and CRIMINALS that are continually committing them.

    As long as you keep blaming the victims Chicago, your crime will continue to spiral out of control. Believe me, I know.

    This was not a purse snatching nor report of a drunk person passed out on the train.

  5. And furthermore, maybe she was on her way TO work for an early shift at that time. I was called in to be in the loop by 6:00am once on the weekend and could not believe what was still lurking on those trains - obviously from the night before (with feces and weed in abundance as well).

  6. It's typical fucking liberal twisted logic to tell us that we should all hide in our homes in fear while the spook criminals and rapists and murderers run wild in the streets.

    Fucking liberals can't understand that the law-abiding citizens should be able to be out on the streets at anytime...not the spooks.

    I for one refuse to cower in my home in fear. If any spook tries to violate my rights, it will the last thought he ever has.

  7. CTA Management should be ashamed of the quality of service they provide. They should employ armed undercover "El Marshals" and "Bus Marshals" to ride the rails and eject, arrest, or if necessary kill the bums, crazies, thugs and predators that terrorize the system. No mercy. If you are loud and obnoxious and don't calm down after the first request, you get a gun in your face and are ejected at the next stop. If you keep chimping out, you get arrested.

  8. CTA Management is a whole tribe of spooks. That office looks like the cast of a Tarzan movie.

  9. 3 years ago when moving to Lakeview, my neighbors called me a "night owl" because I actually go out at/after 9:00pm. They are usually coming home and are on lockdown (in my opinion). They take their loud night parties in the bolted/locked "courtyard" in the back but I and tenants of the building next door put an end to that.

    What a way to live. One block from the lake no less!

  10. I was on the train last night. I saw her wheeled away on a stretcher and saw the man arrested. He had come through the cars prior to the assault and asked me for money. I was the only one in my car, 24 year old female and one other man who was asleep. I am so sad that this happened to the woman but so grateful he didn't hurt me. I was coming home from work. I own an SUV but it was being borrowed last night and I took the CTA. I carry pepper spray but sometimes that isn't enough. The way he kept asking for money and kept getting closer to me was very creepy, but the fact he went on to assault someone makes me so sad for her. Let's all say a prayer for her and focus on the victim rather than bashing CTA employees since they aren't going to read this and change anything anyway.

  11. "Praying" isn't going to rid us of rapists and killers. Use the same energy to do something useful...contact the CTA and the mayor's office and demand more armed security guards.

  12. @1:58...Why didn't you pepper spray him when you had the chance? It would have prevented a rape. Shame on you.

  13. @2:07: Get real. You can't mace every intimidating beggar on the train. Every rail car every day would be a cloud of pepper spray. Don't blame the victim, or the almost-victim in this case. The blame lies with a public transit system that does not take safety and security seriously. The ghetto trash in this city treat the CTA as an extension of their own squalid homes and streets, and the CTA management doesn't give a flying fuck.

  14. "he had come through the cars prior to the assault". Clue #1 for pending trouble on those trains. Those doors need to be locked. The 4 side doors are adequate for entry/exit & safety reasons. There is no reason those vagrants and known soon-to-be criminals need to be parading back and forth through every car. They're LOOKING for someone.

  15. @2:28: Stop being such a victim. If every intimidating beggar was pepper sprayed, there would no longer be any intimidating beggars.

  16. Point taken. But: 1) I'm not willing to be the Bernie Goetz of the el, and have my life turned upside down because I maced a bum; 2) If I mace a bum on a full train, then I'm Bernie Goetz who caused an E2 stampede on the el train. And you know the media and the pimp-hatted reverends and Jesse Jackson et. al. will make the intimidating thug out to be the victim. Shit, I'd wind up losing my house and my savings for trying to defend myself. It's completely fucked up.

    To wit: It's not my job to police the CTA. It's the CTA's job. And they don't fucking care.

  17. @2:34: YOU are clueless. The doors between L cars cannot be locked. If there was an emergency such as a fire or a crash, it would be the only way passengers could escape from one car to another. Retard.

  18. @2:48: If you can't grow a pair, then continue living your life as a professional victim.

  19. @ 2:52: Wave to the cameras during your perp walk after you murder one of these motherfuckers on the train. I will salute you and your "pair."

    Seriously. Be that guy. I won't.

  20. You can pull the red emergency "ball" and get out the side doors.

  21. And if there were a fire in a full car, you'd get maybe 3 people out one of those back doors before the rest perished. Windows would be kicked out first. Get real.

  22. I was in a train fire at the Clark/Division station. The side doors would not open while in the tunnel and we had to go through the other cars to get out.

  23. @3:01: If you were one of those 3 people, you would be glad you could get out. Kicking out windows on a train is useless because most people would not be able to jump down to the tracks.

  24. @2:59: The problem is all the girlie-men like you who were raised by single moms and think like girls instead of like real men.

  25. Some of the so-called men in this thread who won't defend themselves sound really gay.

  26. Too many of these dirtballs are roaming all over, the streets, CTA, parks, just everywhere. Don't let them get too close as they have bugs that can jump three feet and catch a ride home on your clothes without you knowing it.

  27. I don't even know what a "non-aggravated criminal sexual assault" even means.

    If it wasn't aggravated, that means he never touched her.

    If he just waved it in front of her, how is that an assault?

    Sign me...Totally Confused

  28. I think the officer said "it was boner fide."


  29. I say women traveling alone should be able to go where they want, when they want.

  30. @5:15 yes they should but that is not a reality in this city. people are too busy complaining about profiling and racism to let the police do their jobs. until that changes, you need to watch out...

  31. Shit like this, is why I am leaving Lakeview (and Chicago), for good. My employer is willing to transfer me to Dallas, where I not only get to keep my salary, but can rent an awesome townhome in their version of Lakeview (Uptown Dallas) for $500 cheaper per month than what I pay for my tiny rented condo here...plus wont have to pay state income tax! Sure, Dallas has problems too, but they are minor compared to the way this shithole city works. I lived here in the city for 10 years and it was a lot of fun, but now it seems like you cant even feel safe in lakeview, so forget it, Im out of here. The Chimpouts of 2011 were the final straw for me.

  32. I hate the nigs as much as everyone else but I'm not going to let them make me move elsewhere. There is often good news...like when they are killing each other.

  33. Now we gotta do something about the bums by that red line stop. Except for some white superretard, they're all black dudes.
    I had my $300 headphones on plus my $$$ illegal handgun tucked in my belt and another Baby Huey sized negro looks at me while I'm walking past it and makes a jerking off motion. Maybe he wasn't begging, maybe he was offering a handjob? At any rate I should have been legally allowed to shoot its nuts off for having the gall to expect total strangers to help it.
    These blacks, they can take a bazooka to the head and get up and sell rap cds at 2 North State Street the next day, but if anything even lightly grazes their groin area they're a goner, and quick.

  34. Hey all you tough guys named Anonymous, where are you when I ride the trains and buses? I see obnoxious bums all the time and nobody ever kicks their asses. I think you're trolls and full of shit, because if you tough guys were kicking ass on these trains I'm sure we'd all know about it.

  35. What makes you think a woman should be able to walk anywhere by herself, when men cannot even do this? There are countless areas of this city that are to be avoided at all costs. Your gender does not matter when a group of "unruly youths" decides to sucker punch you in the back of the head, and then stomp you unconscious.

    Even in the "good" areas, you are at risk for this sort of violence. So just use common sense, and don't try to be a tough girl. The niggers dont care how liberated you are, they just see you as a piece of meat that happens to be in possession of several items they want.

  36. Correct 9:33am. And no matter what the gay guys in Uptown think about the - hoodlums - and how they may have befriended a few, essentially they don't "share your pain". You CHOSE to be gay (in their eyes), they were BORN with their skin color.

    Better wake up.

  37. CTA Sucks said... February 14, 2012 2:48 PM “But: 1) I'm not willing to be the Bernie Goetz of the el, and have my life turned upside down because I maced a bum…”

    Bernhard Goetz did not mace a bum. He used a handgun to shoot multiple thugs who were trying to rob him. There is a bit of a difference.

    CTA Sucks said... February 14, 2012 2:48 PM “2) If I mace a bum on a full train, then I'm Bernie Goetz who caused an E2 stampede on the el train. “

    Leaving the poor Goetz analogy aside, it is unlikely that you would cause a stampede at 4:20 AM. You might have noticed a pattern to these attacks. They often occur in the very early hours of the morning, when there is little chance of causing mass panic.

    CTA Sucks said... February 14, 2012 2:48 PM “Shit, I'd wind up losing my house and my savings for trying to defend myself.”

    While there is an element of truth to what you are saying, I think you are vastly exaggerating the consequences of pepper spraying a bum.

    CTA Sucks said... February 14, 2012 2:48 PM “It's not my job to police the CTA. It's the CTA's job. And they don't fucking care. “

    But it is not the CTA’s job to personally defend you. It is not even the police department’s job to personally defend you, as has been established many times in case law.

    Ultimately, the only one who is really responsible for protecting you, is you. If you are not willing to defend yourself, then you should not be surprised if you are victimized.

  38. Anonymous said... February 14, 2012 12:21 PM “Why isn't it the criminals who should not be traveling that early in the morning or at anytime instead of the innocent victims?”

    This sounds suspiciously like whining, “It’s just so unfair!”

    The reality is that criminal predators have little to fear from women riding the train alone in the wee hours of the morning. They are perfect victims.

    It does not help to cry about how unfair it is. You can either recognize the danger and take appropriate action, or you can fume about how women should be able to do this and that in some fantastic, perfect world that has never existed.

    And as another commenter correctly noted, men are victimized also. Statistically, men are the victims of violence more often than women.

  39. Pull that little red ball and kick all the chimps off the train; while its moving.

  40. If you were to mace someone on the train you would most likely get away before anyone even figured out what happened. After all, that is what the criminals are doing.

  41. The IL code for Sexual Assault is pasted below. A crime is "aggravated" if it was combined with other factors such as the victim being over 60, bodily injury, assailant used a weapon, victim was disabled, etc. It increases the severity of the recommended sentencing, usually 10 years is added automatically.

    (720 ILCS 5/11-1.20) (was 720 ILCS 5/12-13)
    Sec. 11-1.20. Criminal Sexual Assault.
    (a) A person commits criminal sexual assault if that person commits an act of sexual penetration and:
    (1) uses force or threat of force;
    (2) knows that the victim is unable to understand the

    nature of the act or is unable to give knowing consent;
    (3) is a family member of the victim, and the victim

    is under 18 years of age; or
    (4) is 17 years of age or over and holds a position

    of trust, authority, or supervision in relation to the victim, and the victim is at least 13 years of age but under 18 years of age.

  42. I still don't understand what NON-aggravated criminal sexual assault is.

  43. It is against the law to use pepper spray in an enclosed space. Atleast in Chicago.

  44. Anonymous said... February 20, 2012 2:28 PM “It is against the law to use pepper spray in an enclosed space. Atleast in Chicago.”

    This is only partly correct.

    8-24-045 Noxious gas or liquid.

    (a) No person shall use any device to discharge a noxious gas or liquid in an enclosed room in any Class C-1 [capacity of 300 persons or more in one room or space, other than schools] or Class C-2 Assembly Unit [a capacity of less than 300 persons in any one room], as defined in Chapter 13-56 of this Code, or in an enclosed room in any restaurant, bar or tavern that is a Class F Assembly Unit as defined in that chapter [Restaurants, bars, taverns and similar occupancies having a capacity of not more than 100 persons], if more than 20 persons are present in that room, unless the person is a peace officer, as defined in Section 8-20-30 of this Code, engaged in law enforcement activity. As used in this section, “noxious gas or liquid” means mace, pepper spray or any other substance that is intended or designed to cause irritation to the eyes, nose or mouth, or to cause nausea.

    (b) Any person who violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor that is punishable by a fine $500.00, or 30 days imprisonment, or both, for each offense.

    In English, this means that you are not allowed to discharge pepper spray in a crowded room (defined as more than 20 people), unless you are law enforcement engaged in the performance of their duties.

    If you use pepper spray in a legitimate self-defense situation, I sincerely doubt you would be charged, let alone found guilty. Even in the unlikely event that you are, it is a misdemeanor. The bottom line is that you shouldn’t worry about it. Do what you have to do.

    This ordinance was enacted after the E2 nightclub fiasco. If you recall, that was a stampede in an illegally operated black nightclub where 21 were killed.

    It was dreamed up by our concerned, benevolent aldermen. Notably among them was Isaac Carothers. You may remember him as the black alderman who was convicted on federal corruption charges, following in his father’s footsteps.

    So, thanks to a bunch of lawbreaking morons in a nightclub, the lawbreaking morons in the government step in to save all of us from ourselves. Aren’t you thankful? Don’t you feel safer?

  45. my friend attended a self defense course run by a cop. She said she realized most of what was taught was useless, but the most Useful thing he said was that if you are ever in a situation where you must defend yourself, when speaking to the police, you must make it clear you acted "in fear of your life".

    You should never attack a stranger. They may have been through shit that would kill a lesser person, and they may totally overreact in defense of their life again.

  46. to the young woman that was a witness. I feel your pain, it is impossible to know what to do in that situation.


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