Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Rogers Park: Stranger wanted for punching woman in the face, says cops

A male offender punched a female stranger in the face in Chicago's Rogers Park neighborhood, said police.

On Monday, February 13, 2012, at approximately 7:21 p.m., a woman was attacked on the 6500 block of North Sheridan Road, near Sheridan and Arthur, according to a police dispatch report.

The offender was described as a male black in his 50s, about 6'4", and 230 pounds.

The suspect has a dark complexion, a gray beard, and was last seen wearing a black cap and carrying a large, green bag, said police.

After the assault, the offender fled westbound on Arthur, said police.

If you witnessed this incident, please contact authorities.

Photo credit: Google Maps


  1. Meh... Why is it ALWAYS a black dude?

  2. What do you tell a woman with 2 black eyes?

    You can't tell her anything...she's already been told twice.

  3. A guy fitting this description with a green bag has tried to rob me twice, once near Dominicks a few blocks away from here and the second time at the Belmont Red Line El

  4. If he went around going "Ayyy" in a constipated way, it's my guy all right. Next time I see him he's going to jail, even if I have to go, too.

  5. This guy has tried to rob me TWICE, the strangest thing happened, he kept putting his face into my fist repeatedly.


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