Thursday, February 9, 2012

No blacks: Is the 2nd place city sticker just as controversial as the 1st?

The Chicago city sticker controversy may be far from over.

The Chicago's Hero-themed city sticker drawn by 15-year-old Herbert Pulgar, a Lawrence Hall Youth Services alternative high school student, was disqualified because the hands depicted in the drawing look suspiciously like gang signs.

Pulgar said his picture is "clean", but he also confessed to throwing up gang signs on his Facebook profile, which is now set to private, said CBS Chicago news.

Because of all the controversy swirling around Pulgar's artwork, city officials decided to go with a city sticker designed by Resurrection High School senior, Caitlin Henehan.

Henehan's artwork portrays police officers, firefighters, and paramedics as superheroes; but the hundreds of black Chicagoans who fill those positions aren't reflected in Henehan's drawing.

Will the city have to look for a third sticker after the runner-up is accused of being racist?

Photo/video credit: CBS Chicago


  1. Herbie Pulgar's Imaginary OrthodontistFebruary 9, 2012 at 6:43 AM

    The answer, obviously, is yes. We will be hearing from disgruntled reverends in pimp hats as well as from angry mothers of "honor students." Jesse Jackson will have to pull himself away from the former Thyssen-Krupp employee's money grab to mediate this situation.

  2. I hate blacks! Can I say the N-word on here?

  3. Holy fk, why don't we have a standardized sticker that wasn't designed by a damn 15 year old. I wouldn't slap that junk on my fridge if a 6 year old made it, I sure as heck don't like putting it on my car.

  4. The guy in the middle of the new picture is grapping his penis.

  5. How about something designed by a paid professional instead of this cheesy garbage drawn by kids?

  6. seriously, the "art" on these is getting worse and worse. why don't they just make one with the city seal on it and an expiration date - an dchange the color every year. forget this horrible contest.

  7. You don't have to look at it nor even buy one. Move to another state if you want to keep your car. It's America afterall.

    That being said, no, you don't "have" to have a black person on there. The first page of some online training I had to take for work had a group photo consisting of 3 black men, 2 black women, an asian woman and 3 white women. There wasn't a White man in the photo.

    You had to answer survey questions at the end of the training and were forced to add comments as it wouldn't let you bypass that field blank. I mentioned that they "Need a little more color in the photos. Couldn't help but notice".

  8. There are no asians and hispanics either. You don't hear us crying about it.

  9. Thank god I don't drive and don't have to deal with this stupid sticker.

  10. This City is ridiculous. It can't even select a sticker without major controversy.

    And, it looks like a gay man designed the new sticker. Nothing wrong with that, but it's flaming.

    I hate to be rude, but what is wrong with 15-year-old Herbert Pulgar's teeth? DAMN. Take his ass to a dentist, and do it quickly.

  11. That retard kid REALLY need braces.

  12. Why must we have these children's scribbles defacing our car windshields?? Chicago has world class art museums and art schools...can't we find a true adult artist to design the sticker?

  13. I got rid of my nice car within 5 months in Chicago as I didn't want it beat to death and depreciated by 1/2 value within a year. I wouldn't want either of these cartoon stickers on my nice car if I still had it either. I desire monotone color schemes. Keep your version of "art" in your own homes. Car design is "art" to me not this coloring book crap. Personally I think they're both trash. Cheapen your city with them, nor our cars. I'd be pissed everytime I washed my nice car and had to see that stupid thing. Have the next coloring contest to design any stickers needed for the CTA.

    Enough of this enabling. I want to know the background of this super hero "artist". Are they're any axe murderers in her disadvantaged household?

  14. I don't think there are any black superheroes...

  15. ha ha ha very funny. Black people are just mad at the truth. Children aren't poliiticaly correct,they call it as they see it. The heores of this city are white we make up only 30 something percent of the population but we are double that in tax base. We are saving this place from being detroit. The parents of this child must be proud, they are doing a wonderful job.

  16. Meanwhile, Facebook is getting hit with controversy over a "lack of diversity" for not having a woman on the board...

    It isnt just shitcago, its the whole country. Anything white men are successful at, will be attacked and sandbagged by unqualified and unskilled workers of a favorable race/gender...

  17. To the first commenter - you are correct, the mother is already out defending her son as an honor student.

    In addition, the kid who drew it, who of course had the (now private) facebook pics up of him throwing out signs, and, per Second City Cop, had comments as recently as last week on their that seemed to be related to gang activity!!

    Apparently, the kid came out and said, "Yeah I made those pictures & comments when I was young & stupid." He's 15, he IS young and stupid. And some of the pictures were dated Jan., 2012!!!

    It's ridiculous, these people just talk out of one side of their mouths, while they engage in destructive behavior. Also, they already have an attorney representing them. Why? What are the damages?? The kid drew the picture, and the kid also had pictures of him up in public, showing him making that exact same gang sign, wearing the colors of that gang. He hasn’t been damaged at all. Him getting an award from the city for “damages” would be like a bank robber suing CPD because they hurt him when he was resisting arrest.

  18. WOW and everybody is right about that kid's teeth, those are disgusting. The mother should be ashamed of herself, that kid has clearly never had any type of dental care.

    I grew up in a nice suburb of Detroit, where parents had children once married and established in their careers, and could provide for them (clearly not the case here - awful teeth, running around with bangers, and in an at-risk school by age 15). Where kids had the same last name as their parents (not the case here).

    I had never seen teeth like a lot of people here have until I had moved here. Frankly, they disgust me. Sometimes I'll have to speak with someone with teeth like that, or with breath so awful it smells like something died inside of them, etc. It's so gross it makes my skin crawl. I don't understand how the mother can look at her son every day and not scrape the change together to get him in for treatment. And his teeth are so messed up, he can barely speak. He sounds like the guy in “Kids” who spoke that way bc he had messed up teeth & crack rocks in his mouth.

    If she can't afford it, there are plenty of welfare programs that offer dental coverage, not to mention, if she works, she may have dental insurance. And if she doesn't have it, she should be coming up with the money for it. Also, dentist & orthos offer financing, so she can spread out payments. Sacrifice things like that $200 authentic D-Rose jersey, or that $130 Red Satin baseball cap he has on, to pay for his orthodontics. It's called PRIORITIES, lady.

  19. To the poster RE: FB controversy for no women on the BOD - The COO of Facebook is a woman, she's the most powerful person there after Zuckerberg, and per their charter, is in line to take over if he dies.

  20. You're looking at a kid who will never have sex unless he pays for it.

  21. Stop wasting our time and just use the City flag or the City seal every year.

  22. that kid stole Mr. Ed's teeth

  23. The gangbanging tard uses his teeth to cut through chainlink fence.

  24. That snaggletoothed kid's father is a pit bull.

  25. Big Al, I grew up in the Detroit 'burbs too. Funny how we agree on so many things here.

    Anyway, my parents were divorced when I was 1 year old (siblings older) but never argued (in front of us anyway) and made sure we had proper dental care all the way through extensive orthodontics for my sister.

    The bad breath!!! First thing I noticed here. It's consistent. I can equate some of it to lack of cars. People go out to eat, don't go home to brush, etc. then just walk to a bar. Stank. I would really like to converse more with sometimes an otherwise attractive person but just can't. Many times it's more than food breath though. They need to start making it SOP to get those tonsils out like they did back in the day. And they bitch about smokers breath? I'll take that anyday over breath that could possibly make me vomit. Do the offenders not even smell that or are they immune to it. I sometimes offer an mint or something but just haven't found the nerve to tell them to their face.

  26. Chicago, Halitosis Capital of the WorldFebruary 9, 2012 at 1:22 PM

    LMAO at you clowns whining about bad breath. God damn the comments on this site are funny.

  27. Phoebe's Gay Brother On The DLFebruary 9, 2012 at 1:35 PM

    This sticker scares me. It reminds me of the time I fell asleep in a bathhouse sling and strangers fisted me 'til dawn. Also, I think that hose is spooging.

  28. It's the Ambiguously Gay Heroes!

  29. So what, Halitosis?

    Bad breath & teeth are just another indication of a type of person you're dealing with (when that person is an adult - it's not this kid's fault his mom is a lazy b!tch who won't get him proper dental care, or teach him how to write & speak, or steer him clear of gangs, or . . . ).

    If I for some reason have to speak to adult who has teeth growing every which way in his mouth, and who has breath that smelled like something crawled inside of him & died, it tells me that this person doesn't take himself seriously, isn't professional, and I don't want anything to do with him, other than make sure his bus/taxi drops me off at the right spot.

    How a person carries himself is important to me, and to a lot of people. And to the people to whom it's not important? Those are likely people I want nothing to do with. It's called being an adult, and a professional.

  30. Storm from X-Men is a black superhero. But yeah, I can't think of any others lol.

  31. Storm is just a black superho.

  32. Why not have a picture of the guy taking a piss on the CTA train for the sticker design?

  33. Wow. A lot of big men here making fun of the appearance of a 15 year old kid. Your families must be so proud. Kid made a mistake, but I don't think he made any intentional gang artwork. He's no angle, I'm sure, but I think this particular project was something he did with good intentions and the help of responsible adults. Something actually good happens to this kid and wham! Some ridiculous "spy" work by police bloggers with disgusting names and cloaked under the vail of anonymity get to ruin this kid's life. This whole thing makes me sick. If this kid wasn't a gang banger before, he will most certainly be one now.

  34. That kid and his mama are both scum.

  35. Anonymous said... February 9, 2012 8:42 PM “Kid made a mistake, but I don't think he made any intentional gang artwork.“

    How does one make gang artwork by mistake? It’s a series of amazing coincidences?

    Anonymous said... February 9, 2012 8:42 PM “He's no angle [sic], I'm sure, but I think this particular project was something he did with good intentions and the help of responsible adults.“

    Responsible adults like his parents? LOL You are either a gullible fool, or you are just peddling absurd, disingenuous BS.

    Anonymous said... February 9, 2012 8:42 PM “If this kid wasn't a gang banger before, he will most certainly be one now. “

    Oh, I think that ship sailed long before this little fiasco. After all, look at his dad, a truly amazing role model. Your comment is a good example of typical liberal deranged thinking: always attempting to shift responsibility onto anyone but the actual perpetrator.

    And besides that, are you seriously trying to say that an incident like this is all it takes to inspire some kid to join a gang? “Those ridiculous spies rejected my accidentally gang inspired artwork and made fun of my horrible teeth! Waah! I will show them all by joining a street gang and therefore removing any shred of doubt!” Truly, you have a keen intellect.

    Van Gogh was not appreciated until after his death and to my knowledge, he never joined a street gang to spite his critics. Too bad he didn’t have you around to advise him on his artistic career, maybe he would have seen great success in his lifetime.

  36. Who exactly is his dentist, Dr. Fuk Me Up, DDS?

  37. anon @ 550 - that is hilarious! mos def should have sticker being guy pissing on train! it would make me happy seeing it, reminding me why i love my car - it does not smell like piss!

  38. The responsible adults in the situation were the the kid's teachers. The teachers were helping the kid with the artwork. The hands were designed to match the hands on the "Teaching Children how to Succeed" booklet supplied by his art teacher. If you have seen the picture of the hands on this book, like I have, they look EXACTLY like the shape of the hands in the kid's drawing...not intentional gang signs! Such clever, anonymous blogging "detectives" missed that bit of evidence. Way to go!

  39. @Anonymous February 9, 2012 5:50 PM

    Why not have a picture of the guy taking a piss on the CTA train for the sticker design?

    Sure looks like that fireman is pissing on something!

  40. No blacks??? Im there!
    Even little kids know we are better off without them...

  41. DSLC got hacked or something. All his posts are gone. Might be smart to lay low for a bit CNR...

  42. "DSLC got hacked or something. All his posts are gone. Might be smart to lay low for a bit CNR"


  43. Disingenuous Liberal said... February 10, 2012 9:58 AM “If you have seen the picture of the hands on this book, like I have, they look EXACTLY like the shape of the hands in the kid's drawing...not intentional gang signs! Such clever, anonymous blogging "detectives" missed that bit of evidence. Way to go! “

    Nice try. You are trying to distract from all the other gang related elements of the picture, which when taken as a whole, make it quite clear what the young miscreant was trying to portray.

    You are either a gullible dupe that is parroting liberal talking points, or you are deliberately obfuscating the truth.

    Either way, it is despicable, although not surprising. Liberals love cheerleading for gangbangers.

  44. Okay, let me say this.... pulling off such a clever and elaborate scheme would take a pretty clever a savvy criminal. Did this young thug.. and, no, I don't think he is an innocent kid... seem like the type of kid that could pull something off like this? I don't think so. He seemed to be a pretty simple kid without the ability to plan such a clever scheme. I'm not defending this kid on his personal behaviors in his life. I don't think he is an angel. I think this particular project was something he was encouraged to do from the school that was just trying to steer this kid in the right direction. I think his intent on this project was clean. We will never know the truth, but an opportunity to give a troubled kid a positive boost, horribly failed.

  45. Anonymous said... February 11, 2012 11:28 PM “... pulling off such a clever and elaborate scheme would take a pretty clever a savvy criminal. Did this young thug.. and, no, I don't think he is an innocent kid... seem like the type of kid that could pull something off like this? I don't think so. He seemed to be a pretty simple kid without the ability to plan such a clever scheme.”

    You think that this could only be pulled off by a criminal mastermind? LOL

    Yes, this was such a complicated and clever scheme. So unprecedented, that Vermont State Police had a similar prank pulled on them by diabolical geniuses in a correctional facility print shop earlier this month.

    What about this seems exceptionally clever or elaborate to you? It is a juvenile prank, exactly what I would expect from a teenager (or inmate). He took advantage of the naiveté of a bunch of clueless people, some of whom are still defending him (like you).

    But let’s assume for the sake of argument that you are correct: that Herbie Jr. could never have done this on his own. That would mean that he would have needed assistance in creating a picture loaded with gang symbolism. So who really did it?

    Anonymous said... February 11, 2012 11:28 PM “I think this particular project was something he was encouraged to do from the school…”

    No kidding, Captain Obvious. It was a school project.

    Anonymous said... February 11, 2012 11:28 PM “We will never know the truth…”

    Well, you certainly will not if you are going to perform all kinds of mental gymnastics in order to avoid discovering the truth at all costs. But then, that is what liberals usually do.

  46. I'm not actually a liberal. Vote conservative most of the time. (which is why I even know about this blog) Just think ya got this one wrong. A simple kid... NOT an angle, probably a thug... doing a school project. If any gang symbolism was involved, it should have been caught WAY sooner than it was. The sticker was pulled because of the implication. The fault lies on the vetting committee which, I believe, included members of the CPD.... strange that they didn't see it right away... I agree that it was necessary to pull the artwork because of the possible gang symbolism, I just disagree at how it was handled. I'm not all rainbows and sunshine. I don't think this kid stands much of a chance. I think the handling of this was horrible. I think an opportunity to give a kid a push in the right direction went tragically wrong. Am I naive? Maybe. I just know kids. This kid is simple. Not a master evil genius. I just don't see it.

  47. No blacks???? Ahhhh we can only dream...

  48. Anonymous said... February 12, 2012 12:53 AM “Just think ya got this one wrong. A simple kid... NOT an angle, probably a thug... doing a school project.”

    You are doing a very poor job of explaining why you believe this other than just using your gut. You are not thinking, you are feeling. There is a big difference.

    Anonymous said... February 12, 2012 12:53 AM “If any gang symbolism was involved…”

    This is not even in question, gang symbolism WAS involved. Denying this just shows how deluded you are.

    Anonymous said... February 12, 2012 12:53 AM “… I just disagree at how it was handled.”

    Obviously this turned out to be a fiasco, and you are correct that many people who should have known better dropped the ball. This demonstrates the utter incompetence of a lot of bureaucrats in leadership positions in education, government, and law enforcement.

    How would you have preferred that this was handled once it was discovered that this “artwork” coincidentally contained a suspiciously large amount of gang symbolism?

    Anonymous said... February 12, 2012 12:53 AM “ I don't think this kid stands much of a chance. “

    A chance at what? About the only (legal) thing he has a future in would be postmodern art.

    If you really wanted to help kids like this, some “tough love” would be more helpful than liberal hand-wringing.

    Anonymous said... February 12, 2012 12:53 AM “I just know kids. This kid is simple. Not a master evil genius. I just don't see it.”

    You don’t see it because your eyes are closed. You are the willing dupe of a teenage hoodlum. If you really knew kids, you would know that many of them are very skilled at pulling the wool over the eyes of clueless adults.

    As I pointed out earlier, one does not need to be a criminal mastermind to have attempted (it wasn’t successful like the Vermont example I mentioned) this stupid prank.

  49. If the city sticker design depicted all non-whites, white people wouldn't have the right to protest it.


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