At 6:54 p.m., gunfire was heard in the vicinity of North Hoyne and West Fargo Avenues, and North Hoyne and West Jarvis Avenues.
According to police dispatch, one 911 caller reported four gunshots in the area.
At 6:56 p.m., a tipster told police a group of males, one as young as 10-years-old, were seen leaving the area of the shooting and heading toward Pottawattomie Park, 7340 North Rogers Avenue.
Moments later, officers questioned the group at the park, but it’s unclear if any arrests were made.
At 7:02 p.m., shelling casing were found on the street near Hoyne and Jarvis, said police.
No further details are available.
Lovely. I was at the dog park in Pottawatomie Park around that time. I think I left Pottawatomie just before all the "fun" began.
ReplyDeleteCitywide Gun Ban - NOW!
ReplyDelete@12:28am. Citywide gun ban will not work and never will.
ReplyDeleteAgreed 740AM. Gun bans won't help because thugs obtain them ILLEGALLY anyway. This will only stop law abiding citizens from owning firearms.
ReplyDelete@8:09am. Thank you for verifying my sentiments. I'm a former chicagoan who lives in Vermont and noticed a majority of the locals carry concealed firearms. From what I seen and heard, law abiding citizens carrying legal firearms can help deter certain type of crimes. True Vermont has a low crime rate to begin with, but even in the bad neighbors around here (rivals the west side of the city) when the criminals realized that their intended mark is packing, they move on and victimize a "sheeple". @1228am, by the way, if I'm not mistaken, when there was a city wide gun ban that was in effect in certain european cities in the years past, a certain nazi rolled in an really screwed the population.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous Troll (January 7, 2012 12:28 AM) should familiarize themselves with District of Columbia v. Heller and McDonald v. Chicago, for starters.
ReplyDeleteHi, I'm anonymous "troll" of 12:28. You people need to read between the lines a bit (hence your problems in this city). Yes, I know a gun ban doesn't work.
ReplyDeleteVermont, Detroit has CCW there too. They move along to "sheeple" in the 'burbs (or their "own" within the city). I feel safer in Detroit than Chicago 'cuz ya just never know who's packin' there, you'll never know - never bothered.....
You liberal "progressives", "artists", unemployed movie stars here got a big wake up call comin'......right around the corner. They don't share your pain. You're gay because you chose that, they couldn't choose their skin color (their words circa. 1980 outside Chicago). I'm gay.
If these clowns want to shoot each other, I don't care, but I certainly don't want to be the "unintended victim". I say, send all the gangbangers to target practice, so they can systematically take each other out without hurting any innocent bystanders.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said... January 7, 2012 5:25 PM “ Hi, I'm anonymous "troll" of 12:28. You people need to read between the lines a bit (hence your problems in this city). Yes, I know a gun ban doesn't work.”
ReplyDeleteYou may want to pick a pseudonym if you expect readers to be able to pick up on your not-so-clever sarcasm. Otherwise, it makes it difficult for regular readers to appreciate your razor sharp wit, and probably impossible for people who are not regular readers.