A Merrillville, Indiana man who once dreamed of making it big in the rap music business, was shot and killed during an attempted robbery at a fast food restaurant, said Gary police.
On January 11, 2012, shortly after 2:20 a.m., 24-year-old Marcus Patillo from 5864 Massachusetts Street, was reportedly shot dead during a botched holdup at Rally’s Hamburgers at 910 West 5th Avenue, in Gary, Indiana.
A store employee shot Patillo, after Patillo and an accomplice, armed with an “Uzi-type weapon”, entered the store through a service entrance with a faulty lock, said authorities.
After the shooting, Patillo stumbled to a nearby lot, where he collapsed and died.
Although Patillo’s family and friends strongly disagree, some are calling the Rally’s Hamburger employee a hero.
Patillo, who left behind a young son and an unborn child, was buried January 20, 2012.

In this video, taken from Patillo's MySpace profile, the slain wanna-be rapper talks about being paid to be a lookout man, possibly, for the neighborhood drug dealers.
Marcus Patillo's YouTube rap video:
I don't get it, why is rap the dominant form of nigger music?
ReplyDeleteWhatever happened to funk or jazz or blues? Back when more of them did those styles of music, they were more tolerable to be around and the music wasn't half bad.
An aspiring rapper? What about the other cliches such as being an honor student, turning their lives around, etc etc?
ReplyDeleteNo telling what other crimes he's committed, or what he would have done in the future, had he not had this bit of bad luck.
I can't understand a word of what he is mumbling in the first video. You literally could use a translator for that video.
ReplyDeleterap or story-telling was the only way to pass down history and lessons way way back, dolomite popularized the rymed-variety again, makes it a little more interesting to listen to than 'grandpas old stories'. this ain't nuttin new.
ReplyDeleteand ps - he can't be ALL bad - he apparently is a cubs fan (so much better than white trash sox fans)
ReplyDeleteGood riddance to that dead nigger moron...the world is a better place without his ignorant ass in it.
ReplyDeleteWell at least he left two children and his " baby moma" who is currently on wic to get support from the state. You know how these niggers do it ssi, link and section 8 gotta love these urban roaches they know how to work the system!!
ReplyDeleteAccording to the Lake County, Indiana court docket, he has a few unpaid traffic tickets (speeding, driving while suspended, and driving the wrong way on a one way street)that can now be written off, charges for publication intoxication and a transfer in of probation from another jurisdiction. Any one's guess where he previously lived and what crimes he committed there.
ReplyDelete"rap or story-telling was the only way to pass down history and lessons way way back"
ReplyDeleteThats because your people never invented a written language. (probably part of the reason english is so difficult for you)
I like the Cubs cap. Too bad the maggots crawling in his baby-dreads likely implanted their eggs in it already.
ReplyDeleteConcealed Carry works.
ReplyDeleteHatred is not necessary. It's 2012 I can't believe what I'm reading. Whether you like black people or not this is still somebody's loved one and most of all GOD loves him. All black people aren't receiving public assistance nor are they rappers. Regardless to what you've been brain washed to believe through main stream media. Black people are educated with high paying jobs. Calling them the "N word" shows none of you have any class. It's more white people in the world so that means its more white people doing stupid crimes and killing. It's just not reported or there getting away with it.
ReplyDeleteOH MY
ReplyDeleteI agree with the whole hatred issue, the whole God loves him, Im not sure about that. This young man was a part of several robberies in Gary. My employees were effected for the rest of their lifes due to this man who thought that this was the easy way out to earn a living. I feel no pity on him or his loved ones. They had to know what he was into and should of tried to talk some sense into him. If they didnt know, then shame on them for not being more involved in his life. Tell the 16 year old girl that was robbed at gun point that wakes up in the middle of the night petrified that he's still someones loved one and God loves him. He got what he deserved and maybe now his thug friends will wake up and realize that it could happen to them. Good for you Rally's employee! Maybe it will all stop now1
ReplyDelete^ make sure to congratulate the employees, they are heroes for removing this piece of trash from the earth! encourage the young lady to take legitimate firearms training and get a legally owned gun. it will be needed as we move closer and closer to the 'Idiocracy'
ReplyDeleteTo 10:!2 am Anonymous - you are absolutely right, the employees who shot and killed this useless piece of trash did the entire community a favor.
ReplyDeleteThugs like him don't care about anything except themselves and their next score. They don't care that every time they point a gun at an innocent civilian, not to mention shoot at them or rough them up, they are hurting that person for life. One little asshole thug like this could have ruined dozens of innocent people's lives.
Not to mention that, he "fathered" a child and impregnated a second person. Who the fuck is he to be introducing children to this world? It seems like it's always the most worthless people who impregnate women early & often. Now each of those bastards are society's problem (though they probably were from day one anyway).
What's the excuse going to be 15 years from now when his kid is shot dead in the exact same situation? "Oh, we need to feel sorry for that child, he didn't have a father, etc, etc."
FUCK that. I'm glad this worthless asshole is dead, I just wish it had happened before he could plant his seed in some ghetto babymama. Those idiot girls are just as much at fault, too. What the fuck are they thinking getting pregnant by him? Did they really expect him to be there to raise the kid with him?
Forget the cubs hat, check out the rifle on the wall. Pea shooter? Pellet gun? Whatever it is, it makes a statement that this ghetto thug was a dangerous person.
ReplyDeleteWe need CC in this state. Watch the crime go down and then we can walk our streets knowing we can protect ourselves if need be and the ghetto thugs intent on victimizing us will think twice before they give it a whirl.
Uplifting News Item for Today: Marcus Patillo is still dead!
ReplyDeleteWhenever I see a typical teenaper dressed like this, I have my hand ready to pull out my gun at all times.
ReplyDeleteWhenever you see a black smiling, it's a warning, something bad is about to happen, either they are going to snatch and grab some of your property or lash out at you with sudden violence.
We need to keep them smiling so we can see them in the dark when they are going to steal our iphone.
ReplyDeleteJanuary 26, 2012 9:01 AM
ReplyDeleteThere is no God, no such thing. Christianity, which is probably your delusion of choice, is absolutely fucktarded.
So, some invisible Jewish guy spoke some magic words 3,000 years ago and created everything? He instilled us with emotions and desires, but yet we have to go against them and only fuck one person for the rest of our lives? Did he bury all those dinosaur bones and other fossils just to fuck with us? We can't eat this and that and the other thing, even though HE created it? I could on on about how fucking stupid religion is, especially the fact that Christianity was basically a white person thing for the longest, there's barely a mention of niggers in the Bible or other religious literature. You fuckers will believe anything.
Judaism is even worse with its idiotic rules. Plus they for some reason want to force niggers down our throat.
ReplyDeleteWow stupidity never ends. Its OK to have a difference of opinion but you people are just idiots.
ReplyDeleteTo the person who said this is somebody's loved one - So what? Why does that matter? This jerk at age 24 already had a lengthy criminal record, had been in & out of prison. In his own words, he brags about working for and as a drug dealer, and his last act in life was holding up a legitimate business with an assault rifle. Also, it's very unlikely that this was the first time he robbed people at gunpoint. His ambition in life, as he states in his own words, is to be a criminal, or a rap star. No evidence at all of wanting to educate himself, or in any manner live a legitimate life.
ReplyDeleteSo then why does it matter if someone loved him? He was a worthless piece of trash. He ruined lives. Those people working at that restaurant that night will never be the same.
Marcus Patillo didn't deserve to walk the same earth as me. He got what he had coming to him, and I'm glad he is gone.
And the people who “loved” him have some serious issues too. There is no way they didn't know he was a gangbanging, drug dealing, gun toting criminal. If they really loved him, they would have turned him into the police before he killed someone (or got himself killed).
stop the racism you makeing a white guy like me look bad
ReplyDeleteIt amazes me how the left-wng media tries to make these thugs look like a 'victim'.
ReplyDeleteOne thug down...many more to go!
Concealed Carry Works! It eleimates thugs like this, and saves taxpayer dollars! We call that 'crime prevention'.
And this thug won't be creating anymore welfare babies either.
You know black people aren't the only people on public assistance nor the only people robbing, stealing n killing. You're so quick to down talk a black person but what make you any better. Marcus wasn't doing anything positive but for you talk about his wife and children like they're garbage shows you're really the piece of shit around here. The world will never change with people so negative and ignorant as you. You're a waste of life. Grow up!
ReplyDeletei really dislike when people judge others based off things the media displays... does any one of these commenters with such negative things to say about this young man know anything about him besides what the "media" displayed?
ReplyDeletebitch fuck yall this is my fucking friend and homey who loved his kids and did what he had to do to get where he needed to be man FUCK DA CRITICS
ReplyDeleteHe got what he had comin! Play wit it den...see where u be at!!!! I bet u the one who left ur"homie" leakin for 15 hours...what a friend u are!"" Left him for dead, went home...who r u?
DeleteAnother violent black thug put down. Good riddance. Blacks are a crimewave. At 13% of the population according to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports in 2011 they committed 55% of the robberies and 49% of the murders. It's ridiculous. Profile blacks wherever they go.