Friday, December 23, 2011

Man robbed, reportedly stabbed in Edgewater

Friday evening police were investigating a robbery and possible stabbing in Chicago’s Edgewater neighborhood.

At approximately 6:23 p.m., someone alerted authorities to a potential stabbing victim on the 5700 block of North Winthrop Avenue.

During their investigation, officers determined the victim was also robbed.

According to preliminary information, the incident occurred in an alley behind the 5600 block of North Winthrop.

Police said two male black offenders, one of them armed with an unknown cutting instrument, attacked the 27-year-old victim and took his coat and $50.

One suspect is approximately 29-years-old, about 6’2”, and was wearing a white t-shirt and blue jeans.

The second offender is a little younger, about 25-years-old and 5’11”. He was wearing a brown coat and black jeans.

The robbery victim was reportedly taken to Illinois Masonic Hospital for medical treatment.


  1. I recently told a friend in Edgewater (right about "there") that I can no longer visit you after dusk. I've recently noticed he changed his tune from protesting about the Subway opening there, to worrying about gunfire near his home.

    I'm no longer sorry that these "liberals" feel they have to live this way. Broken relationships, distrust, finger pointing,ignorance, hate....... Wake The F up people (and I'll be more than happy to associate with you again).

    "White t-shirt" too! I saw the murder @ Berwyn and Winthrop a few years ago. Right before my eyes.

  2. As it gets closer to Christmas, the robberies are going to increase. Be careful out there.

  3. Very true CNR. This is how the ghettos will do their Xmas shopping.

  4. For sure! Stay off those trains too!

  5. The attacker in the white/grayish t-shirt was not black. He was hispanic. I saw/heard part of the incident.

  6. Does anyone know anything about a death in the vicinity of Granville and Kenmore on Dec 30th? There were many police cars and at least one ambulance.


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