Wednesday, October 12, 2011

VIDEO: Take Back Chicago march, protest, arrests

Video narrative by ChiTownView: Thousands of people streamed into the streets of downtown Chicago at rush hour this evening (October 10, 2011). Take Back Chicago brought together a broad range of people representing labor, community organizations, Occupy Chicago (Chicago Teacher's Union) and many others. Here we see the march as it turns up Michigan Ave. heading towards the Art Institute where the Mortgage Bankers were meeting for cocktails as they hold there annual convention.

Video narrative by ChiTownView: The demonstration in front of Chicago's Art Institute ended peacefully as police clear Monroe St. following the arrest of a couple of dozen demonstrators staging a sit in.

Video narrative by ChiTownView: Chicago Police peacefully arrest a couple of dozen protesters as the wealthy elite sip their cocktails.

Video narrative by jensabella21: Five women (Gloria Washington, 80; Donna Roberts, 56; Annie Harris, 76; Doris Strickland, 68; and Madeline Talbot, 61) were arrested after dumping trash inside a downtown Bank of America branch on Tuesday, Oct. 11, 2011. Trash was collected from abandoned and foreclosed properties on Chicago's West Side.


  1. I support these protesters. The 1% have screwed over the other 99% for way too long. It has reached a boiling point.


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