According to authorities, Saturday, around 1:55 a.m., a male victim was robbed at gunpoint on the 3400 block of North Elaine Place, near Elaine and Cornelia Avenue.
The gunman stole the victim’s iPhone and his wallet, said police.
The offender is a male black in his 20s with a shaved head with visible stubble.
The thief is approximately 5’7”, 150 pounds, and was last seen wearing a black puffy coat.
After the robbery, the mugger fled southbound on Elaine Place.
The suspect is still at large.
Funny how every single one of the reports here in the past six months involving crime on the north side involve male blacks. Is that racial profiling? NO, it's reality. Why doesn't this reach the press? They report blacks killing blacks on the south and west sides, but never crime in the northside neighborhood. Why? Because they don't want to be accused of profiling instead of reporting the facts. Idiots. So, we have to face these crimes in silence. Without the media to put pressure on the politicians in this city, we'll never get police support to help fight this epidemic.
ReplyDeleteWhat we really need is the ability to defend ourselves. Politicians have made laws to prohibit law-abiding citizens from arming themselves against these crooks. Why? Because they don't care. They can carry weapons. They have bodyguards paid by our tax dollars. Crime is something they watch on TV from their guarded homes.
In other cities where citizens can legally arm themselves, crime has dropped. None of those cities has turned into the wild west. Instead, criminals know they could get shot robbing people and are wary of the public.
Not in Chicago. We're all sheep in a pack of hungry wolves. The bad guys are all armed and fearless. Meanwhile, police tell us to arm ourselves with keys and nail files. As much as I support our police, there is simply not enough of them to guard the citizenry. They can only count the bodies and take worthless police reports after the crime has happened.
Every state in the USA has some form of concealed carry EXCEPT Illinois. Iowa, Missouri, Indiana, and now even Wisconsin allows their law abiding citizens to arm themselves against crime. Crime drops in areas where the citizens are armed. It's going UP in Illinois. Why? Guess where all the criminal are going?
It's our right to defend ourselves. Call or write your state representatives to get concealed carry passed in Illinois. Don't let these idiotic, self-serving politicians continue to put your life, and the lives of your loved ones, in danger.
This will never end as long as you let them loiter and hang out for HOURS in the general area. Meanwhile while this clean-cut GWM is walking home at midnight (i.e. moving along) the squad car slows down the the popo leers at ME.
ReplyDeleteThis area has officially lost what little money I have left over at the end of the week. When my out of town visitors want me to take them to Sidetrack, etc. NO WAY!
There's one that hangs out near that fencing, in the corner, by that Taverna 750 @ Cornelia/Halsted. We're headed over to Clark St. Hours later, he's still there. Why? Chicago Police and nearby residents? Why?
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, I get a flashlight shined in my face while riding my bike on your fancy lakefront at 9:45pm and the cops are telling me to "get out, there are criminals out here ya know". "Well, go find them", I said.
And you people paid $3 hundred what K for those "condos"? Jesus Christ.
No reason to live here whatsoever. I'll spend my money on food for myself and my dog (and a haircut or two) until I get out.
Oh, and they just removed the bus shelter at Belmont/Broadway because of the buck wild "youth center" thang ya got going on there too.
ReplyDeleteHappy Diversity, Lakefront Liberals
And what of the non-criminal people of color on the northside? This racialization of criminals MUST stop, even in these comments. Realize how what you say and what you do affects the black males that are NOT criminals...which it's clearly apparent that the commentators here are unaware that the majority of Blacks are NOT criminals. You don't target Black males because some are criminals any more than you target white males because most serial killers profiled are white male. Get a clue to your racism.
ReplyDeleteThe blacks are the ones in the news and causing the problems. Get a clue, we're not profiling we are just stating facts. If I was black I'd be mad at my fellow "brothas?" for creating more statistics.
ReplyDeleteIt's in the black dna to obstruct doorways, stairwells, sidewalks, front/back doors on buses and trains and loiter for hours. Most white people would get bored and want to do something constructive, but I guess when you IQ is low just standing around watching the world go by is pretty fu**ing exciting. If you do Google Earth views on any SRO or craphole slum tenement in Uptown they have actually captured chronic loitering in the photos
ReplyDeleteThese spooks are nothing more than terrorists. I am hoping one of them gets his head blown off so I can go take a shit on his grave.
ReplyDeleteThe black men and their hatred of White men are the problem. Deal with it. I've never had a racist bone in my body coming from Detroit but I do know to be cautious around any black man here in any circumstance. If you weren't a racist when arriving in Shitcago, you will be when you leave. I mean you know we're all "rich" and have never had to carry any type of cross. We were "entitled", born and raised with $$$$$$ hanging out of our mouth and ass that we never, ever had to work for. The White men that have been here over 5 years even are starting to walk around with that "crutch". I know one of them personally from my hometown. He didn't come here like that, he learned it here and he's now a "victim" too.
ReplyDeleteYou can always be a self-loathing White man in Edgewater or Uptown, hating yourself for being White trying not to be a victim, but I'm not buying it, nor them. They love me for some reason however. But we just don't get along.
Its not blacks people..these are hard core ghetto niggers. There is a huge difference between a black person and a nigger. Trust me, I know many educated/professional Blacks and some very nice Black people who live in the hood but come from nice families. I have no idea where these ghetto nigs are coming from! Back in the day, CHP would harass them for being suspicious in the wrong neighborhood. Unfortunately, some cops took it too far and profiled ALL Black men. However, a smart person can immediately detect the ghetto criminals up to no good. Are these the New Orleans trash who moved to Houston after Katrina???? Apparently NOLA has some major ghetto Blacks. I honestly don't think that the good Black people are proud of the news lately! Just like Whites are not proud when White trash have sex w their cousins and go on shooting sprees for the he'll of it.
ReplyDeleteBlacks are targeting gay whites! How are these not hate crimes?
ReplyDeleteThis city is finished. Even the moderate white people are angry and ready to leave. There is a quiet white flight going on, and its not because we are racist, its because we are tired of being victimized and then CALLED RACISTS for describing the perpetrators.
ReplyDeleteIf you are brought up to hate a certain race, and you continue to do so, you are a racist. BUT when you are not brought up this way, and develop a hatred for 1 race based on your interactions with them, you just learned from your experience.
I never had a racist bone in my body before moving to Shitcago and I was raised in a very, very diverse area. You wouldn't believe where. Yes there "is a difference in blacks and niggers". I've haven't quite seen the contrast in three of these lakefront "neighborhoods" (as you call them here).
ReplyDeleteYes there is a white flight but not just from the city, they're fleeing the entire mess of a state. At the rate things are going, I know I could return to the lakefront here in 5 years and see a major, major change - and it's not going to be for the better.
I am a African American who was raised on the southside and I am now a physician serving the community. These comments are so ridiculous a lot of these comments are amazing. That intelligent people can say things so stupid. Black have it in there DNA? Poor uneducated people are the same black, white, gay, straight all over. I lived in the appalacians for part of my medical training the break-ins, robberies, rapes, and child abuse cases were 95% from white people. Do I think all white people are trashy...no. The activity going on in boystown is a result of impoverished, uneducated, and immoral individuals who in part of the country happen be black stemming (in part) from economic and educational poverty. The majority of black men however are not thugs. I don't go around seeing the world as black and white. I'm a humanist...I see people..I see smart people and I see stupid people and A lot of the comments I read lead me to believe that most people comment do not have to ability reason appropriately. I am in the clubs in Boystown and I see tons of Black men patronizing businesses and contributing to the economy of the community including myself and actually there is black flight from Chicago not white flight look up the last census again another researched emotional comment not based on fact...We are the smartest animals of the planet..use your brain...and if you don't know something look it up. Don't make it up. There are some reasons and solutions to the crime rise in boystown. 1. The stupid ass police closed the station in the neighborhood and 2. The economy sucks and crime goes up everywhere during this time. 3. The neighborhood should inact a no loitering policy and the police should enforce. The Police SHOULD question the intentions of all suspicious characters not just Black men. I own a home in boystown and pay taxes and will be pissed if I am continually harassed. I clearly don't look like a thug.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous @ 1:57pm said, "1. The stupid ass police closed the station in the neighborhood"
ReplyDeleteYou own a home in Boystown, eh? Then you should know that the reason the police station was closed is because a BRAND NEW police station was opened 100 yards away.
Your entire entry is highly suspect.
Anonymous @ 1:57pm is a totally bogus post. I happen to know that there are ZERO black physicians "serving the community" and it is obvious by his inability to spell simple words, or form simple sentences correctly, or get facts straight, that he has no education. He is probably another one of those Englewood "honor students."
ReplyDeleteSo nice that we were visited by a "magic negro". It filled my heart with joy.
ReplyDeleteAnd then I looked out the window to see thugs prowling around the corner like an predator stalking its prey.
Wait, that's exactly what it was.
Oh those damn Appalacians. You know how they are.
ReplyDeleteThey're about .0000002% indiciative of Chicago's - or hell, the rest of America's - problems right now.
Did you relocate here to find a "social service" to pay off your student loans? Just curious.
Detroit had a "Visit A Black Doctor Day" because they don't even trust their own. PUH-LEEZE.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Edjumacated doctor man.....your grammar and punctuation is horrendous. Lady Gaga, like MJ, will be looking for a new "doctor" very soon.
ReplyDeleteThe fact is, blacks are an evolutionary mistake that nature is trying VERY HARD to correct.
ReplyDeleteBlacks only thrive because non-blacks pay out the ass for them with their tax dollars.
Blacks are biting the hand that feeds them and it'll stop feeding them sooner or later.