At 6:26 a.m., a citizen heard a woman's cries and saw a man running away with a purse, said police.
Investigators said the incident took place outside the YMCA at 801 North Dearborn Street.
According an eyewitness, a black man wearing a dark hooded sweatshirt, dark jeans, and a dark cap, fled the scene by jumping over a fence behind the YMCA, said authorities.
At the time of this report, police were unable to locate the female victim.
Investigators spoke with the manager at the YMCA, but the manager did not see the victim or witness the alleged crime.
Police stopped a possible suspect at Washington Square Park, 901 North Clark Street, but it’s unclear if an arrest was made.
While police were investigating the possible robbery, another 911 caller reported a man wearing a long brown leather coat in the vicinity of the alleged crime.
The man was naked underneath his coat, said police.
Several blocks south, a male black on Dearborn and Madison was banging on people’s cars and trying to attack them, said dispatch.
The incident was reported by a CTA bus driver in the area.
Well, at least the cops cleaned out those mob flash events and the MacDonalds is quieter. Now, the YMCA needs to add some extra security around that sketchy area. How pathetic that black girls just keep churning out these evil people onto innocent society. "Teach your children well" or the racial divide will only get wider. Learn how to act in civilized society or do us all a favor and take yourself out of the gene pool!
ReplyDeleteGhetto thugs, the parasites of the city. A huge bacteria on mankind! Give us CC!
"It takes a village", "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" "God Don't Like Ugly". .....blah, blah,blah, blah in Chicago. What they need to do is take care of their MEN and stop pushing them out the door B.A.M.N. after "churning" out those babies. I'm not hearing their cries anymore. Call up Tyrone. Oh, sorry, Obama. I think Erykah said it best......"I'm gettin' tired or your SH*T".
ReplyDeleteHave mercy on the truly innocent, educated, self-sustaining Blacks in this "city". I do notice them. But they do fight amongst themselves over skin tone like the gays fight/separate over sexual fetishes, body hair and dress style. What a mess here! A true, democratic, liberal MESS!
its a damned society. Not fixable, all you can do if you know how, is escape it. Through education and moving to a 'safer' neighborhood...as many try to do.
ReplyDelete@ Anonymous#2,
ReplyDeleteIt's not "liberal" mess, it's a "PC" mess. Everyone is afraid to call at as it is because then, news flash, we're racist, which is an entirely over used word.
How about starting a campaign where those who get the freebies in society HAVE to volunteer at least a few hours a month to earn those freebies? How about making the recipients of those freebies do litter pick up? Or scrub graffiti off? So many things they could do a few hours a month to earn their freebies AND help out their communities. BUT NOOOOOO, it's free so they don't have to do a thing to get it. I think the word for that is L-A-Z-Y and when the free money runs out, they prey on the very people who have contributed to that free money. There is NO antibiotic for the ghetto thug bacteria! It is truly a virus!
That YMCA and the other ones that have residential facilities are packed full of clients of social service agencies, usually they're dual diagnosis, mentally ill and drug addicts, you couldn't pay me to live with them, not even a million dollars