Starting around 12:52 a.m., 911 was flooded with emergency calls after a fire erupted at a North Side high rise in Uptown.
According to police dispatch, the fire was at Lawrence House, 1020 West Lawrence Avenue.
One source said the blaze started in an 8th floor apartment in the 12-story building.
Another report indicated the fire was on the 5th floor.
Lawrence and Sheridan Road and Kenmore and Leland Ave., were temporarily blocked while firefighters worked to put out the blaze.
At 1:16 a.m., CTA was notified that buses traveling along Sheridan Road, in the vicinity of the fire, would have to be rerouted.
At 1:19 a.m., people were still inside the building and officers at the scene weren’t sure if the CFD had ordered an evacuation.
Subsequent information indicated residents were not ordered to leave the building.
However, at the time, dispatch was still getting calls that elderly, disabled people were stuck on the 3rd floor.
At least two residents were taken to Weiss Memorial Hospital for smoke inhalation, said an officer at the scene.
If more details become available, this article will be updated accordingly.
Photo: LoopNet
Copyright 2011. All rights reserved.
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