Tuesday, September 20, 2011, at 7:55 p.m., a white male tried to enter the rear of the John Hancock Center at 875 North Michigan Avenue, carrying a steel or metal box, said authorities.
The box had the word “explosive” written on it, said the newsflash.
The suspect was last seen driving a vehicle that was described as a red hatchback.
It isn’t clear if this activity was observed by a citizen, or captured on a security camera.
Officers were asked to be on the lookout for anyone matching the above description.
Right. Meanwhile, over inside the Water Tower Mall.........
ReplyDelete"Right. Meanwhile, over inside the Water Tower Mall.........
ReplyDeletethe ghetto thugs have trashed a great place to shop. Wouldn't surprise me at all if WT didn't close in the next decade. I thought animals didn't s@#t where they sleep/eat? Someone lied! Oh wait...they don't sleep or eat in that neighborhood..that explains it.
I think they should have a "pass" to be in certain neighborhoods. I mean schools still require a "hall pass"....
Why exactly has Water Tower Place been targeted by buttholes? The proximity to the Red Line stop?
ReplyDeletePossible but I think it's more they like to pretend they have money but actually, they just go in there to steal rather then buy.
No, Towanda, you have it all wrong. They don't "act like they have money", they act like they just escaped Section 8 housing in foreclosure and they're proud of it. They fight, yell obscenities, try to summons the White male worker with the word "cracker", jump up and down on displays, tag fitting rooms with graffiti and --- are allowed to! Store "security" stands by without even asking them to leave, much less quiet down (can't "offend" here in PC town ya know). And an hour later.....they're back AGAIN with the same behavior. Some of these menaces to society can't be more than 13 or 14 years old. Give 'em another 5 years or so uncorrected.
ReplyDeleteThe thing Chicago should be worried about here is.....the whole WORLD is basically seeing how pitiful this city is as that mall attracts people from across the globe. At one of the "anchor" stores, they're doing that lock 1/2 the doors thing so they can't escape easily (I'll hand them that) but that practice is always a clue for me to stay away as there are obvious problems.
"Have you ever seen anything like this in Detroit?" (to Mr. Detroit visitor). "No, I haven't". "Nor have I".