Sunday, September 25, 2011

Lincoln Park: Man robbed at gunpoint on Wrightwood Ave.

Three suspects robbed a man on Chicago’s North Side, said police.

Around 8:10 p.m., a male victim was robbed at gunpoint on the 1200 block of West Wrightwood Avenue, near Wrightwood and Racine Avenues, said authorities.

The offenders were described as three male blacks.

One offender, who was wearing a Pittsburgh Steelers baseball cap, was armed with a silver revolver, said police.

The suspects were last in the alley behind Wrightwood.


  1. It is obvious the criminals commute to the Northside to commit their crimes. While we commute to work, the scumbags commute up here to do their "work". I wish we could stop the trains from running from the South side to the North side.

  2. No doubt about it. These ghetto thugs leave their picked over hoods to come pick over ours and they're riding the ghetto express to do it.

    Don't you just love "integration?"

  3. Or maybe they came from Pittsburgh.

  4. Or possibly Detroit. There is a gun ban here though.

  5. Anonymous@11:31,
    I already have, which is why I NOW tell it like it is. Interesting christmas wish you have. Mine? That would be the end to ghetto thug violence. Who's the jerk now?

  6. Haha! Towanda just SCHOOLED Anon!

  7. Guess Anon@11:31 decided to trash his comment. Coward!

  8. I love how it takes 3 cowards with a gun to rob one guy. Amazing.

  9. I doubt they took the train. They'd have never made it to the 1200 block of West Wrightwood without someone calling the cops on suspicious behavior (which is to say 3 guys of any color, dressed like they apparently were walking around Lincoln Park at 8:30pm -- let alone in an alley). And they sure as hell wouldn't have made it back to the train after an armed assault.


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