A dispatch report put the fire at 7065 North Clark Street.
However, another source confirmed the fire was at Carneceria La Azteca, which according to their business license, is located at 7067 North Clark Street, near Clark and Estes.
The fire was apparently started by downed wires in a nearby alley, said an officer at the scene.
At 1:12 a.m., CTA officials were notified that the #22 Clark bus would have to be temporarily rerouted, while firemen worked to put out the blaze.
At 1:33 a.m., police notified the manager or store owner.
At 1:38 a.m., the wires in the alley were dangling and still on fire, said an eyewitness at the scene.
Police blocked the alley behind the neighborhood store, around 1:47 a.m.
If more information becomes available, this article will be updated accordingly.
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