Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Boystown: Robbery at Clark and Belmont

Around 2:55 a.m., a robbery was reported in Chicago’s Boystown, Lakeview neighborhood.

The crime occurred near a North Side Dunkin Donuts at 3200 North Clark Street, at Clark and Belmont, said police.

A black man stole another man's cell phone, said authorities.

The offender is approximately 25-years-old and was last seen wearing a white jacket with orange letters on it.

The thief was last seen headed northbound on Clark Street.


  1. I was doing an all-nighter study session and I sat in the Starbucks on Clark and Belmont (across from this Dunkin' donuts) about 4am on the weekend. I saw homeless people literally chasing people up and down the street, I could hear them through the windows with headphones on! As soon as they spotted somebody they took off running 'Hey!!! Hey!!!"
    In a utopia that only exists in my mind, these f-er's would be shot with a tranq dart and placed in the pokey. For every white panhandler there are 200 black ones, why is it that so many black men become homeless? And you never, ever see asian homeless people and rarely latino.
    When that craphole "The Diplomat" was open you'd see guys with the red keychain from there claiming they were homeless. They need to get rid of the other SRO's in the area, too.

  2. The corner of Belmont and Clark has gotten progressively worse over the years. The signs of negative change were starting to show as early as the mid 90s.


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