Preliminary reports indicate two people were shot and one of them is dead.
Chicago News Report has obtained information verifying that the Cook County Medical Examiner's office was contacted regarding the shooting.
According to one source, police are working a crime scene on the 4400 block of North Clifton Avenue, near Clifton and Sunnyside - a few blocks east of Racine Avenue.
A vehicle involved in the shooting was hauled away by investigators.
A victim who was shot in the arm and the shoulder, was taken to Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center in critical condition; the victim who died, was reportedly shot in the head, said the Chicago Tribune.
Copyright 2011. ChicagoNewsReport.com. All rights reserved.
Ghetto thugs!
ReplyDeleteNo neighborhood is immune from these cancerous ghetoo thugs! It doesn't matter how much we pay to live in these areas the ghettos are allowed to terroize us. Clean this city up Mr. Mayor!
ReplyDeleteThis is complete BS! These ghetto thugs do not deserve to live amongst civilized people. They are the dregs of the earth. The parasites of society. The bottom feeders of the world! What a total embarrassment to society and this city they are.
ReplyDelete1 block from me, in the middle of a beautiful day on Friday, it sounded like the gunfight at OK corral. I watched as a little girl with a bike tried to keep up with her mother who was running with a baby in a stroller. A look of complete terror on that mothers face. My partner missed being around that gunfight by about an hour. As far as I'm concerned, these ghetto thugs NEED TO GET THE HELL OUT OF THIS NEIGHBORHOOD! They have NOT EARNED the right to be living here. Go ahead, cry out about YOUR civil rights while YOU TRAMPLE ALL over everyone else's. GHETTO SLIME!
F@#K PC!
See that those damn Polish Catholics do to a good neighborhood?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous@5:28, Yea right, you're a "red headed little white girl...BTW, your vocabulary, English speaking ability and spelling say something entirely different. Nice try though.
ReplyDeleteHere's a thought. WHY DON"T YOU start making a change in someones life? Seems all WE do is try and make a change in someones life to NO avail. WHY DON'T YOU and your ghetto thug friends TRY making a change in YOUR OWN LIFE...for a change instead of the gimme gimme gimme, whoa is me, poor little old me mentality? There are programs ALL over this city to assist those WHO REALLY WANT to change their lives, try signing up for them. Free rent or far less then market, food stamps, welfare, free help programs, after school programs. When is enough enough? Oh, not to mention all the people you and your lousy ghetto thugs can steal from.
Why the hell should I care IF that kid died anymore? He CHOSE his life. Do you ghetto thugs give a rats ass about shooting at each other in the middle of the day with children around? Do you care if your bullets hit an innocent bystander? Hell, you don't even care about the black on black crime going on in your neighborhoods. It's about fricking time YOU and YOUR GHETTO THUGS started caring about yourselves and changing YOUR lives. You've had enough people carrying your sorry lazy asses for long enough.
PC is dead! This is our neighborhood NOT THE GHETTO THUGS! Grow up and get a life! Go back to school, get an education. Parents, START raising your children instead of expecting the rest of us to do it for you. Better yet, stop having children you don't give a damn about. Don't like it? Too F@#KING BAD. I don't like YOUR behavior or attitude!
See how they are, George? I mean this flop-house apartment building I moved next door to in fancy Lakeview East throws 1/2 full Modelo cans out of their window on a daily basis, hangs their Cuban flag over their window sill with pride. I thought I was moving into a "diverse" neighborhood and was hoping for fresh pierogies, a real deli, maybe even some good bread or, hell, some Cuban food that I've never tried before. Boy, was I suckered.
ReplyDeleteHappy Lakefront Liberals in a Starbucks Ethnically Cleansed neighborhood life for you Chicagoans. I CANNOT believe I moved here.
I see that the "little red headed white girl" trashed her comment. Couldn't take the heat I guess.
ReplyDeleteTowanda I live a block North of Granville, where was the shooting? I know of the shooting a few back on Kenmore its is less hen a half block from the coffee shop I go to
ReplyDeleteWHICH ONE?
Let's see, we had a gunfight on Glenlake around Kenmore, That was Friday about 1:10 in the afternoon. About 10+ shots. Then the one in this article. Shots on Sheridan around Sunnyside. The list goes on & on Ryne and this ALL just happened since Friday. I am so fed up with all this crap and the people who blame everyone else for the behavior of these ghetto thugs. The look on that mother and child's face running on Glenlake, broke my heart. The fact that my partner had been RIGHT there an hour prior has made me ANGRY, though I'm glad she was home when it started. Still, why do WE have to put up with these criminals who care NOTHING about who they may hit when the bullets start flying?
I was looking at condos in early 2010, and I was with my RE agent in a really nice condo building right there on Clifton. $300,000+ condos, and there's a big Section 8 building right across the street. It's the Section 8 housing that's the problem. Instead of a couple units in a big building being Section 8 like they should be, entire buildings are being lent out to super-low income people. The whole idea around Section 8 in the beginning was to mix the housing so people who needed a leg-up would be around people who could show them how. Instead, whole buildings are full of people who feed off each other's lack of knowledge about how to behave like good citizens, and so they're full of drug addicts, dealers, and thugs. Section 8 needs a thorough reworking.
ReplyDeleteI pity the residents in Uptown because Uptown has the HIGHEST concentration of SRO'S, CHA and SEC 8 in the ENTIRE city. Some of that spills over into the other neighborhoods. Some of these thugs live in the places and aren't even on the lease. It's really time that the management of the CHA & SEC 8 start being held accountable for the people living in these places that WE, the law abiding taxpaying citizens, help to pay for with our hard earned dollars. It's time we stop worrying about these ghetto thugs civil rights and START worrying about our rights. They're playing the entire city with their wah wah about their civil rights and we're falling for it. They don't give a rats ass about ANY community they live in! I'm sick of parents having children they don't take responsibility for. I'm sick of certain people blaming society for these ghetto thugs. It's time WE started fighting back and screaming about our civil rights being trampled on!
ReplyDeleteSend these thugs to the burbs.
ReplyDeleteA lot of the burbs are fighting this cancer too. Basically wherever gheto thugs go they take their shitty mentality and behavior with them. I wish we could quarantine a section of the state for ghetto thugs and not allow them out of this quarantine section.
ReplyDeleteWhat's the point of complaining about the thugs and then saying - but I'm not racist? Of course you are, or at least should be, I am. It requires quite a leap though to be a racist and feel no qualms -why? - we have been taught since the 60s that there are no races, only the human race. Therefor, if a race (ethnicity, culture, if you like) is behaving poorly it cannot be the fault of the race itself, it must be some outside influence (we're all the same keep in mind). The answer was to fix the outside influence - disenfranchisement from the dominate race was the problem. But its all a lie - race is real: it was recently big headlines that blacks lack Neanderthal DNA - hello? Look at Haiti if you're not convinced - once the jewel of the colonies; its French population murdered by former black slaves upon emancipation, country goes to Africa-status, Haiti is then propped up 3 more times by America ($$, infrastructure, education, hospitals) - Haiti reverts to Africa-status after every pull out. Not all races can live in a polis -it requires certain evolutionary traits, namely altruism for the group (they don't have it and never will).
ReplyDeleteEvolution of the human involved more than mutations for skin color - I'm willing to bet that the mind was at least marginally involved (what a concept).
ReplyDeleteInteresting comment and I would bet, partly true. I see many blacks who are educated, contributing and participating in society, though fewer who are not. My issue with ANY ethnicity is the criminal behavior AND the entitlement mentality. Ghetto thugs of ANY ethnicity are bottom feeders to me and I actually dislike them to the point of hatred. Does that make me racist? If, in your opinion and according to your comment, it does. Then I guess I'm a racist. However, for me, it is as I stated above. GHETTO THUGS are not people I want living anywhere near me, my family or grandchildren. They care nothing about the innocent citizens, the very citizens who carry their lazy, sorry, criminal lives. They are a blight on their entire culture, which is another travesty they inflict. The black on black crime, the black on white crime and subsequent racial slurs that should be considered HATE CRIME are just another example of why this city remains so segregated. Dispersing them into ALL neighborhoods only created violence throughout the city and makes it harder for the police to contain because they are running ALL over the place now. I'm sick of having to be PC because of fear of offending and violating THEIR civil rights while they care nothing about ours. Dispersing the criminals from the projects throughout the entire city only served the criminals because now they have more to prey on. One of, if not the biggest mistakes the city created. Those who do not know who to live in a civilized society should have a place to go where then can feed off each other. Those parent/parents who do not know how to teach their children manners, respect, right from wrong or how to act civilized, should be taken out of the gene pool. Don't like it? TOO BAD! I don't like what these ghetto thugs are doing to this city and the innocent citizens who live, work and spend money here. GET OVER IT!
Towanda - on your point about it being behavior and not race: Yes, there are plenty of whites who I would ship out with the blacks, absolutely. The difference is this, and its a concept which I have don't fully have a grip on - goes something like this:
ReplyDeleteIf I see a whigger strutting around with his pants down, I have just as much disdain for him (more actually) than when I see a black doing it. The difference is I feel that I could talk to this kid and that he would probably give some of his attention; a black kid would laugh at me (at best). The white kid still feels a sense of responsibility to his society (which is really just a large extended family) and wants to belong, he knows he's doing wrong, while the black is on self-righteous mission of anti-white revolution (no different than Haiti and supported by the vast majority of the black community). I'm not a white nationalist: I don't believe that society only works if its all white (definitely makes things easier). Many colors can follow the ideal of white society, they can and do assimilate - Latinos (some of whom are white) and Asians try to assimilate (if immigration rate is slow enough) - I have no fear in the Asian or Hispanic districts, yet I see very few blacks even making an effort, very few who will reject their ridiculous vernacular, dress, music, and flamboyant impolite ways - can they? I live around blacks and grew up with them - I assimilated with them as a semi-whigger as a youth - they want nothing to do with white ideals. Same goes for orthodox Muslims and orthodox Jews - interesting that blacks like to convert to Islam and Black Israelite- organizations that lend structure, rationale, and spirituality for their anti-white campaign. The anti-white factions are merging into a cohesive mass while white people are stupidly trying to rid themselves of thousands of years of kinship - not good. Ironically, our saving grace may be illegal immigration, they have no sympathy for the sins of the past/no white guilt - look at Brazil and how they handle the blacks.
I'm also looking into Brazil who appear to be about 50 years ahead of us in their black on white race war and its not going well.
Fight crime...shoot back! Population control. Let them kill each other. I wonder how many of those guns were once in the CPD holding and ended up back on the streets, as usual. I think it's great in Chicago you can't defend yourself. It helps thin out the herd.
ReplyDeleteAgree Brahms. I lived on the South East Side which is mostly hispanic. I had no problems sure your neighbors may not speak English and probably aren't legal, but I sure as hell felt way safer on the East Side then in Rogers Park. Bottom line Mexicans and most Hispanics don't like blacks and aren't afraid to let it be known. I would come home all times of the night on the East side w/o incident last night (8/30) I was nearly attacked by a black mob of teens on Greenview in Rogers Park. I wish I were still on the East Side.
ReplyDeleteEvery time I go to Uptown I see some insane stuff, a guy was trying to fight people at McDonald's on Sheridan/Wilson. The cops chased him, he ran towards Broadway, he came back and ran into the church on Wilson/Sheridan. More than enough cops ran in there with guns drawn. I was waiting for Ashton Kutcher to show up and tell somebody they've been punk'd.
ReplyDeleteAnother time a drunk schizo guy ran up to an Asian girl at the bus stop and started screaming at her "Ching Chang cho chung Chinese Restaurant you got CHOP SUEY" for a few minutes. I knew she wasn't from the neighborhood because she was sober and had actually bathed that day.
After volunteering for various Uptown things after a year I've decided these people are never going to shape up. I'm sick of social workers advocating for EVEN MORE WELFARE, MORE SECTION 8, MORE HANDDOWNS. It'll keep them employed and the weirdness of Uptown will spread even further.
True story, When I was transfered to Albuquerque for a job, we bought a house in what was considered the "War Zone" on the southeast side of Albuq. Great house, great neighborhood. All around the area were mexicans and hispanics and NEVER once was I EVER afraid, accosted, robbed or disrespected. I would live around the mexicans or hispanics ANYTIME. They are not loud and obnoxious, rude, robbers, disrespectful and don't have the gimme gimme gimme mentality. They NEVER scream violation of their civil rights and NEVER trample all over other peoples rights. They are family oriented and take care of their children. Sure, there are some who are ghetto thugs and in gangs but I NEVER feared them like I fear the ghetto thugs coming out of the black culture. These ghetto thugs have NO HUMANITY and then scream racism, violation of civil rights, discrimination, not fair, wah wah wah. How is it possible that the majority of immigrants coming into this country actually succeed but the black community stays mired in the bottom of the success chain? I think it's time we started standing up against these ghetto thug parasites and started holding them accountable for their behavior. Since when have we become a society that allows the minority to control the majority? Since when do we not stand up for OUR rights and that includes LIVING a life free from these ghetto thugs rather then living a life of survival from them? I'm pissed now and I don't give a rats ass who thinks what of me. Sooner or later, we ALL need to get pissed and stand up to these animals.
ReplyDelete1) Start cutting off welfare after a certain number of children
2) change the loitering laws to benefit the innocent and not the criminals
3) evict those breaking the rules of CHA/SEC 8
4) conceal carry
5) mandatory drug testing IF you want FREE housing or way below market rate
6) stiffer penalties for illegal weapon use
7) take away "good time" in the prisons
8) hold parents of underage criminals accountable
9) hold landlords accountable for the tenants
10) disperse the CHA/SEC 8 housing more evenly throughout the city and hold the SRO's accountable for their tenants and city building codes.
FEEL FREE to add more suggestions. I'm sure there are many many of us fed up with this entitlement attitude and the ghetto thugs terrorizing the city.
Isnt it something we all can do about these so called thugs?! Because im sick of seeing them too!!! All they ever do is take up space, they dont mean any good and keep up alot of trouble!!! Its time to start taking back the North Side!!!
ReplyDeleteTowanda. I like your comments. They make sense, and you don't sugar coat anything. I have relatives who live in the southern suburbs like Tinley Park, Oak Lawn, Orland, and even Dyer, IN, and all they ever ask me is WHY IS THE NORTH SIDE GETTING SO BAD? They say I thought you northsiders were yuppies and lived free of the ghetto scum. I am getting to the point where I am ashamed to live up here and ready to move back to the burbs. However, I hate to let the ghetto scum win, which at this point they are.
ReplyDeleteThe welfare state has created a boatload of illiterate, completely useless people of all races, creeds and colors. Several Chicago-based organizations wouldn't even exist or maybe have 25 percent of their staff had Uncle Sam not paid useless, ignorant people to sit on their butt and create more useless, ignorant people. One guy at my former volunteer site did not even know or was aware of most of the businesses, churches, hell, damn near everything in his neighborhood, he only knew the DHS office, the soup kitchen and the price-gouging convenience store where he got his food and smokes. When I gave him a gift card and a coupon to get double subs at Subway, he thought he had to go downtown?? Even though there were three of them within walking distance. Took no interest in his surroundings. No tv, doesn't read, I don't even know what most of these people did to pass the time other than stare at their shoes.
ReplyDeleteYou know seriously tim if you cant keep up with your blog then why even have it. Every couple days we get a period of 5-12 days of no new news seriously that sucks
ReplyDeleteagreed anonymous 12:06pm. there are tons of crimes. we need up to date info.
ReplyDeleteAgreed. I appreciate his "hands-on" reporting style but needs to be consistent or the obvious hobby of his will be soon forgotten.
ReplyDeleteIts really a shame to hear the words "why should i care if that kid is dead" first of all i kno him personally even though he hung with a bad crowd,he had a job he finished school and had family that loved him....its not his fault that the people he hung around caused drama..its hard to distance yourself from people who youve grew up with but to just be friends with sumone be the reason your shot is a damn shame so think twice as u so call adults speak..changing the laws will maybe change more lives..Towanda
ReplyDeleteAnonymous #27,
ReplyDeleteYea right, he wasn't like his "homies". Nice try. People who are trying to change their lives DO NOT continue to hand with thugs! This shit from ghetto thugs is coming way to close to home for me so I have NO REASON to care about these ghetto thugs shooting and killing each other ANYMORE!
NOTHING and I mean NOTHING anyone does to help these "kids" changes because they DO NOT WANT TO CHANGE their behavior. Again.....YOU GET WHAT YOU GIVE! This is what these ghetto thugs do, the people who USED to care about helping NO LONGER CARE because it doesn't matter. Now, we're ALL just getting pissed off! Deal with it because God knows we have been dealing with it for far to long with NO results! It's your turn to deal with our anger!
I was going to move to Uptown in 2006 upon the recommendation of a native that said "it's turing around". I remember saying then that "it has alot more spinning to do before I'd live here". At the same time he was congratulating this male couple/friends of his for finally selling their condo and "getting out of there".
ReplyDeleteSeriously. 300K?!
Miss ya, Fitz!
ReplyDeleteWhere is the Chicago News Reporter? Is he okay?
ReplyDeleteThis racist board sux to the max!
ReplyDeleteLet down - no new stories still
ReplyDeleteTo the people complaining about no news being reported lately, just relax. This is Mr Fitz's blog and he is providing a FREE service to us. He can do whatever he damn well pleases. If you want to hear what's going on in your area, buy a scanner yourself. Lazy bastards!
ReplyDeleteThere was a storyline in the "Batman" comics where they (the federal government) decided the situation in Gotham was so hopeless that they isolated it from the rest of the world, destroyed the bridges, etc. They gave people ample time to get out before they did so.
ReplyDeleteI think this approach would work with Uptown!!
I hope that Tim did not become a victim of one of Chicago's many crimes.
ReplyDeleteInstead of slang banging online. Read uptown's GANG history. Upt has always been the wild wild west. Prohibition drugs addictions territorial fights homelessness the mentally challenged. Poor Italians gangs, Irish gangs, Polish gangs, Latino gangs, Jews, Blacks ... Uptown is like the movie "The West Side Story" without the musiq