Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Armed robbery at Uptown 7-Eleven

A male and female duo are wanted for the armed robbery of a North Side Chicago convenience store.

According to police dispatch, the Uptown 7-Eleven at 1136 West Wilson Avenue, was robbed around 3:39 a.m.

A black woman with a knife and black man with a gun, robbed the 7-Eleven and also stole a cell phone, said police.

Other than the fact that the woman was wearing a gray jacket and the man was wearing a black jacket, few details were given regarding the crooks’ appearances.

At 3:43 p.m., officers stopped two possible suspects at the corner of Wilson and Kenmore.

It’s unclear if any arrests were made.


  1. That is so sweet! Couples that work together like this stand a better chance of staying together, I understand! Uptown---a family place!

  2. "gmgxu72"..WOW dude what kinda stuff are you smokin'? Whatever it is, it's making you delusional. "Family Place"? Uptpwn? It's just so typical of thugs to TAKE, TAKE and TAKE instead of contributing. Robbery is their FULL time JOB. GIMME, GIMME, GIMME with a gun or knife. Bottom feeding scumbag losers of society. What a legacy!

  3. Towanda, Look up sarcasm in the dictionary.

  4. I guess I didn't think I needed to spell out that I was being sarcastic, but I guess I did.

  5. gmgxu72 - I understood your post and it made me laugh. Then I read towanda's and laughed harder. It is a shame that this kind of violence and general crime appears to be on the upswing. Hopefully it is not a sign of an upcoming troubled summer.

  6. Thomas, I think we're in for it this summer. In every neighborhood ALL over the city, crime is on the rise. We just have to stay alert and do what we can to protect ourselves. Take the headphones outta your ears, put the Ipod away and check out what's going on around you. COOL stuff means you become a target.

    gmgxu72, I got it, but you have to admit, it does sound like your smokin' some good s##t;) It reminded me of Cheech & Chong:)

  7. "That is so sweet! Couples that work together like this stand a better chance of staying together, I understand! Uptown---a family place!"

    Yes. The couple that robs together, does time together. Very sweet, indeed! :-)

  8. I'm surprised this 7-11 doesn't get robbed more often, over there by the Wilson El there is nothing but thugs and loiterers everywhere!


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